Title: Promoting independence and choice through the use of telecare
1Promoting independence and choice through the use
of telecare
Sandy Clarke Physical Disability and Sensory
Impairment Team Care Services Improvement
2 It can be as simple as a basic community alarm
service, able to respond in an emergency and
provide regular contact by telephone It may
include detectors and monitors such as motion or
falls detectors and warnings about fire and gas
escape that can trigger a warning to a response
centre Should be part of the local health and
social care pathway for managing long term
Support Prevention Response Safety Security
3(No Transcript)
4the population is changing and ageing
Total English population predicted to grow by
just under 7 by 2021
Average family size expected to level off at 1.75
children. Single Parent and Single Person
Households will grow
The number of people over 75 will grow by over
27 by 2021
The number of people over 60 will grow by 31 by
The proportion of people from ethnic minorities
will grow
increasing demands on health and social care
services and informal carers
5 Telecare is a vital key to unlocking the
- New demands need to be managed
- We have to change the status quo
- We need new ways of working
- We have to invest in new technology
- We need to work in partnership
6 Increase the number of people who can benefit
from telecare services by at least
160,000 Increase choice and control increase
independence Reduce the need for residential or
nursing care Reduce hospital admissions Reduce
falls and accidents at home Reduce burden on
carers more personal freedom
Help to unlock resources and redirect them
7PTG expected outcomes
- Wider health, housing and social care policy
agendas - The development of a range of preventative
services -
- Support for people with long term health
conditions - Support hospital discharge and intermediate care
- Support those who wish to die at home
8The National Framework Agreement for telecare
- Simplified procurement arrangements to get best
value from the Preventative Technology Grant. - Covers installation, maintenance, monitoring and
response as well as equipment - Costs under the framework can be compared with
any existing arrangements - Details of suppliers and products/services are
available via NHS E-cat
9The evidence for telemedicine
- Journal of telemedicine and telecare
- Mobile phone technology in the management of
asthma - Home sleep studies for Obstructed Sleep Apnoea
Syndrome - Support following hospital discharge for
critically ill children video conferencing - Teledermatology in Western Isles reduces waiting
10The evidence for telecare
- Barnsley and Doncaster Assistive Technology for
Independence (AT4I) - Cumbrias Virtual Care Village
- Surrey Columba project
- Durham People at Home And In Touch
- Northamptonshire Safe at Home
- West Lothian Opening doors for Older People
- Kent Active Living project
- Hampshire the Wristcare pilot
11- Whole Systems Demonstrator Sites
- Cornwall, Newham, Kent
- Help people to maintain their independence
- Reduce the number of prescriptions dispensed
- Reduce the numbers admitted to residential care
or nursing homes - Reduce emergency bed days and admissions and AE
12Useful websites www.webvmc.com www.hometelehealth
ltd.co.uk www.docobo.co.uk www.medscape.com
13 Suppliers and related companies www.EQUAL.ac.uk
www.ricability.org.uk www.hommed.com www.nrs-uk
.co.uk www.abledata.com www.medequip-uk.com www.
dlf.org.uk www.bath.ac.uk www.rethinkinghousing
.org www.healthhero.com
14CSIP Telecare eNewsletters Monthly
newsletter General support Event listings PTG
circulars Information about the National
Framework Agreement Telecare Services
Association Codes of Practice Examples Offers of
further help from CSIP
- Building Telecare in England, DH (July 2005)
- Local Authority Circular LAC(2006)5
- http//www.dh.gov.uk/PublicationsAndStatistics/Pub
lications/ - National Framework Agreement http//www.pasa.nhs.u
k/eat/telecare - CSIP CD ROM - Telecare living with
independence - www.changeagentteam.org.uk
- CSIP help telecare_at_csip.org.uk
- Accessing NHS E-cat www.cat.csip.org.uk/telecare