- The following slides represent the pages in
- your Techno Zoo research project. They are
- in the order required
- Cover
- Title Page
- Classification page
- Essay
- Internet source sheet
2J a g u a r
3 TECHNO ZOO Jaguar Dec.20,2006 Johnny
Depp HR 116
- Kingdom
- Phylum
- Class
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
5Jaguar This is where you will write you essay.
It must be 5 paragraphs. It is to be typed or
written in ink. You must follow the rules of
correct writing mechanics. The paragraph should
look like this.
12-14- double spaced- black ink 5-7
sentences in each paragraph
1- Introduction and location of
animal (relative location, geography,
climate) Paragraph 2- Topic
Sentence Description of animal
(physical) Paragraph 3- Topic
Sentence Description of habitat Paragraph
4- Topic Sentence Why is it endangered? Paragra
ph 5- Summary
6Internet Resource Page
Techno Zoo Web Sites Picture for
cover Picture Title Title of Web Site DD,
Month, YYYY of publication DD Month, YYYY when
accessed Research
sites 1. Authors name Title of Article DD,
month, YYYY of electronic publication or latest
update DD, month, YYYY when accessed address or URL 2. Authors name Title of
Article DD, month, YYYY of electronic
publication or latest update DD, month, YYYY when