Simulation Modeling and Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Simulation Modeling and Analysis


is based on the assumptions as to how system works and describes how entities interacts. ... Lack of good system data. Making only single 'run' with the model ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Simulation Modeling and Analysis

Simulation Modeling and Analysis
1.1 Introduction
  • Definition The imitation of the operation of a
    real world process or system over time.
  • Basic steps In a simulation we
  • Generate of an artificial history using a model.
  • Observe that history.
  • Draw conclusions about the real system from the
    artificial history of the simulation.
  • Another definition the practice of building
    models to represent existing real-world systems,
    or hypothetical future systems, and of
    experimenting with these models to explain system
    behavior, improve system performance, or design
    new systems with desirable performances.
    (Khoshnevis, 1994).

  • A Simulation model
  • is computer representations of real systems
  • is based on the assumptions as to how system
    works and describes how entities interacts.
  • generates the artificial history of events
  • is used to evaluate the performance of what
    if scenarios (based on the simulation output)
  • Changes to an existing system
  • Alternative options in designing systems
  • is necessary for analyzing many real-world
    systems since mathematical models or analytical
    models (e.g. queuing models, differential
    calculus, probability theory) dont exist or too

When is Simulation Appropriate?
  • To determine operational capacities. (A machines
    theoretical capacity vs. the operational capacity
    we put it in our system)
  • To experiment with policies or designs that
    cannot be otherwise tested. (too risky or costly
    to try on the real system)
  • To provide low-risk on the job training.
  • To visualize system performance (animation)
  • A system is too complex for analytical solutions.
  • We wish to study informational, organizational,
    or environmental changes. (Changes hard to
    include in analytical models, if not impossible)
  • To identify key factors affecting performance.
    (ability to isolate factors)
  • To verify analytical models.

When is Simulation Inappropriate?
  • When the problem is very simple and an analytical
    solution can be found
  • - Example a service station with Poisson
    arrivals and general service times (M/G/1).
    Analytical solution exist.
  • When direct experimentation is feasible and
  • If simulation project costs exceed expected
  • If data is not available.
  • If sufficient development time resources are not
  • If systems are too complex to even simulate
    (especially involving human behavior)

Advantages of Simulation
  • Many complex real-world systems are stochastic,
    making analytical methods difficult, and
    sometimes intractable simulation provides a way
    to model these systems
  • Performance of proposed non-existing systems can
    be evaluated
  • Many alternatives (proposed system designs or
    alternative operating policies for a single
    system) can be compared
  • Control of experiments is much tighter with a
    simulation model than with the real system
    (Experiment with two policies while keeping
    everything else exactly same)
  • Systems can be studied in compressed time (e.g. a
    factory), or in expanded time (e.g. CPU
    scheduling) to understand the system better.

Disadvantages of Simulation
  • Model building requires special training and
  • A simulation model can, at best, provide only
    estimates of the systems performance not exact
    true value. One must go through a statistical
    output analysis to make conclusions.
  • All alternative answers must be known before the
    simulation experiments are carried out. The
    chosen best solution is restricted to the set
    of alternatives. There may be an extremely large
    number of possible answers to be evaluated this
    may make determination of the best answer
    difficult or impossible.
  • Simulation analysis can be expensive and time
  • Simulation is used sometimes when the analytical
    models and solutions are available. Particular
    case is the waiting lines for which there are
    queuing models available.
  • All of these disadvantages are being offset to a
    certain degree with advanced simulation software
    and modern fast hardware.

  • Definition A system is a collection of entities
    (people, factory orders, cars, phone calls, data
    packets, ) which interact to accomplish some
    logical purpose.
  • Components of a system
  • Entities Object of interest in the system
  • Attributes Properties of an entity
  • Activity an operation carried out by entity
    during a specified period of time
  • System state a collection of variables necessary
    to describe a system at any given time, relative
    to the objectives of the study.
  • Event Instantaneous occurrence that changes the
    system state.

Table 1.1. Example of systems and components
Some of application Areas
  • Designing and analyzing manufacturing systems
  • Layouts, dispatching rules, a new machine or
    material handling system etc.
  • Evaluating military weapons systems
  • Determining hardware/software requirements and
    protocols for communications/computer system.
  • Designing and operating transportation systems
    such as airport, ports etc.
  • Number of staff assigned to counters and schedule
    of staff. Sequencing rule for take off and
    landing etc.

Some of application Areas
  • Evaluating designs for service organizations such
    as call centers, fast food restaurants, hospitals
  • Number of nurses and doctors and their schedule,
    number of lab test equipments, layout etc.
  • Reengineering of business processes.
  • Determining ordering policies for inventory
  • Order size and order quantity decisions.
  • Analyzing financial and economic systems.
  • 1 conference on simulation.
    A very good source of simulation application

System State
The system state is a collection of variables
necessary to describe a system at any given time,
relative to the objectives of the study. Example
In a customer/teller single queue system, the
system state is Number of customers in the bank,
tellers status, arrival times of customers
Systems may be discrete or continuous
State variables change at a finite (countable)
number of points in time e.g. bank teller number
of customers changes only when someone arrives,
completes service or leaves
State variables change continuously with respect
to time e.g. airplane in flight speed and
position change continuously in time
  • Many real systems have both discrete and
    continuous characteristics, e.g. traffic flow

What is a Model?
A model is a representation of a real
system. Physical Models Toys, flight simulators,
wind tunnels Mathematical Models Differential
equations, stochastic models, statistical models,
mathematical programs Computer Models Simulation
models, mathematical programming, stochastics,
statistics, video games, weather forecasters
Types of models
  • Static models simulate a fixed point in time or
    no time dimension exist (Monte Carlo simulation)
  • Dynamic models simulate the behaviour of the
    system over time. In discrete event systems, the
    model state changes only in response to events
    rather than the simple passage of time.
  • An event is defined as an instantaneous
    occurrence that may change the state of the
  • i.e. The arrival of a customer to a M/M/1 system
    (the number of customers in the system
    changes). End of simulation. A decision in
    simulation (balking, switching btw queues etc.)
  • Deterministic models have a unique output for
    each input (i.e. no random variables)
  • Stochastic models contain random variables, e.g.
    interarrival times of orders to a factory

We will study stochastic dynamic discrete
simulation models.
  • Definition Modeling of a system as it evolves
    over time by a representation where the state
    variables change instantaneously at separated
    points in time
  • More precisely, state can change at only a
    countable number of points in time
  • These points in time are when events occur
  • Can in principle be done by hand, but usually
    done on computer

Steps in a simulation study
Steps in a simulation study
Formulate the problem
  • In a meeting with the project manager, simulation
    expert (this is YOU), and subject-matter expert
    (SME) following issues are discussed
  • Problem statement What seems to be wrong
    roughly speaking? The symptoms
  • Exm There are too many backorders occurring. How
    can we reduce them without incurring extra
    operational cost?
  • Exm Operational cost of the medical clinic seems
    to be too much currently. Can we reduce the
    operational cost of the clinic without
    sacrificing much from the quality of the service?

Pg 83-86
Set the objectives and and plan the study
  • Determine the Specific questions to be answered/
    scenarios to be tried
  • If we reduce the lead time variability or the
    mean lead time, how much can we reduce the back
  • If we increase the reorder point how much can we
    reduce the backorders, what could be the extra
    cost due to increased inventory levels
  • If we reduce the number of doctors or nurses, how
    much extra waiting can we expect for patients?
    How much will we reduce the operational cost by
    doing so.

Set the objectives and and plan the study
  • Performance measures to be used
  • Number of daily backorders, average daily
    inventory, total number of reorders
  • Average waiting time of the patients, average
    utilization of the doctors and nurses.
  • Scope of the model Where the model starts and
  • System configurations to be modeled
  • Time frame, resources, software to be used

Collect the data and Define a model
  • Collect information on the system layout and
    operating procedures
  • Make sure that you talk to more than one people
    who knows about the system
  • Specify the level of detail for the model
  • Objectives of the study
  • Backorder problem in general vs. problem specific
    to a particular item.
  • Expected cycle time (throughput rate) of a
    factory vs. designing buffer spaces between two
  • Availability of data and project duration also
    affect the level of detail
  • Collect data to specify model parameters
  • Based on the info collected, sketch out a
    conceptual model

Pg 83-86
Conceptual model
  • Problem and objective descriptions
  • The specific questions to be answered using
  • Description of the system operations in a process
    flow chart format or in a bullet by bullet format
  • What data to be collected?
  • List and the definitions of performance measures
    that would be collected from simulation in order
    to answer the questions
  • List of assumptions made for simplification or
    for any other purpose with the justifications of
    these assumptions.

Verification and validation
  • Construct a computer program and verify
  • Use a system simulation software (ARENA, Awsim,
    Automod, Promodel, Extend, Witness etc)
  • Verify the simulation model Is the computer
    model is correct representation of the conceptual
  • Is the model valid?
  • Compare its results with an existing systems
  • Review the results together with SMEs for the
  • Try the model with different parameter settings
    to see if the model is giving results in accord
    to intuition.

Pg 83-86
Designing experiments
  • Specify the exact settings of the operational
    parameters or scenarios to be analyzed
  • If we reduce the lead time variability by half,
    or the mean lead time by half, how much can we
    reduce the back orders?
  • If we increase the reorder point by 25, how much
    can we reduce the backorders, what could be the
    extra cost due to increased inventory levels
  • If we reduce the number of dermatologists and
    pediatricians by one, how much extra waiting can
    we expect for patients? How much are we reducing
    the operational cost by doing so?
  • Run length, warm-up period, number of runs need
    to be determined

Pg 83-86
Production Runs and Output analysis
  • For each scenario determine
  • Number of runs, run length and warm-up period
  • Perform the simulation runs
  • Analyze the output two major objectives
  • Determining the performance of a certain system
  • Comparing alternative system configurations and
  • More runs? Could be needed depending on the
    accuracy needed in the output
  • Document and present the result (Sell it!)
  • IMPLEMENTATION Depends on if the boss buys your
    results (Sound study a good seller)

Why simulation projects may fail?
  • Lack of well defined set of objective(s) at the
    beginning of study
  • Inappropriate level of model detail
  • Failure to communicate with the management
    throughout the course of the simulation study.
  • Treating simulation study as if it is only a
    computer programming exercise.
  • Lack of technical background of the analyst.
  • Lack of good system data.
  • Making only single run with the model to make
  • Using wrong performance measures.

Problem statement Health Care
Problem statement Health Care
  • Prbs 1,4, and 6 at the end of chapter 1.
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