Title: Undulator Motion Controls
1Undulator Motion Controls
J. WELCH welch_at_slac.stanford.edu
June 9, 2009 FAC, June 2009
- Basics
- Performance
- calibration
- motion
- Stability
3Degrees of Freedom
-5 to 80 mm
/- 1 mm
- Girder x,y, (2X) and roll, control Q, BPM, BFW
and undulator transverse positions. - Undulator girder motion plus 85 mm of horizontal
translation - 33x6 total degrees of freedom for mechanical
4Linear Potentiometers
- Six linear potentiometers provide indepenent
on-line measurement of girder motion with about 5
micron resolution. - Also used for calibration of cam angles and
motion verification.
- Girder is treated as a rigid body.
- Unique, invertable geometrical relations between
the cams and the objects. - Roller bearings on cams determine Q or BPM, and
BFW transverse positions independently.
6Matlab Motion Control Programs
- CVSd matlab routines for undulator motion
control applications - epics controls are also used
girderAngle2Axis girderCamSet
girderAxis2Angle girderCamWaitgirderAxisF
ind girderAxisFromCamAngles girderGeo
girderAxisMeasure girderLinearPot
girderAxisMove girderLinearPotZero
girderAxisSet girderLPOT2Axis
girderBFWMove girderMotorStatusReadgir
derBFWposition girderPositionPlotGui
girder_bump girderPositionPlotGui
girderCalReset girderQuadMovegirderCamA
ngleCalibrate girderQUADposition
girderRotaryPot girderCamPot
girderScoreField_Integral_GUi Field_Integral_GUI
_gui scan_backlash segmentTranslatesegmentTranslat
eWait segmentTranslationStatus steer_undulator_gui
taper_control und_quad_align UndKact
UndKactMonitor UndulatorTaperControl
7Motion Checking
- Accuracy check based on linear potentiometers
which are good to about /- 5 microns. - During initial system checkout, we found gross
distortion in the motion due to software
irregularities. (fixed)
- Linear potentiometer reading versus cam angle.
Should be sinusoidal. - Phase is determined by matlab software. Period is
determined by ANL software.
9Calibration of Many
- Calibrate up to 33 cams at once, but still takes
at least a half and hour per cam - often much
more. - One Linear pot is wired backwards in this picture.
10Calibration Irregularity
- This showed up a problem with the earthquake
restraint bolts that were engaging the girder
during the motion. (We fixed this problem)
11BBA Motion Control
- BBA corrections motions are typically 10 microns
or less. - Corrections are applied to all 33 girder
simulateously through matlab software.
12Undulator Pointing
- Can aim the x-rays by moving the entire undulaor
line. - Range is limited to about 1 mm (radius) at FEE.
13Tolerance Zones
14Drift Rate
- lt 1micron/day motion relative to neighboring BPMs
- Prediction (2004) /- 0.5 microns/day from ground
motion. (Weather also contributes a few-day time
15Girder Motion from ADS
- ADS (stretched wire) measurements of programmed
girder motion - gt10 minutes per point
16Hysteresis in Girder Motion
- Extremely sensitive beam-based measurements show
up to 1 micron of hysteresis. - We may implement a correction cycle, but further
understanding is needed.
- Motion controls have been performing with
accuracy and precision needed for BBA. - New applications using motion controls are still
being created. - Preliminary indications of mechanical stability
are favorable.