Title: ESCI 555: Carbon Cycling and Carbon Sequestration
1ESCI 555 Carbon Cycling and Carbon Sequestration
Carrie Masiello masiello_at_rice.edu Andreas
Lüttge aluttge_at_rice.edu André Droxler andre_at_rice
.edu Jerry Dickens jerry_at_rice.edu
2last 500,000 y CO2
3500,000 plus now
4Recent Atmospheric CO2 trends
5CO2 changes are forcing climate
6How do the Earths organic carbon pools interact
with the atmosphere?
7Simple C cycle
8Where does the CO2 we emit go?
- per year in the 1980s
- we released 5.4 0.3 Gt
- atmospheric increase 3.3 0.1 Gt
- ocean flux -1.9 0.6 Gt
- land-atmosphere flux -0.2 0.7 Gt
- land use change 1.7 Gt
- terrestrial sink -1.9 Gt
- 1990s
- emiited more CO2
- less ocean uptake, more net biospheric uptake
9Where does the CO2 we emit go? To understand
this, we need to know what controls the movement
of carbon between the Earths reservoirs.
- types of organic carbon
- soil OC cycling
- terrestrial biospheric OC cycling
- marine OC cycling
- intro to 13C
- summary
11What kinds of organic carbon are out there?
- carbohydrates
- glucose, cellulose very labile ( reactive)
- microbial sugars can act as glue
- lignins
- plant structural compounds
- only decomposed by specific fungi
- lipids
- fatty acids, sterols
- proteins
- rich in N
- other black carbon, pigments
12soil organic carbon
- Theoretical pools
- fast cycling (0-10 y) organic carbon, not
associated with any minerals - protected OC
- physically protected via ped formation
- lightly protected via charge interactions
- strongly mineral bound
13Physically protected soil carbon
ped unit of soil mm -gt cm in size held
together by sugars (fungal exudates) interior
carbon somewhat protected from decomposition
This kind of carbon decomposes rapidly when its
host soil is plowed!
14Soil mineral-carbon interactions
- Most soil C exists bound to minerals
- types of binding
- wedged within mineral lattices
- bound covalently
- bound ionically
strength of bond and increasing residence time
15Terrestrial Biomass
- Exchanges 60 Gt C annually with the atmosphere
- Land use change
- deforestation South America, Asia, Central
America - forest regrowth Europe, North America
- conversions between pasture, agriculture,
unmanaged ecosystems - 60 Gt exchange leaves an imprint on the atmosphere
16seasonal cycle, MLO
17CO2 rug
18Ocean Organic Carbon loop
19Ocean organic C loop
- Very large annual C exchanges with the atmosphere
- Essentially closed microbial loop
- River role is current wild card
20Ocean Dissolved Organic Carbon
- average 6,000 year turnover time
- chemically poorly characterized
- sources in dispute (marine? terrestrial?)
- very low lignin contents
- sugar content high (suggests marine microbial
21Introduction to Carbon Isotopes
- 12C 98.89
- 13C 1.11
- 14C 1x10-10
- notation d13C
x 1000
22Incomplete chemical reactions fractionate carbon
- 12C bonds easier to break than 13C bonds
- 13C signatures of reservoirs
- atmosphere -8
- surface ocean -2 to 1
- marine plants -19
- terrestrial plants
- C3 oldest photosynthetic pathway -28
- C4 newer pathway -13
- CAM -11 to -27
23Plants fractionate carbon isotopes
- C3 plants majority of terrestrial
photosynthesis - trees, some grasses (wheat, rice)
- C4 plants about 18
- corn, some grasses
- CAM cactuses
24Plant fractionation marks the atmosphere
- 10 of the atmosphere goes through the
terrestrial biosphere annually (60/750 Gt) - Case 1 net biospheric uptake of CO2
- atmosphere becomes 13C heavier regionally
- Case 2 net biospheric release of CO2
- atmosphere becomes 13C lighter regionally
2613C rug
27Where does the CO2 we emit go?
- per year in the 1980s
- we released 5.4 0.3 Gt
- atmospheric increase 3.3 0.1 Gt
- ocean flux -1.9 0.6 Gt
- land-atmosphere flux -0.2 0.7 Gt
- land use change 1.7 Gt
- terrestrial sink -1.9 Gt
- 1990s
- emiited more CO2
- less ocean uptake, more net biospheric uptake