Title: Advent: photo of three kings
- Advent photo of three kings
2 Why couldnt it happen now?
Why couldnt it happen here?
3Lets go on a pilgrimage
4We start in the cold North
5- Inuit
- family
- with
- new
- baby.
6to sing Gods praise
Heads raise
7 8 Seal looks on with curiosity
Otter indifferently plays with his clam
9Where are the tribal elders?
They were here the night before...
10see the gifts they left
Walrus tusks and fish and fur
11 How did they find the infant?
12 Aurora Borealis, the light that rests beyond
13and inukshuk, in the image of persons, guided the
cold night visitors.
14 Qujannamiik, Great Creator , thank you
15We cross the vast ocean to what was once called
the dark continent
Now transformed into light.
The hope of the ages has come.
16(No Transcript)
17Where are the angels to guide us?
18They tell the story and lead the way.
Listen to the drums
19With gifts balanced on our head,
We embark on the dusty road
20 stopping only to share our food
with fellow pilgrims.
21 Ah, there he is!
22Asifiwe, Mungu! Asifiwe.
23- Many times when we imagine how it was
- Joseph, kind Joseph is standing at a distance,
just looking on. - Vulnerable, confused. Stunned perhaps.
- Making way for wiser men than him.
24 Step up, daddy Joseph.
Visiting hours are over
claim your identity.
25Lift your child to the sky. Caress his
face. Change his diaper.
26 Tickle him, make him laugh. What fun!
27- The color of our skin,
- The shape of our nose,
- The texture of our hair
- We celebrate the differences.
28The Holy Infant belongs to you, to me, to
29 Gospel choirs will be singing his praises
and be jazzed by him through the ages
30Amen, brothers and sisters,
31Grandpa Joe made this stable
32Grandma glazed the figures.
33 Weve had it a long time
It is very old and worn
34See the donkeys broken ears
35(No Transcript)
37- Childs nativity with childs hands
38- Second scene of childs hands
39 This nativity was gilded in gold by
master artisans
40 who took great care.
41We imagine how it was then,
42And we try to recreate the image now
43With a few poor scraps of fabric
44Sewn with loving hands.
48Worship Christ, the new-born king.
Come and worship
49- Nativity Scenes and Text Lu
Mountenay - Nativity Photography Jenn Killpack
The End