Title: NETWORKS 2: ECE09'202'01
- NETWORKS 2 ECE09.202.01
- 28 November 2006 Lecture 12
- College of Engineering
- Dr Peter Mark Jansson, PP PE
- Autumn Semester 2006 Quarter Two
3Chapter 9 key concepts
- Todays learning objectives
- natural response 2nd order diff eqs
- natural responses
- unforced parallel RLC circuit
- critically damped unforced parallel RLC circuit
- unforced underdamped parallel RLC circuit
- overdamped and undamped RLC circuits
- forced response of RLC circuit
- complete response of RLC circuit
4solution of the 2nd order diff eq the natural
- we have now seen that a circuit with two
irreducible energy storage elements can be
represented by a 2nd order diff eq of the
following general form
Where a2, a1 and a0 are known and the forcing
function f(t) is specified
5solution of the 2nd order diff eg the natural
- the complete response of a circuit with two
irreducible energy storage elements x(t) can be
represented by its two components, namely the
natural response (xn) and the forced response
Where a2, a1 and a0 are known and the forcing
function f(t) is specified
6solution of the 2nd order diff eg the natural
- the natural response (xn) satisfies the unforced
2nd order diff eq when f(t)0
Since the exponential function is the only
function that is proportional to all of its
derivatives and integrals we postulate this
general solution
7solution of the 2nd order diff eq the natural
- substituting the value of xn from (2) into (1)
solving we obtain
8solution of the 2nd order diff eq the natural
- solving for the non-trivial solution (xn ? 0)
We arrive at the characteristic equation whose
solutions are
9solution of the 2nd order diff eg the natural
- there are two distinct roots and two solutions
The roots of the characteristic equation contain
all the information necessary for determining the
character of the natural response. The roots (s1
s2) are the characteristic roots and are often
called the natural frequencies.
10solution of the 2nd order diff eg the natural
- there are two distinct roots and two solutions
The real roots (s1 s2) are often called the
natural frequencies of the circuit. The
reciprocals of these real characteristic roots
are the circuits time constants.
11example 1
- Find the characteristic equation and the natural
frequencies for the circuit shown below -
12example 1 via the operator method
KCL for the top node is(t) v(t)/4 i(t)
KVL right mesh i(t)(6s) v(t) Combine
equations for i and v
13solution of the 2nd order diff eq the natural
- solving for the characteristic equation
we set the coefficients of i(t) equal to zero
natural frequencies
Write the circuits time constants as LC1
14Hw solution 9.3-2
15Hw solution 9.3-2 - the natural response
- find the characteristic equation and its roots
for the circuit in Figure P 9.3-2 (see page 402)
divide through by LC and re-arrange to obtain
16solution of 9.3-2 - the natural response
L100 mH C1/3 mF
- the characteristic equation and its roots are
Write the circuits natural frequencies and time
constants as LC2
- Unforced circuit no forcing function is present
(interactions are between energy storage elements
only) - Undamped circuit a circuits natural response
will be to oscillate indefinitely - Damped circuit a circuits natural response will
be curtailed from oscillating indefinitely and
depending upon damping may immediately be
quenched (see over, under, and critically damped)
18natural response unforced parallel RLC circuit
This is the characteristic equation of the
parallel RLC
19more definitions
- For unforced parallel RLC circuits
- Resonant frequency a circuits resonant
frequency occurs when ?2 1/LC or when
- At resonant frequency a circuits reactance is
zero, the phase angle is zero and the impedance
is purely resistive - NOTE when ? is lower than resonance, the phase
angle is positive and the reactance is inductive,
when ? is higher, the phase angle is negative and
reactance is capacitive
20natural response unforced parallel RLC circuit
The roots we identified in damped circuits will
assume one of 3 possible conditions
Real, distinct overdamped
Real, equal critically damped
Complex underdamped
21the complex s-plane
22Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- An RLC circuit where v(0)2V. The switch has
been open for along time before closing at t0.
Determine and plot v(t). - Process
- Note initial conditions
- Identify characteristic equation
- Determine natural frequencies and form of v(t)
- Analyze circuit (KVL, KCL), differentiate v(t)
- Solve for A and B
23Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- An RLC circuit where v(0)2V. The switch has
been open for along time before closing at t0.
Determine and plot v(t). - Process
- Note initial conditions v(0)2V, i(0)0A
24Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- An RLC circuit where v(0)2V. The switch has
been open for along time before closing at t0.
Determine and plot v(t). - Process
- Note initial conditions v(0)2V, i(0)0A
- Identify characteristic equation
25Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- An RLC circuit where v(0)2V. The switch has
been open for along time before closing at t0.
Determine and plot v(t). - Process
- Note initial conditions v(0)2V, i(0)0A
- Identify characteristic equation
LC3 Write the equation for this circuit
26Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- Process
- Note initial conditions v(0)2V, i(0)0A
- Identify characteristic equation
- Determine natural frequencies and v(t)
- Natural frequencies are s1-1, s2-3
LC4 Write the general equation for the natural
response for the circuit of the form
27Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- Process
- Note initial conditions v(0)2V, i(0)0A
- Identify characteristic equation
- Determine natural frequencies and v(t)
- Analyze circuit (KVL, KCL), differentiate v(t)
- Use natural response and initial conditions to
determine A and B
28Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- Process
- Note initial conditions v(0)2V, i(0)0A
- Identify characteristic equation
- Determine natural frequencies and v(t)
- Analyze circuit (KVL, KCL), differentiate v(t)
- Apply KCL to determine A and B
29Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- Process
- Note initial conditions v(0)2V, i(0)0A
- Identify characteristic equation
- Determine natural frequencies and v(t)
- Analyze circuit (KVL, KCL), differentiate v(t)
- Solve for A and B
30Hw example 9.4-2, page 403
- Process
- Note initial conditions v(0)2V, i(0)0A
- Identify characteristic equation
- Determine natural frequencies and v(t)
- Analyze circuit (KVL, KCL), differentiate v(t)
- Solve for A and B
LC5 Write the final equation for the natural
response for v(t)
31natural response critically damped unforced
parallel RLC circuit
The roots in this case are 2 real, equal roots
Real, equal critically damped
The natural response will be of the form
32critically damped response
33Hw 9.5-2
Find vc(t) for tgt0, assume steady state at t0-
34natural response underdamped unforced parallel
RLC circuit
The roots in this case are 2 complex roots
Complex underdamped
The natural response will be of the form
35underdamped response
36forced response of an RLC circuit
The forced response of a circuit described by a
2nd order differential equation to a forcing
function will often be of the same form as the
forcing function
37forced response of an RLC circuit
38process to find forced response
- KVL, KCL, etc. to get 2nd order diff eq
- divide by LC etc. to get standard form
- substitute component values
- assume a response (of same form)
- solve for unknown
39KVL, KCL, etc. to get 2nd order diff eq
R 6? L 7H C 1/42F is 8e-2t A
KVL v/R i C dv/dt is v L di/dt
dv/dt L di2/dt2
40divide by LC, etc. to get standard form
KVL L di/dt /R i CL di2/dt2 is
41substitute component values
R 6? L 7H C 1/42F is 8e-2t A
42assume a response (of same form)
Response if Be-2t
43solve for unknown
LC6 Write the final equation for the forced
response for i(t)
- Lab 1 due at beginning of lab
- HW 6 next tuesday in lab
- Lab 2 starts next week