Title: ... 2006-007 and Stanford KSL Technical Report KSL-06-03
1Explanation Infrastructure Supporting
Transparency and Accountability
- Deborah L. McGuinness
- Co-Director and Senior Research Scientist
- Knowledge Systems, AI Laboratory, Stanford
University - Joint work with Li Ding, Cynthia Chang, Vasco
Furtado, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva - Inference Web is joint work with Richard Fikes,
Alyssa Glass, Honglei Zeng, Mayukh Bhaowal, Bill
Millar, Dhyanesh Narayan, Priyendra Deshwal, - TAMI/Portia Privacy and Accountability Workshop
- 28-29 June 2006, Cambridge, MA USA
2General Motivation
Provide interoperable knowledge provenance
infrastructure that supports explanations of
sources, assumptions, learned information, and
answers as an enabler for trust.
- Interoperability as more systems are use varied
sources and multiple information manipulation
engines, they benefit more from encodings that
are shareable and interoperable - Provenance - if users (humans and agents) are to
use and integrate data from unknown, unreliable,
or multiple sources, they need provenance
metadata for evaluation - Explanation/Justification if information has
been manipulated (i.e., by sound deduction or by
heuristic processes), information manipulation
trace information should be available - Trust if some sources are more trustworthy than
others, representations should be available to
encode, propagate, combine, and (appropriately)
display trust values
3TAMI Background
- Overall TAMI Ambition Explore privacy
implications of semantic web technologies and
determine viability. - Goal Assess applicability of a usage limitation
model (as opposed to or in addition to a data
collection model) to data mining/profiling
applications. - Explore technical challenges of provable
accountability with explicit justifications in
large scale, heterogeneous information systems
(i.e., the Web). - Develop public policy models to encourage
transparent, accountable data mining
4Privacy and Explanation
- As more online data becomes available and as
inference and interoperability increases, privacy
protection will have to rely more on usage
limitation rules and less on collection
limitation rules - Usage Limits depend upon
- Transparency knowledge provenance history of
sources, data manipulations, and inferences is
maintained in an interoperable form. Explanation
technology used to allow examination of knowledge
provenance by authorized parties (who may be the
general public). - Accountability ability to check whether the
policies that govern data manipulations and
inferences were in fact adhered to. Explanation
technology used to examine inference usage.
5Inference Web Infrastructure
Trust computation
Proof Markup Language (PML)
End-user friendly visualization
IW Explainer/ Abstractor
Expert friendly Visualization
search engine based publishing
provenance registration
Text Analytics
Inference Web Framework for explaining question
answering tasks by abstracting, storing,
exchanging, combining, annotating, filtering,
segmenting, comparing, and rendering proofs and
proof fragments provided by question answerers.
6PML Ontology
7How PML Works
Question fooquestion1 (how is arrest1
Query fooquery1 (type arrest1 ?x)
Justification Trace
NodeSet foons1 (hasConclusion )
NodeSet foons2 (hasConclusion )
8TAMI Architecture
Assertions with provenance
Inference Engine(s) Truth Maintenance System
Proof Generation Services (Inference Web)
Justification Generator (why action does/doesnt
comply with policy)
9Privacy Act background
10Privacy Act
11Sharing Restrictions
- (b) Conditions of Disclosure.
- No agency shall disclose any record which is
contained in a system of records - by any means of communication to any person or
agency - except . . . with the prior written consent of,
the individual to whom the record pertains, - unless disclosure of the record would be
- .
- (3) for a routine use 5 USC 552a(b)(3)
12Routine Use
- as defined in subsection (a)(7)
- the use of such record for a purpose which is
compatible with the purpose for which it was
collected 5 USC 552a(a)(7) - described under subsection (e)(4)(D)
- publish in the Federal Register upon
establishment or revision a notice of the
existence and character of the system of records,
which notice shall include 5 USC 552a(e)(4) - each routine use of the records contained in the
system, including the categories of users and the
purpose of such use 5 USC 552a(e)(4)(d)
13One Simple Description
General Categories
Structured Components
14Sample Code
Can share with FBI
- RU1 a RoutineUse
- recipient FBI
- category DataCategory3
- purpose CounterTerrorism
- dcdescription "May share where TSA becomes
aware of information that may be related to an
individual identified in the TSDB. - DataCategory3 a DataCategory
- dcdescription "Information about people who
are known or reasonably suspected to be or have
been engaged in conduct constituting, in
preparation for, in aid of, or related to
Data about possible terrorists
So they can investigate whether a criminal law
has been violated
- Why was data sharing xyz acceptable?
- Using RoutineUse459
- We shared with the FBI
- Data belonging to DataCategory3
- For the purpose of CounterterrorismCriminalLawEnfo
rcement - Provenance RoutineUse459 is derived from
- SORN (statement of records notice) for Secure
Flight - Published at 70 FR 36319
- Encoded by DHS Office of the Privacy Officer
- Why was data sharing xyz unacceptable?
- We checked all of the RoutineUses
- We shared with the IRS
- Data belonging to DataCategory3
- IRS is not authorized to receive DataCategory3
- For the purpose of CounterterrorismCriminalLawEnfo
rcement - Provenance all RoutineUses are derived from
- SORN for Secure Flight
- Published at 70 FR 3620
- Encoded by DHS Office of the Privacy Officer
17Scenario 3 Examples(nerd level)
18IWBrowser - Browse Debug
19IWBrowser - Provenance
20IWBrowser - Explanation
21A fragment of PML data
- ltiwNodeSet rdfabout"ns__g463"gt
- ltiwhasConclusiongt _at_prefix
3/rules62 . - _at_prefix data 60http//dig.csail.mit.edu/TA
MI/cph/v2/data.ttl62 . - dataarrest-1 a NotJustifiedArrest
charge 60http//dig.csail.mit.edu/TAMI/law/USC
-18-22862 . - lt/iwhasConclusiongt
- ltiwhasEnglishStringgtdataarrest-1 is-a
NotJustifiedArrestand has charge
62 .lt/iwhasEnglishStringgt - ltiwhasLanguage rdfresource"http//infer
enceweb.stanford.edu/registry/LG/N3.owlN3"/gt - ltiwisConsequentOf rdfresource"is__g463
"/gt - lt/iwNodeSetgt
- ltiwInferenceStep rdfabout"is__g463"gt
- ltiwhasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g419"
/gt - ltiwhasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g420"
/gt - ltiwhasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g425"
/gt - ltiwhasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g479"
/gt - ltiwhasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g502"
/gt - ltiwhasInferenceEngine rdfresource"http
M"/gt - ltiwhasRule rdfresource"http//inference
web.stanford.edu/registry/DPR/GMP.owlGMP"/gt - ltiwhasVariableMapping rdfparseType"Reso
urce"gt - ltrdftype rdfresource"http//inferen
22Next Generation Browser
- Exploring an explainable usage limitation model
supported by semantic technologies - Status
- Use case written up and (very recently) encoded
- Early prototype in place JUST integrated with
CWM with use case 3 refinement in process - Exploiting domain independent explanation tools
- Exploring options that leverage knowledge of N3
and CWM supporting more useful tools/APIs/interfac
es - Exploring options that leverage knowledge of law
supporting context-sensitive and appropriate
- Leverage points include
- PML justification, provenance, and trust
interlingua - IW tools for interactive browsing, summarizing,
searching, validation, abstraction, trust
representation, propagation, presentation
(domain independent) - Experience explaining a wide variety of reasoners
(JTP, SNARK, ), task processing engines (SPARK),
learners (TAILOR), text analytics (UIMA), web
services (SDS/BPEL), - Continuing work
- Identify explanation (representation and
presentation) requirements - Refining registration and presentation
- Designing special purpose filters and
abstractions - Impact
- Interoperable justifications supporting
transparency and accountability - Has the potential to change publishing law (with
markup) as well as presenting judgments (with
interactive justifications) - Audit trace
25More Information
- Links
- http//iw.stanford.edu/ Inference Web home
- http//iw.stanford.edu/doc/project/tami/
TAMI_at_Stanford - http//dig.csail.mit.edu/TAMI TAMI home
- Papers
- (Inference Web) Deborah L. McGuinness and Paulo
Pinheiro da Silva. Explaining Answers from the
Semantic Web The Inference Web Approach. Journal
of Web Semantics. Vol.1 No.4., pages 397-413,
2004 - (PML) Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, Deborah L.
McGuinness and Richard Fikes. A Proof Markup
Language for Semantic Web Services. Information
Systems. Volume 31, Issues 4-5, pages 381-395,
2006 - (TAMI) Daniel J. Weitzner, Hal Abelson, Tim
Berners-Lee, Chris P. Hanson, Jim Hendler, Lalana
Kagal, Deborah L. McGuinness, Gerald J. Sussman,
K. Krasnow Waterman. Transparent Accountable
Inferencing for Privacy Risk Management.
Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on The
Semantic Web meets eGovernment. AAAI Press,
Stanford University, USA 2006. Also available as
MIT CSAIL Technical Report-2006-007 and Stanford
KSL Technical Report KSL-06-03.
27IWBrowser - Browse Debug
28IWBrowser - Provenance
29IWBrowser - Explanation
30A fragment of PML data
- ltNodeSet rdfabout"ns__g208"gt
- lthasConclusiongt _at_prefix
ata.n362 . - _at_prefix tr 60http//dig.csail.mit.edu/TAMI
/cdk/scenario3/rules.n362 . - Arrest05NY2343CRJFC a trJustifiedArrest
. lt/hasConclusiongt - lthasEnglishStringgtArrest05NY2343CRJFC
is-a trJustifiedArrest .lt/hasEnglishStringgt - lthasLanguage rdfresource"http//inferenc
eweb.stanford.edu/registry/LG/N3.owlN3"/gt - ltisConsequentOf rdfresource"is__g208"/gt
- ltreastep rdfresource"tami-scenario3-pro
of.n3_g_L23C26"/gt - lt/NodeSetgt
- ltInferenceStep rdfabout"is__g208"gt
- lthasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g186"/gt
- lthasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g187"/gt
- lthasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g188"/gt
- lthasAntecedent rdfresource"ns__g207"/gt
- lthasInferenceEngine rdfresource"http//infe
renceweb.stanford.edu/registry/IE/CWM.owlCWM"/gt - lthasRule rdfresource"http//inferenceweb
.stanford.edu/registry/DPR/GMP.owlGMP"/gt - lthasVariableMapping rdfparseType"Resourc
e"gt - ltrdftype rdfresource"http//inferen
ceweb.stanford.edu/2004/07/iw.owlMapping"/gt - ltmapFromgthttp//people.csail.mit.edu/l
31Next Generation Browser
32PML based Explanation Adding trust-tab to
33The Original Wikipedia Article
34Trust Tab
- Multiple Trust Tab
- citation based
- revision history based
Explanation about a fragment (author, trust value)
Fragments colored according trust value
35PML Tabhttp//inferenceweb.stanford.edu/2006/02/e
ltiwNodeSet rdfabout"http//foto.stanford.edu/me
diawiki-1.4.12/index.php/Natural_number"gt ltIn
mathematics, a natural number is either a
positive integer lt/iwhasConclusiongt
ltiwhasLanguage rdfresource"http//inferenceweb.
ltiwisConsequentOfgt ltiwInferenceStepgt
ltiwhasRule rdfresource"http//inferenceweb.st
ltiwhasInferenceEngine rdfresource"http//infere
CitationTrust"/gt ltiwhasSourceUsagegt
ltiwSourceUsagegt ltiwhasSourcegt
ltiwSource rdfabout"http//inferenceweb
ndrov"/gt lt/iwhasSourcegt
lt/iwSourceUsagegt lt/iwhasSourceUsagegt
lt/iwInferenceStepgt lt/iwisConsequentOfgt lt/iw
NodeSetgt ltiwAggregatedTrustRelationgt
ltiwhasTrustingParty rdfresource"http//inferenc
kipedia"/gt ltiwhasTrustedParty
ltiwhasTrustValue rdfdatatype"http//www.w3.org/
2001/XMLSchemafloat"gt0.1766lt/iwhasTrustValuegt lt/
iwAggregatedTrustRelationgt ltiwAggregatedTrustRe
lationgt ltiwhasTrustingParty
ltiwhasTrustedParty rdfresource"http//inference
exandrov"/gt ltiwhasTrustValue
at"gt0.1766lt/iwhasTrustValuegt lt/iwAggregatedTrust
fragment trust
author trust
36PML based Explanation Explaining Cognitive
Assistants DARPA PAL Programs CALO system
37Explanation Process
- Initial request and answer strategy
- ltusergt Why are you doing ltsubtaskgt?
- ltsystemgt I am trying to do lthigh-level-taskgt and
ltsubtaskgt is one subgoal in the process. - Follow-up questions for mixed initiative dialogue
- ltusergt Why are you doing lthigh-level-taskgt?
- ltusergt How did you learn to do lthigh-level-taskgt
in this way? - ltusergt Why havent you completed ltsubtaskgt yet?
- ltusergt Why is ltsubtaskgt a subgoal of
lthigh-level-taskgt? - ltusergt When will you finish ltsubtaskgt?
- ltusergt What sources did you use to do ltsubtaskgt?
McGuinness, D.L. Pinheiro da Silva, P. Glass,
A. Wolverton, M. Explaining Task Processing in
Cognitive Assistants. 2006. Technical Report,
KSL-06-06, Knowledge Systems Lab., Stanford.
38CALO TM Explainer UI
Initial explanation, with links
indicating follow-up queries and alternate