Title: Cen and the Art of Kayak Maintenance
1Cen and the Art of Kayak Maintenance
By Cen Campbell
October 1st 2004
LIBR 500
2Welcome to my twisted little world!
- Here are some fascinating things about me
- I have a family
- I have a lovebird, lots of fish and a cat
- I have a boyfriend
3These are my parents. They kayak a lot and are
in much better shape than I am. Dad builds all
his own kayaks, and Mom makes sure they dont
forget anything when they go out for their week
long paddles in the rain.
4This is my dad and my two beautiful nieces,
paddling on Shawnigan Lake.
5The Whole Fam-Damily!
- The fuzzy guy on the left is my oldest brother
Ed. His two daughters, Elly and Liz, are next to
him. Mom is at the head of the table, and next to
her is my brother Chris and my sister Marie.
6Another important member of our family is our
cat, zipper.
This is zipper, doing what he does best.
7My dad often flies a jolly roger off the back of
his kayak and keel-hauls any scurvy dogs that
come his way.
Atop this dread pirates head is one of the loves
of my life, Dean.
8Dean is a snarky little beast who also answers to
- Bugaboo
- Boogie
- Stinky bird
- Whos-a-good-boy!
- Any combination of the above.
- E.g. Oh youre such good stinky bugaboo boy!
Yes you are! Whos my stinky winky boogie boy?
9This is Liz, Boogie, me and Elly. Behind Lizs
head is one of my fish tanks, which is always in
need of cleaning.
10My wonderful boyfriend
- At this point in the presentation, the human love
of my life is starting to feel a little bit
ignored because he has been usurped by the bird. - So ladies and gentlemen, a healthy round of
applause for my other lovebird James!
11James, meet everybody. Everybody, meet James.
12James and I enjoy taking long walks on the beach
13- ...and we also enjoy playing with the dead
carcasses of the creatures that we find on the
14James has a nice gallery of photos that can be
accessed from his website. Click on the freaky
eyes to look at his pretty pictures.
15In Conclusion
My ambition in life is to be able to fold shirts
as perfectly as this lady.
16Thank you all, and have a fantastic day!