Title: Lancaster General Plan Update
1(No Transcript)
2Workshop Agenda
- Sign-in and Introductions
- General Plan 2030 Background Presentation
- Post-It Note Visioning
- Small Group Discussion
- Group Presentations
- Conclusion and Next Steps
4What is the Lancaster General Plan 2030?
- A General Plan identifies the communitys
priorities and their vision for the future of
their City. - The Lancaster General Plan 2030 will provide a
blueprint for growth and development in the
city over the next 25 years.
5Lancaster Today
- Population approximately 134,000 people
- Projected population by 2030 259,696 people
- City 94 square miles (60,160 acres)
- General Plan Sphere of Influence 268 square
miles - Estimated 40,000 acres of vacant land
6Planning Areas
Sphere of Influence
City Limits
7Why Update the General Plan?
- The existing General Plan was last updated in
1997 and no longer fully addresses the needs of
our changing community. - The General Plan works to improve and protect the
Citys unique attributes.
8Lancaster is at a Crossroads . . .
- Need for a community-based vision
- Respond to changing demographics
- Balance development both inward and outward
- Growth pressures on infrastructure
- Economic development opportunities
- Address environmental and natural resource factors
9The General Plan is at the heart of ongoing City
planning efforts!
11State Requirements
- California requires each city and county to adopt
a General Plan. - General Plans have several elements, or
chapters, that focus on specific topic. Each
element includes goals, objectives, and policies.
12What is in a General Plan?
- California requires Seven Elements to be included
in each General Plan - Land Use
- Housing
- Circulation
- Noise
- Safety
- Conservation
- Open Space
- Cities may also include a number of optional
elements, such as - Air Quality
- Recreation
- Economic
- Design
- Public Facilities
- Others
13Lancaster General Plan Elements
Lancaster Element Name
State of CA Terminology
14Plan for the Natural Environment
- Identifies natural open space, agricultural
lands, mineral resources, air quality, endangered
species habitat, and water and energy sources - Develops policies to preserve these resources
15Plan for Public Health and Safety
- Protects Lancaster from natural and manmade
hazards, including - Flooding
- Hazardous materials
- Crime
- Fire
- Earthquakes
- Develops a disaster preparedness plan
16Plan for Active Living
- Focuses on Lancasters culture and lifestyle,
including - Population and demographic trends
- Historic and cultural resources
- The arts
- Libraries
- Schools
- Parks
- Social services
17Plan for Physical Mobility
- Sets policies to ensure an effective
transportation system - Highways and streets
- Trucks and truck routes
- Bike trails
- Transit
- Air transportation
- Neighborhood traffic management
- Parking policies
- Develops an Implementation Plan for improvements
18Plan for Physical Development
- Outlines the types of land uses that are
appropriate for each area - Housing, business, industry
- Open space, agriculture land
- Recreational facilities
- Educational facilities
- Public buildings grounds
- Flood plains
- Solid liquid waste facilities
- Maps current and desired land use patterns
- Sets standards for population density building
19Plan for Economic Development Vitality
- Analyzes the local economy and employment in
Lancaster - Addresses fiscal impacts of new development and
20Plan for Municipal Services Facilities
- Describes infrastructure needs for the future,
including - Water
- Sewer
- Drainage
- Solid waste facilities
- Public facilities and buildings
21Plan for Community Design
- Focuses on creating a strong identity and sense
of place - Provides basic City design guidelines for
- Residential development
- Commercial development
- Industrial development
- Addresses historic preservation and public art
22Housing Element
- Assesses housing needs on a Citywide and regional
scale - Identifies sites to accommodate housing for all
economic segments of the community includes
programs to provide such housing - Subject to significant state oversight
24Why Should You Get Involved?
- The City is planning for YOU! People make
Lancaster what it is today. - Your opinion matters protect the things that
are important to you. - Your ideas are needed what will make Lancaster
a better place?
25Community Outreach So Far
- Lancaster General Plan website
- Poppy Festival
- Brochure mailing
- Radio television announcements
- Public Agency Forum June 20, 2006
- Childrens Workshop June 29, 2006
- Visioning Workshop for Teens July 19, 2006
- Audio CD distribution
26Ways to Get Involved!
- Check the Website
- Join the Mailing List
- Submit a Survey
- Join the Citizens Advisory Committee
- Request a Presentation to Your Organization/Club
- Attend Workshops
- Read the Newsletters
27General Plan Website
- Find out whats NEW!
- Calendar of EVENTS and WORKSHOPS
- General Plan SURVEY
- Sign up for the MAILING LIST
Log on to www.cityoflancasterca.org
28Citizens Advisory Committee
- Committee members serve as ambassadors of the
planning process - Provide guidance on vision, policy statements,
and land use alternatives
Check the website for application materials at
29Visioning Workshops
- Attend ONE of the four workshops in your area
Pick up a flyer for more information!
30Visioning Open House
- Join us for a citywide OPEN HOUSE to review
comments from the visioning workshops and to
provide additional feedback!
OPEN HOUSE Saturday, August 19th 900 am 1200
pm Lancaster City Hall Lobby
Pick up a flyer for more information!
Community Involvement Opportunities
Community Involvement Opportunities
Plan Process
Plan Process
32Community Involvement
- Review of existing documents
- Data collection and site research
- Technical studies
- Informational materials prepared distributed
- Website established
- Presentations to local groups
33Community Involvement
- Challenges and visions for the future identified
- Public agency forum
- Citywide Community Vision Report prepared
- Visioning workshops citywide open house
- Online survey
- Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) formed
34Community Involvement
- Develop various land use futures
- Impact analysis on each alternative
- Select preferred land use scenario
- Community land use workshops
- CAC meetings
- Website updates newsletters
35Community Involvement
- Goals and policies for each element prepared
- Implementation program drafted
- CAC report
- CAC meetings
- Interactive open house to share draft plan with
community - Website updates and newsletters
36Community Involvement
- Detailed analysis of environmental impacts (e.g.
traffic, air, noise, public services) - Development of Program Environmental Report (PEIR)
- Scoping meeting for the public to learn about the
process and make comments
37Community Involvement
- Final General Plan and Program Environmental
Impact Report
- Planning Commission Hearing to receive comments
from the commission and the public - City Council Hearing to formally adopt the plan
Community Involvement Opportunities
Community Involvement Opportunities
Plan Process
Plan Process
39Post-It Note Visioning
- Identify your top THREE TREASURES
- What things do you value most about the City?
- What are your favorite things about Lancaster?
- Why do you live here? Why did you move here?
- Write one thought per Post-It Note
- Place the Post-It Notes on the wall, clustering
yours with similar ideas
- Identify top THREE CHALLENGES facing the City
- What are the biggest challenges in Lancaster
today? - What problems does the City currently face?
- Write one thought per Post-It Note
- Place the Post-It Notes on the wall, clustering
yours with similar ideas
- Identify your top THREE VISIONS for the future of
Lancaster - What ideas do you have for the future of
Lancaster? - What does your ideal or dream City look and feel
like? - What would make your City better?
- Write one thought per Post-It Note
- Place the Post-It Notes on the wall, clustering
yours with similar ideas
43Small Group Exercise Understanding the Vision
44Small Group Discussion
- Each group will have approx. 30 minutes to
discuss one of the vision topics - Work toward consensus!
- Allow everyone to contribute
- No ideas are bad ideas
- Group member roles
- Discussion leader
- Presenter
- Recorder
- Timekeeper
45Small Group Discussion
- Explain your vision topic in more detail. What
does it mean to your group? - How will you know when you have achieved this
part of the vision? What will be signals of
success? - What specific action items would your group
47Next Steps
- Community Open House
- August 19, 2006
- Draft Master Environmental Assessment (MEA)
- September 2006
- Land Use Alternatives Analysis
- October 2006 - January 2007
There are lots of ways to stay involved in the
Enforcement/Public Safety
- Wednesday, August 23
- 700 to 830 pm
- City Hall City Council Chambers