Title: Strand7 analysis of structures
1Strand7 analysis of structures
- Example 1 Welded frame/truss
- Example 2 Simple frame analysis
- Example 3 Beam using 2D element
- Example 4 2D plane stress concentration
- Example 5 2D plane strain problem
2Example 1
Load case 1 one vertical load of 10 kN Load
case 2 Single 30 kN horizontal force Load case
3 linear combination of load case 1 and 2.
- Define the geometry and element types
- Define the support conditions
- Define the loading conditions
- Define material properties and element sections
- Solve the model
- Post process the model, to view the interpret the
4Principal planes of a beam
5Example 2
Same as example 3 for Microstran analysis
UDL 25kN/m
2.4 m
4.0 m
10 m
6Example 3 2D model
10 kN
Compare the results of Dy , ?xx and ?xy
1 m
8 m
Use both beam element and 2D plane stress element
E 24.6GPa, ? 0.2, ? 2640 kg/m3 , t 0.1m
7Example 4 2D plane stress
Steel strip in tension Symmetry conditions??
Calculation of stress concentration factor
8Example 4 Cont.
Subdivide 2x3
Subdivide 2x4
Subdivide 3x4
Subdivide 3x3
9Example 5 Concrete Dam
E 24.6GPa, ? 0.2, ? 2640 kg/m3
Divide the dam into three sections, each with 8 x
8 subdivision.