Title: APX, Inc'
1NEPOOL GIS Update GIS Generator Registration
Screen Run-of-River March 31, 2005 Release
APX, Inc. "The material herein was
developed under contract for the NEPOOL GIS
program by APX, Inc. All information contained
herein is to be handled and considered as NEPOOL
Proprietary. No right, title, or interest in any
entity other than NEPOOL is granted."
2GIS Generator Screen UpdateChanges to Generator
Information Screen as a result of Connecticut
Department of Public Utility Control Decision on
R-O-R Hydropower
- Per Connecticut DPUC Declaratory Ruling (Docket
No. 04-02-07) for existing facilities (CT
Class II R-O-R facilities that began operation
prior to July 1, 2003 primarily) that added new
capacity after July 1, 2003, only a portion of
its capacity that is attributable to the
additional capacity may be eligible for Class I
status. - The GIS Generator screen update will facilitate a
temporary change in a R-O-R facilitys baseline
nameplate capacity, therefore allowing the unit
to achieve CT Class I RECs for its additional
capacity only. - Although viewable by the GIS Account Holder, the
new field can only be accessed by the GIS
Administrator. All data to be entered and/or
edited shall be reported to the GIS Administrator
by the Connecticut DPUC only. - A new Fuel Attribute has been added to the
Hydroelectric Fuel type to further classify the
differences in R-O-R hydro facilities. Any R-O-R
hydro facility that intends to utilize this
Connecticut ruling should have this new fuel
attribute selected in its generation registration
screen. - Certificates that are created as a result of the
additional capacity (and additional generation)
shall contain a similar field in the physical
Certificate/s so as to display additional
information regarding the Certificate/s, as well
as, maintain a history of changes to the affected
facility as it relates to this ruling.
3GIS Generator Screen UpdateRun-of-River Hydro
A new Fuel Attribute has been added to
Hydroelectric in order to further classify the
special cases involving R-O-R for participating
hydro facilities and this ruling.
Data field where the GIS Administrator will enter
the amount of additional capacity eligible for CT
Class I.