Title: AHRQ Master Slide Template
1Preparing a Grant Application Steps to Success
2Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Shelley Benjamin Karen Rudzinski
Division of Research Education, OEREP
- Getting Started
- Application processes
- Application strategies
4Getting Started
- Internet is funding gateway
- AHRQ and NIH use essentially same application
- Keep abreast of research priorities and open
5AHRQs Website www.ahrq.gov
6NIH AND AHRQ GrantApplication Similarities
- Announcement publication NIH Guide for Grants
and www.http//grants.gov
- Mechanisms e.g., RO3, R36, K08, K02, R01
- Application forms PHS 398, 416-1
- Receipt dates
- Application submission and referral NIH Center
for Scientific Review
- Application review procedures
- For AHRQ assignment, line 2 of the application
(PHS form 398) should indicate the name of an
7AHRQ/NIH Solicitations -- Request for
Applications (RFA)
- Formal statement inviting applications (grant or
coop. agree.) on a well-defined area with
specific objectives
- Specific, one-time application receipt date
- Specific and of awards
- Special review panels or study section review
8AHRQ/NIH Solicitations -- Program Announcements
- Describes AHRQs broad research interests.
- Individual project designs reflect the ideas and
creativity of the investigators.
- Set receipt dates funding dependent upon
availability of money
- Reviewed by standing study sections HCRT for
training grants
- All active individual training grants are in form
of PA
9Examples of Program Announcements research
topics of interest to AHRQ
- PAR-04-039 AHRQ Grants for Health Services
Research Dissertation
- PAR-04-016 AHRQ Minority Research Infrastructure
Support Program (M-RISP)
- PA-03-117 AHRQ Grant Program for Large Conference
- PAR-01-040 AHRQ Small Research Grant Program
- PAR-00-141 Small Grant Program for Conference
- PA-00-111 AHRQ Health Services ResearchProgram
- PA-00-069 Predoctoral Fellowship Awards For
Minority Students
- PA-00-010 Mentored Clinical Scientist Development
- PAR-99-164 Independent Scientist Awards
- PA-99-005 Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship
10Application Processes
- Most AHRQ research grant applications must use
PHS form 398 --http//grants.nih.gov/grants/fundin
- Fellowship applications use form PHS
- All forms can be found under Tools and
Resources at http//www.ahrq.gov/fund/training/tr
- All applications sent to the NIH Center for
Scientific Review will be changing to
electronic submission in near future
- Investigators may request (in cover letter with
application) assignment of an application to a
specific study section and/or agency/institute
(request assignment is not guaranteed)
11Application Receipt Dates
- Health Services Research Dissertation Awards --
Receipt Deadline Date February 15, June 15,
October 15
- Independent Scientist Awards -- Receipt Deadline
Date February 17, June 15, October 15
- Mentored Clinical Scientist Award -- Receipt
Deadline Date February 1, June 1, October 1
- Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards --
Receipt Deadline Date April 5, August 5,
December 5 -- these may be changing soon
- Predoctoral Fellowship Awards for Minority
Students -- Receipt Deadline Date May 1,
November 15-- these may be changing soon
12(No Transcript)
13Application Process
- Application must be received by due date or bear
a proof-of-mailing date by deadline (read the
announcement to find which pertains)
- Applications sent from NIH to AHRQ, where they
are assigned to a study section and to a specific
PO at a Center/Office within AHRQ
- Review typically occurs 4 months after
applications received
- Funding decisions occur 1-3 months later
- Resubmission generally two allowed,
dissertations one
14AHRQ Staff Involved in Grants Process
- Referral Officer
- Review Staff Scientific Review Administrator
and Grants Management Specialist Team
- Program Staff Project Officer (PO)
- Grants Management
15Phases of an Application/Project Agency Staff
- Preapplication
- P.O.s, Review/Referral, Grants Management
- Application
- Review/Referral, Grants Management
- Grant award
- P.O.s, Grants Management
- Post closeout
- P.O.s, Grants Management
16 Scientific Review Group (Study Section)
- Scientific Review Administrator
- Recruits and selects reviewers
- Assigns applications to specific reviewers
- Sees that each application gets review that is
competent, thorough and fair
- Assures that proper review criteria used
- Prepares summary statements of review
- Reviewers are Members or temporary members of
Study Section or SEP
- Scientists with appropriate expertise
- Dependable, reasonable, open minded
17Review Procedures
- Applications assigned to 2-3 reviewers for
written comments, but reviewed and discussed by
all reviewers
- If all reviewers agree in advance that an
application is non-competitive, the study section
may choose not to discuss the application (triage
process). At present all training/career
development grants are discussed may change - A summary statement conveying the comments and
assessment of the reviewers is sent to the
principal investigator
18Ingredients of a Successful Grant Application
- Adapted from Gordon, Stephen L.
Ingredients of a Successful Grant Application to
the National Institutes of Health. J.
Orthopaed. Rsch. 7138-141 (1989) (as reprinted
in Preparing a Research Grant Application to the
National Institutes of Health)
19What Determines Which Awards Are Made?
- Scientific merit
- Significance and originality
- Methods
- Program considerations
- What is uniquely AHRQ
- Existing portfolio balance
- Anticipated IMPACT of research
- Availability of funds
20Application Preparation Suggestions
- Follow Instructions
- Be clear
- Be organized
- Watch your language
- Cover all bases
- Adapted from Federal Grants Contracts,
Project Opportunities in Research, Training, and
Services Grant Workshop by Pam Moore
21Basic Elements of the
Research Plan
- Specific aims
- What does the investigator intend to do?
- Background and significance
- Why is the work important?
- Preliminary studies
- What has the applicant already done?
- Research design and methods
- How is the applicant going to do the proposed
22Common Problems in Applications
- Lack of original idea and/or scientific
- Diffuse, superficial, or unfocused research plan
- Questionable methodology
- Lack of important details
- Lack of experience in methodology
- Lack of generalizability of findings or methods
- No attention to human subjects and/or population
representation issues
- Unrealistically large amount of work
23New Common Problem Applications of Application
- No apparent translatability of research into
practice or policy
- Not unique to AHRQ
24Practical Tips
- Make a rough draft of your application then let
it sit so you can distance yourself and review it
a bit more dispassionately
- Does the draft seem coherent? Are transitions
- Have you checked for grammar, spelling and
typographical errors? Is the draft readable?
- Have an objective person review the draft and
final copy involvement of mentors is critical
- All of this requires hard work, study, and mental
25Specific Issues with Dissertation Applications
- Letters
- Involvement of Mentors
- Adequacy of committee membership
- Relevance to HSR and AHRQ
- Balance between specificity, originality, and
career potential
- Doability
26Specific Issues with Career Development
- Balance between career development plan and
- Mentors (K08)
- Doability
- Why need the funds
- Adequacy of career development plans given where
are at in career and what are proposing to do
27What Steps to Successful Career Development Looks
Save Lives and Dollars
Change Practices
Visibility Dissemination