Title: The K16 School for the Visual
1The K-16 School for the Visual Performing Arts
and Technology
- A Conceptual Framework and Timeline
- Johnny E. Brown, Ph.D.
- Superintendent
- Port Arthur ISD
- Presented by Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Morcease
J. Beasley, at the April 26, 2007 Board of
Trustees Meeting - Re-Engineering for Academic Excellence
2Board of Trustees
- Mrs. Willie M. Elmore
- President Mr. Gregory FloresVice-President Mr
s. Lloyd Marie JohnsonSecretary Mr. Terry
DoyleTrustee Dr. Mattie LondowTrustee Mr.
Kenneth MarksTrustee Mrs. Julia
SamuelsTrustee Johnny E. Brown,
Ph.D.Superintendent of Schools
3A New Vision in PAISD
The Future K-16 School for the Visual
Performing ARTS and Technology
4Proposed Mission
- Create a school for K-16 students with primary
focus on the visual and performing arts and
technology create bond with the City, State of
Texas, local colleges and universities, and
neighboring school districts for common usage
focused upon the arts and other areas which add
value to quality of life in the community,
including after-school programs for youth and
adults and special programs for public
5A Conceptual Framework
A City
A State
Collaboration is a Fine Art
6The Five Areas of Planning Focus
71. General Planning Committees
82. Personnel Planning
93. School Design and Planning
104. Technology Based Curriculum Design and
115. Performance Structure Design and Planning
14Imagine the Possibilities for our City, Region,
and State!
Our Very Own Star A K-16 School for the Visual
Performing Arts and Technology