Title: Databases and Information Systems
1Databases and Information Systems
MSIT124 Database Systems Lecture 1
2Some Applications of Database Systems/Information
- Supermarket invemtory checkout
- Credit card purchases cash advance
- Automated teller machines deposits, withdrawals
balance inquiry - Travel agent booking, reservation ticketing
- Library catalog, loans returns
- Insurance customer information
- University student information
3Databases and Information Systems
Strategic Databases
Decision support systems
Database Management System (DBMS)
Management Databases
Management information systems
Transaction processing systems
Transaction Databases
Information Resources Management
4What is an Information System?
- An information system is a system that collects
and stores data. (Webopedia)
5Steps Involved in Converting Data to Information
6What is a database?
- Database A collection of related data.
- Data Known facts that can be recorded and have
an implicit meaning. - Mini-world Some part of the real world about
which data is stored in a database. For example,
consider student names, student grades and
transcripts at a university. -
7What is a database management system (DBMS)?
- A software package/ system to facilitate the
creation and maintenance of a computerized
database. - It defines (data types, structures, constraints)
construct (storing data on some storage medium
controlled by DBMS) and manipulate (querying,
update, report generation) databases for various
applications. -
8What is a database system?
- The DBMS software together with the data itself.
- Sometimes, the applications are also included.
9Bibliographic record
10Directory record
11Fulltext record
12Numeric record
13Muti-media database example record
Multimedia record
14Why databases and the World-Wide Web?
- Greatly improves finding information
- Greatly improves managing information
- Vast mass of information held on existing
databases - Multi-platform
15Databases and the World-Wide Web
16Stages in a Database System Life Cycle
Growth and Change
Requirements formulation and analysis
Operation and Maintenance
Implemen- tation