Title: Basic Microscopy An Overview
1Basic Microscopy An Overview
- October 2005
- Protistology Course
- MBL, Woods Hole, MA
2- Brief History of the Microscope
- Whats a microscope?
- Definition of Magnification
- Conventional Viewing Distance
- Leeuwenhoek gt Compound gt Stereo Microscope
- The Telescope, a simple detour
- How to make the specimen visible Contrast!
- Definition of Contrast
- Techniques
- Brightfield
- Phase
- Darkfield
- Pol
- DIC (Differential Interference Contrast)
- Fluorescence
- Optical Sectioning an expansion of Fluorescence
- Setting up the Microscope (Lab)
- Koehler Illumination
- Resolution Empty Magnification
3(No Transcript)
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6Objects appear to the eye at different
magnifications, depending on their distance from
the eye. Accommodation (lens) will make it
What is Magnification?
MB 2x MA
7Conventional Viewing Distance
250 mm
8Magnification 1x
f 250 mm
9Magnification via Single Lens
f 250 mm
Magnifying Glass (Loupe)
Example f50mm
10The simple microscope
Leeuwenhoek Microscope
11 The current ?-corrected Compound
Tube lens (Zeiss f164.5mm)
12 Q What happens if we take the objective away?
Tube lens (Zeiss f164.5mm)
Answer We have created a Telescope
13AxioImager Upright Research Microscope
14 Axiovert 200 Inverted Research
15The basic light microscope types
Upright microscope .
Inverted microscope
16Illumination via Transmitted Light
The specimen must be transparent !
17Upright microscope .
Inverted microscope
18Illumination via Reflected (Incident) Light
Eg. Fluorescence, Opaque Samples
19Upright microscope .
Inverted microscope
20Mixed Illumination
Upright microscope .
Inverted microscope
21Other Ways to Illuminate
Reflectors Ring Lights Fiber Optics LEDs Etc.
22- Couldnt one build a microscope for both
eyes, and thereby generate spatial images? - Question addressed to Ernst Abbe in 1896
- by Horatio S. Greenough
231897 the first Stereo Microscope in the world,
built by Zeiss, according to the Greenough
1896 Drawing by Horatio S. Greenough
24Greenough Type
Telescope Type
Introduced first by Zeiss - 1946
Introduced first by Zeiss - 1897
25 Greenough Stereo Microscopes
SteMi DV4
26Greenough Stereo Microscopes
SteMi 2000 (2000-C, 2000-CS)
27Research Stereo Microscopes
SteREO Discovery V12
SteREO Lumar V12
28- How to make the specimen visible
- Definition of Contrast
- Techniques
- Brightfield
- Phase
- Darkfield
- Pol
- DIC (Differential Interference Contrast)
- Fluorescence
- Optical Sectioning an expansion of Fluorescence
50 Units
0 Units
100 Units
50 Units
50 100 / 50 100 -0.33
50 0 / 50 0 1
50 50 / 50 50 0
30Common Illumination Techniques
- Brightfield
- Darkfield
- Phase Contrast
- Polarized Light
- DIC (Differential Interference Contrast)
- Fluorescence (and related techniques)
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- For naturally absorbing or stained samples
- True Color Representation
- Proper Technique for Measurements
- Spectral
- Dimensional
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36Paramecium bursaria
Condenser diaphragm open
Condenser Diaphragm almost closed
37Paramecium bursaria
Different Staining Techniques
Indian Ink Staining
Feulgen Staining
Silver Staining
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39Phase Contrast (Frits Zernike 1934)
- - Halo effect gt Reduced resolution
- No staining necessary
- Good Depth of Field
- Easy alignment
- Orientation independent
- Repeatable setup
- Works with plastic dishes
40- Required Components for Phase Contrast
- Objective with built-in Phase Annulus
- Condenser or Slider with Centerable Phase Ring
for illumination (Ph0, 1, 2 or 3)
Required Adjustment Superimpose Phase Ring of
condenser over (dark) phase plate of objective
(after Koehler Illumination)
41- Illumination bypasses Specimen gt no phase shift
- Illumination passes through thin part of Specimen
gt small phase retardation
- Illumination passes through thick part of
Specimen gt larger phase retardation
Phase Shifts Cells have higher n than water.
Light moves slower in higher n, consequently
resulting in a phase retardation Phase shift
depends on n and on thickness of specimen detail
42- Non-diffracted and diffracted light are focused
via tube lens ?into intermediate image and
interfere with each other ¼¼ ½ wave
shift causes destructive interference i.e.
Specimen detail appears dark ?
- Affected rays from specimen, expressed by the
higher diffraction orders, do not pass through
phase ring of objective gt¼ wave
retarded ?
Tube Lens
- Objective Phase Ring
a) attenuates the non-diffracted 0th Order
b) shifts it ¼ wave forward ?
- Illumination from Condenser Phase Ring ?(0
Order) gt meets phase ring ? of objective
43Paramecium bursaria
Phase Contrast
Phase Contrast
Phase Contrast
46Lyngbya Bacteria
Phase Contrast
47(No Transcript)
- No staining necessary
- Detection of sub-resolution details possible
- Excellent, reversed contrast
- Central Darkfield via hollow cone
- Oblique Darkfield via Illumination from the side
- Not useful for Measurements (sizes exaggerated)
49Required conditions for DarkfieldIllumination
Aperture must be larger than objective aperture
I.e. direct light must bypass observer
Low NA Objective
High NA Objective
Iris Diaphragm
50Paramecium bursaria
Polarized Light
51 Polarized Light
- Specimen is placed between 2 crossed polarizers.
- Only light produced by birefringent particles
(e.g. crystals) or coming from the edges of
particles (edge birefringence) is visible. - Looks sometimes like Darkfield
- Orientation-specific (linear Pol)
- Linear / circular Polarized Light
52Birefringent Material
Color of sample and background modified by wave
Polarized Light
Pol Red I
53Polarized Light
When Polarizers are crossed, only items that
rotate the plane of polarization reach the
detector. Wave plate adds color
Polarizer 2 (Analyzer)
Polarizer 1
54Required / Recommended Components
- Polarizer (fixed or rotatable)
- Analyzer (fixed or rotatable)
- Strain-free Condenser and Objective
- Rotating, centerable Stage
- Wave plate and/or Compensator
- Crossline Eyepiece
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56DIC (Differential Interference Contrast after
- High Contrast and high resolution
- Control of condenser aperture for optimum
contrast - Changes GRADIENTS into brightness differences
- 3-D Image appearance
- Color DIC by adding a wave plate
- Best contrast / resolution via different DIC
sliders - Orientation-specific gt orient fine details
perpendicular to DIC prism
Observing local differences in phase retardation
58- 9 Image
- 8 Tube lens
- 7 Analyzer (7a with Wave Plate)
- 6 Wollaston Prism behind objective
- 5 Objective
- 4 Specimen
- 3 Condenser with receptacle for prisms
59Wollaston Prism
Birefringence (Different refractive index for
different polarization orientations) Polarized
beam, under 45 to prism, gets split into
ordinary and extraordinary beam
60Required Components for DIC
- Nosepiece with DIC receptacles
- Polarizer (or Sénarmont Polarizer)
- Low Strain Condenser and Objective
- DIC Prisms for Condenser ( I or II or III)
- Appropriate DIC Slider for each objective
- Analyzer (or Sénarmont Analyzer)
- Not needed for New Plas-DIC (up to 40x)
61Paramecium bursaria
- Easy to set up gt Objective Condenser
- Highly specific technique, wide selection of
markers - Detection and Identification of Proteins,
Bacteria, Viruses - Basics for
- Special Techniques eg. TIRF, FRET, FRAP etc.
- 3-D imaging
- Deconvolution
- Structured Illumination
- Confocal Techniques
63Epi - Fluorescence
Observation port
Excitation Filter
Emission Filter
FL Light Source
Dichromatic Mirror
Example Specimen containing green fluorescing
64Epi - Fluorescence Filter Sets
Curve for a typical GFP filter set
65Epi - Fluorescence
(Specimen containing green fluorescing
Observation port
Excitation Filter
Emission Filter
FL Light Source
Dichromatic Mirror
Specimen containing green fluorescing Fluorochrome
66Paramecium bursaria
67How to improve Fluorescence Imaging in a major
68Optical sectioning increased contrast and
69Overview of Optical
sectioning Methods
- Confocal and Multi-photon
Laser Scanning Microscopy - Pinhole prevents out-of-focus light getting to
the sensor(s) (PMT - Photomultiplier) (30 70
µm) - Multi Photon does not require pinhole (90 500
µm) - Spinning disk systems
- A large number of pinholes (used for excitation
and emission) is used to prevent out-of-focus
light getting to the camera - E.g. Perkin Elmer, Solamere ( up to 30 µm)
- Structured Illumination
- Moving grid represents the reference for in-focus
information - Zeiss Apotome (10-50 µm)
70Overview of Optical
sectioning Methods- contd -
- Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF)
- High NA Objective projects beam at angle which
exceeds critical angle. - Area touching cover slip (evanescent field) is
typically smaller than 200 nm - Deconvolution
- Point-Spread function (PSF) information is used
to calculate light back to its origin - Post processing of an image stack
71Limited Depth of Field With Standard Microcopy
- Amber fossil (Chironomide)
- Thickness app. 300 µm
- Conventional incident light
72Optical Sectioning Extended Focus Software
- Amber fossil (Chironomide)
- Thickness app. 300 µm
- Conventional incident light
- 3D reconstruction