Title: Personality Psychology
1Personality Psychology
Psychoanalytic t. Freud Neo-Freudian Humanistic/
Social-cognitive t. Maslow/Rogers Bandura/Rotter
Trait t. Cattell/Eysenck Big 5/Five factor
model (FFM)
2Sigmund Freud1856-1939
- Born in Moravia moved to Vienna when young
- Medical school in Vienna studied physiology
under Brucke (a controversial reductionist) - After medical school, studied hypnosis hysteria
under Charcot Bernheim - Set up a neuropsychiatry practice with Breuers
help in Vienna - Treated many cases of hysteria.
- His experience in practice, coupled with the
influence of the Victorian era and his
physiological orientation, led to the development
of a complex stage theory of personality
3Psychoanalytic theory Levels of awareness
and Personality structure
- realistic goals
Primary motivations, unacceptable thoughts,
memories feelings
libido (life instincts thanatos (death
4Freuds Defense Mechanisms
Defense Mechanism Description Example
5Freuds Defense Mechanisms
6Freuds Psychosexual Stages
Oral Stage (birth 18 months)
Anal Stage (18 months 3 years)
Phallic Stage (3 6 years)
Latency Stage (6 years puberty)
Genital Stage (puberty adulthood)
7Conclusions re Freuds Psychoanalytic Theory
- The theory is not falsifiable
- But does any of it correspond to what we know?
- Impact of unconscious processes
- Defense mechanisms
- Psychosexual development
- Pros and cons
- Therapy
- Carl Jung - the collective unconscious BUT
- Personality attitudes Extra/introversion
- Info gathering S/F/T/I
- Led to MBPTI
Alfred Adler 1870 - 1937
Carl Jung 1875 - 1961
- Alfred Adler inferiority complex
- Karen Horney violate security needs basic
anxiety. Causes 1/3 neurotic personalities - Moving toward
- Moving against
- Moving away from
Karen Horney 1885 - 1952
9Humanistic Personality Psychology
Abraham Maslow
Carl Rogers
Emphasizes Free will (compare w/prevailing
determinism) Personal growth Individuality
10Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
- 5 needs (motivations)
- Strongest (Biological) ?Weakest (Esteem)
- Comparing Maslow Freud/neo-Freudians
11Rogers Self theory and person- centered therapy
Self-actualization fundamental drive (Be all
that we can be) BUT Need for acceptance
social/family conditions (conditions of worth)
interferes Rogers solution UPR
Rogers fully functioning person
Openness to experience
Existential living
Experiential freedom
Organismic trusting
12Social-cognitive Personality Psychology
Albert Bandura
Julian Rotter
- aka Social-learning or Cognitive-behavioral
approach - Behavioral approach personality is a
collection of learned bxs patterns BUT social
cognitive theory - Learning history ____________
- ?????
- Cognitive processes
- Situational determinants
13Trait Theories
3 Factor model biologically based
Introversion --------------------
Extraversion det. by cortical arousal
Emotional stability -----------
Neuroticism det. by sympathetic n.s. activity
Impulse control ---------------
Psychoticism det. by testosterone/MAO
Hans Eysenck 1916-1997
14Five Factor (Trait) Model
15Personality Assessment
- MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
- MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- 16PF Catells 16 Personality Factor Inventory
16Projective Tests
Hermann Rorschach 1884 - 1922
17Murrays Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)