Title: The Oklahoma Kite Company
1The Oklahoma Kite Company
2The Oklahoma Kite Company
The Oklahoma Kite Company makes kites, using
best quality rip-stop nylon to cover the
framework which is constructed of lightweight
glass-fibre rods.
In order to minimize costs the company must use
all the materials with as little waste as
One of the problems they have in the company is
how to fit the kite shape onto a long rectangular
sheet of nylon in the most economical way. The
dimensions of a kite are shown in the diagram
and the nylon for making the kites is available
in rectangular strips which can be up to 4 metres
wide and up to 120 metres long.
3For each configuration shown, calculate the
minimum width of nylon necessary, the length
required to produce 12 shapes and the percentage
waste of material in each case
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5In each of the arrangements calculate the waste
in producing 48 kites per strip of nylon 120
kites per strip of nylon 180 kites per strip of
Which is the most economical method? If it is
decided to use the maximum available length of
120 metres, what are the waste figures now? Try
configurations other than those shown above and
see if you can find the most efficient way in
which kites can be cut from the rectangular
sheets. Investigate !
6Teacher Solution sheets follow where formula for
waste have been developed and can be used for
all the different arrangements. See the slides
which follow
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