Title: Designing the FutureProof Library: Heres How We Do It
1Designing the Future-Proof LibraryHeres How We
Do It!
Steven Bell bells_at_temple.edu Associate
University Librarian Temple University
- Iowa Association of College Research Libraries
- April 17, 2009
2Photography Before 1888
3Photography After 1888
You Push the Button and We Do the Rest
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5Popular Science July 1959
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7- Brief History Of Academic Librarianship or How It
All Went Wrong
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13- Only the Paranoid Survive
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15Popular Science May 1982
16Marginalizing Trends
2005 OCLC Perceptions of Libraries and
Information Resources report http//www.oclc.org/r
17Source Moyer, Don. A Silver Bullet. Harvard
Business Review, May 2008 p. 132
19Word Association
- Turn your sheet of paper over
- What comes to your mind when you hear the word
- write it down
Do you think library workers are designers?
21What is Design Anyway?
22What They Have in Common
- The Design Approach!
- empathic thinking
- identifying the problem before the solution
- brainstorming process
- prototyping process
- formative/summative evaluation
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24Design Thinking
- Empathic Design
- Prototyping process
- Formative and summative evaluation
25User Experience
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41Future Proofing Strategies - A Summation Or 10
StepsTo A Future-Proofed Library
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52Next Steps
- Talk to the users
- Talk about the core values
- Talk about the design
- Talk about the tolerance level
53Add Your Voice To The Conversation
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55Questions? Discussion!