An Interactionist Approach to Student Success: When Conscientiousness Matters - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Interactionist Approach to Student Success: When Conscientiousness Matters


One lesson learned from the person-situation debate is that accurately ... many students (Wilkinson & Sherman, 1990; Hiltz, 1994; Guernsey & Young, 1998) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Interactionist Approach to Student Success: When Conscientiousness Matters

An Interactionist Approach to Student Success
When Conscientiousness Matters Joan R. Poulsen,
Deborah A. Kashy, Gerd Kortemeyer Department of
Psychology - Michigan State University
Abstract One lesson learned from the
person-situation debate is that accurately
predicting outcomes involves the interaction
between personality characteristics and aspects
of the situation. This study examines how the
personality trait conscientiousness predicts
academic outcomes across a range of course
content domains, and estimates the degree to
which situational differences in the course
structure moderate the conscientiousness-course
success relationship. The courses varied in their
content domains (e.g., psychology, physics,
chemistry), but they all shared a common
internet-based homework and course management
system LON-CAPA. We examine how
conscientiousness interacts with a variety of
course requirements in predicting student
performance. Course requirements examined include
frequency of homework assignments, percentage of
grade that homework contributes, the number of
resubmissions (i.e., additional attempts after an
incorrect answer is submitted) students were
given for typical homework problems.
Figure 1. The frequency of homework assignments
moderates the effect of conscientiousness on
course grade.
  • Many studies have examined the role of
    conscientiousness in academic domains. To
    summarize, people who are higher on
    conscientiousness, tend to
  • Be more likely to complete more years of
    schooling (Barrick Mount, 1991 McKenzie Gow,
  • Have higher motivation to perform well (Judge
    Ilies, 2002)
  • Have a positive attitude about school (Heaven et
    al., 2002)
  • Have higher self-reported and actual performance
    at school (Heaven et al., 2002 Paunonen
    Ashton, 2001)
  • Have the tendency to perform more behaviors
    (e.g., turn in assignments on time) leading to
    academic success (De Raad Schouwenburg, 1996).
  • However, personality is more predictive in some
    situations than others. Thus, there may be some
    academic situations in which conscientiousness
    helps a student more than others. The situation
    we examine here is how instructors implemented
    the LON-CAPA course management and assignment
    system in their classes.
  • Materials
  • Characteristics of the Students
  • School Conscientiousness Level of
    conscientiousness in behaviors in the school
    domain was measured using a modified version of
    the IPIP scale (alpha .84).
  • Grade in course The final grade in the course
    was obtained from the registrars records on a
    0.0 4.0 scale.
  • Percent homework solved This information was
    downloaded from the LON-CAPA system and
    calculated as the number of problems the student
    solved correctly divided by the number of
    problems assigned.
  • GPA Students cumulative grade point average was
    obtained from the registrars records at the end
    of the term.

Figure 2. The amount homework contributes to the
course grade moderates the relationship between
conscientiousness and course grade.
  • Characteristics of the Courses
  • Percent grade that homework counted We examined
    the syllabi from each course to determine the
    percent of the total grade earned from LON-CAPA
  • Frequency of assignments Using course syllabi,
    we assessed how frequently homework assignments
    were given (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, etc.).
  • Number of students in the class The number of
    students enrolled in the class at the end of the
    semester according to the registrars records.
  • Maximum tries The average number of submissions
    allowed per problem by the instructor over a
    course. This information was downloaded from the
    LON-CAPA system, except in cases of unusual
    outliers, in which case information from the
    syllabi were used to determine this value.
  • What is LON-CAPA?
  • The LearningOnline Network with a Computer
    Assisted Personalized Approach
  • LON-CAPA is an integrated system for online
    learning and assessment.
  • It consists of
  • a learning content authoring and management
    system allowing new and existing content to be
    used flexibly
  • a course management system
  • an individualized homework and automatic grading
  • data collection and data mining system
  • a content delivery system that will provide
    gateways to and from NSF's National STEM Digital
  • One reason conscientiousness is interesting to
    examine in terms of internet-based academic
    behaviors is the concern that distance education
    and online components of classes are too
    unstructured to promote success for many students
    (Wilkinson Sherman, 1990 Hiltz, 1994 Guernsey
    Young, 1998). With the growing popularity of
    the use of internet technology in education, it
    is useful to understand how the structure of a
    course can impact student performance, and what
    role conscientiousness plays in this.
  • Given this previous work, students who are higher
    on conscientiousness should generally have better
    grades than students lower in conscientiousness.
    Also, when courses are structured more loosely
    (e.g., students are less accountable for their
    progress), students higher in conscientiousness
    should perform better than those who are lower on
  • In this study, we investigated the following
  • 1. Does conscientiousness predict student
  • 2. Does the structure of the online component of
    a class influence student success?
  • 3. Do students who are more conscientious tend to
    do better (or worse) if courses are structured in
    certain ways?
  • 4. How do student-level conscientiousness ratings
    and course-level differences in class structure
    interact to predict student performance?
  • Method
  • Participants
  • 3394 undergraduate students (51 women 85
    Caucasian, 5 African-American, 7 Asian
    American) enrolled in one of 34 classes at
    Michigan State University that were using the
    LON-CAPA system in either Fall semester of 2003
    or Spring semester of 2004.
  • Procedure
  • These data were collected as part of a larger
    study assessing the educational effectiveness of
    the LON-CAPA system and internet technology.
    Students in the classes that used LON-CAPA were
    surveyed at the start and end of the semester. We
    assessed their level of conscientiousness,
    attitudes about the LON-CAPA course management
    system. We downloaded information from the
    LON-CAPA system about students online behaviors.
    We also obtained information from the registrar
    and instructors about students grades and GPA,
    as well as information from syllabi about class
    policies, grading procedures, and how the
    instructor used the software in his or her class.
  • Similarly, the relationship between
    conscientiousness and the percent of homework
    students solved was moderated by three factors
  • When homework counted less towards the course
    grade, students higher on conscientiousness did
    better on the homework.
  • When the class size was larger,
    conscientiousness was more strongly related to
    the amount of homework students completed.
  • When students were given more tries to get
    problems correct, conscientiousness was stronger
    predictor of how much homework students got
  • The overall pattern suggests that when a class is
    structured with fewer external motivational
    factors, conscientiousness plays a larger role in
    predicting student success.
  • The LON-CAPA software provides instructors with a
    common, scalable platform to assist in all
    aspects of teaching a course, from lecture
    preparation to administration of homework
    assignments and exams.
  • It provides a sophisticated assignment engine
    that can create unique homework assignments and
    exams for each student in a class. Its formative
    and summative assessment tools grade a broad
    variety of objective problems and assist in
    evaluation of essays.
  • It provides prompt feedback for students and
    instructors, as well as statistical information
    on performance and effectiveness of materials.
    Discussion pages attached to every homework
    assignment encourage communication among students
    and faculty.
  • The LON-CAPA software is freely available and
    free (GNU General Public License), and may be
    modified and adapted.
  • Results
  • Sample characteristics
  • Students had a mean conscientiousness rating of
    5.13 (SD 0.88) on a seven-point scale, and an
    average cumulative GPA of 3.13 (four-point
    system) (SD .57).
  • Conscientiousness predicts student success
  • Regression analyses were used to analyze the
    degree to which school conscientiousness
    predicted outcomes for students. We controlled
    for students overall GPA and found that higher
    levels of school conscientiousness predicted
  • Higher course grades (b .06 )
  • Higher percent of homework solved (b
  • Fewer guesses on the homework (b -.884)
  • Moderators of the relationship between
    Conscientiousness and success
  • Multi-level regression was used to analyze how
    different course-level characteristics (Level 2)
    moderated the effects of conscientiousness (Level
    1) on student outcomes.
  • The association between conscientiousness and
    course grade is moderated by two main factors of
  • Frequency homework was due Conscientiousness
    had a stronger effect on course grade when
    homework was less frequently assigned. (Figure 1)
  • Percent of grade homework counted
    Conscientiousness had a stronger effect on course
    grade when homework counted less towards the
    course grade. (Figure 2)

  • Conclusions
  • The present research suggests that
  • Students higher on conscientiousness tend to
    perform better in university courses.
  • Students high on conscientiousness perform
    behaviors that improve their grade (they complete
    more homework, guess less).
  • But, conscientiousness may be more predictive
    of student success in courses that are less
    rigidly structured.
  • When students have less external motivation for
    doing homework, conscientiousness is more
    important for success.
  • Also, when students are less accountable (e.g.,
    higher class size, homework is optional), those
    higher on conscientiousness may have the
  • Although conscientiousness predicts student
    success in college-level courses, the way in
    which courses are structured influences the
    strength of this association.
  • LON-CAPA was developed by an enthusiastic group
    of faculty and professionals who recognize that
    Information Technology can play an important role
    in improving students learning and
  • Current members of the project include faculty
    from universities, colleges, and K-12 schools in
    the US, Canada, Asia, Africa, and Europe. The
    core development group is located at Michigan
    State University.
  • Today LON-CAPA is serving over 16,000 course
    enrollments per semester at MSU alone, and well
    over 23,000 course enrollments system-wide,
    ranging from middle school to graduate level
  • Disciplines include astronomy, biology, business,
    chemistry, civil engineering, computer science,
    family and child ecology, geology, human food and
    nutrition, human medicine ,mathematics, medical
    technology, physics, and psychology.
  • The Effects of Conscientiousness in Educational
  • Previous work on conscientiousness suggests that
    it positively predicts many performance-related
    outcomes, such as job performance, and academic

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