Title: New Pike County Radio System
1New Pike County Radio System
- Griggsville Fire Dept.
- and
- B-K Electric, Inc.
2Simplex Radio
Everyone hears everyone else directly most of
the time.
3News Flash!Welcome to Pike County.
Houston, we have a problem
4Simple Repeater SystemSingle site with one
combined receiver transmitter
Better than simplex, but there are holes and dead
spots. And, to the repeater Dispatch is just
another mobile a big red brick one.
5Complex Repeater SystemMultiple Repeaters
Far too difficult. Mobiles have to manually
select the right repeater channel. Dispatch ends
up verbally relaying information.
6The new system makes it automatic.
- Important Concept
- Receive Transmit
- are now two separate operations and may use
different sites!
Note The following slides show only one example
site in use. In reality the automatic system and
Dispatch will use all sites for both receive and
7A mobile transmits
Audio from the mobile is received at several
locations, some better than others, but were
not ready to transmit quite yet
8Voter ReceivingSignal processing
- A mobile transmits. Many system receivers hear it
and they all send the mobile audio to the central
processor called the Voter. - The Voter decides which receiver is getting the
best quality audio from the mobile. - The Voter then sends the clearest mobile audio to
Dispatch AND the best transmitter for the area. - Unless Dispatch forces a specific transmitter
for all traffic. Maps follow.
9The voter decides
- Ive got nothing up north
- a scratchy in the middle
- ... a so-so down south
- and a real good over west.
- A decision is automatically made on which one
sounds best. - Delay? Less than 0.25 seconds!
10Voter Transmitting
- The Voter sends the best audio to the
Dispatchers console, - -AND-
- the Voter sends the same audio to a transmitter
so other mobiles can hear. - The voting process is undetectable!
11Best mobile audio is sent to both a transmitter
and Dispatch.
- Everyone hears the voted audio.
12Next Dispatch Calling a Mobile
1701, Pike County.
Dispatch chooses any one site to call from.
13The Mobile Answers
- Pike County, 1701. Go Ahead
The Voter selects a transmitter and everybody
hears the voted audio from 1701.
14Dispatch and Mobile TalkAll transmit is
automatically steered to the mobile.
- Blah, Blah Blah-Blah, Blah
Everybody hears the whole conversation.
15Optional Transmitter ForcingDispatch locks
transmission to ONE site
- All receivers are still active.
- The Voter decides which receiver has the best
audio, but only the forced transmitter sends a
Pike, 1701 Fully involved structure. Send us
another water tanker.1701, Pike County
Acknowledged.1701 from Griggsville Tanker
Were already at the firehouse!
16MAPSTransmitter and Receiver Locations
El Dara Water Tower Hull Water Tower Griggsville
Water Tower Pea Ridge Water Tower
17MAPSDefault Transmitter Selection
- El Dara
- Hull
- Griggsville
- Pea Ridge
18MAPSProjected Mobile Coverage
El Dara
Pea Ridge