Title: Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services
1Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems
- Wisconsin Department of Health and Family
2ECCS Principles(Adapted from National Center for
Infant and Early Childhood Health Policy, Draft
Report, Halfon, el al.)
- Health and development must be optimized for all
children. - Families are central for young childrens
health and development. - All families benefit from guidance and support.
3ECCS Principles(Adapted from National Center for
Infant and Early Childhood Health Policy, Draft
Report, Halfon, el al.)
- Childrens development is a public
responsibility. - Developmentally informed public policy and
investments are needed. - Strong and innovative leadership must be present.
- Systems must be accountable for outcomes.
- Culturally proficient systems are in place.
4ECCS Grant Goals
Goal One Collaborations
- By June 30, 2005 develop a Plan for Wisconsin
that results in successful collaborations,
supporting families and communities so that
children are happy, healthy and ready to learn at
school entry.
5ECCS Grant Goals
Goal Two Five Components
- By June 30, 2005, address the 5 critical
components - Access to health insurance and medical home
- Mental health and social-emotional development
- Early care and education
- Parent education
- Family support
6Access to Health Insurance and Medical/Dental Home
- -Integrate Title V-MCH/CSHCN
- medical/dental home initiative into ECCS in
partnership with - Medicaid/BadgerCare
- American Academy of Pediatrics
7Mental Health and Social-Emotional Development
- - Increase public awareness
- Think Big Start Small campaign
- - Incorporate relevant points from the new
Infant and Early Childhood Mental
Health Plan - - Address post-partum depression and
limited providers for children
8Early Care and Education
- -Build on the success of the WI Early
Childhood Collaborating Partners- DPI, DWD,
Head Start, and many others -
-New efforts at the regional level, in
Milwaukee, and with Business Sector
-Establish partnership with Governors Office
9Parent Education
- Partner with the Children Trust Fund, UW
Extension and others
- - Partner with parents for ideas,
experiences and recommendations
- Involve parents at the regional level and
hold a parent summit
10Family Support
- - Partner with Childrens Trust Fund-curricula
and competencies - - Build consensus for comprehensive system at
local level - - Family Resource Centers
- - Home visitation
- - Prevent child abuse and neglect
11ECCS Grant Goals
Goal Three Data/Tracking Outcomes
- By June 30, 2005 identify ways to strengthen
data collection, track early childhood outcomes,
and make system improvements. -
12ECCS Building Bridges from Birth to School