Title: Making Your Website Work for You
1Making Your Website Work for You
2Think about how you lived less than 10 years
- Nothing has impacted society and our behavior as
rapidly as the internet has! - Changed entire marketing communications dynamic
- 1996 a push flow of information was the norm
- tell me everything I need to know (reactive)
- By 2000 we shifted to pull flow society
- Let me decide what I need to know(proactive)
3Five Keys to Web Success
- Plan properly for a well developed website
- Keep a user centered mindset
- Ensure clean, crisp graphics/layout
- Design site to be search engine friendly
- Implement SEO and SEM
4Web Success Key 1
- Plan for an effective site
5Web Success Key 1Plan for an Effective Site
- Websites are like any other project
- Planning will save money, time and headaches
- Hire an expert but, dont leave it all up to
them - Know why you need a website
- Use the Web Planning Guide provided today
6The Web Planning Process
- Think about the type of site you need
- Static or Dynamic
- Static is the typical site environment
- Dynamic allows for content management, data
management, etc. - Content Management Systems are popular
- The Cms section Link is
- http//centerforlearning.org/cms/
7The Web Planning Process
- Know your objectives and purpose
- - The designer should not define this for you!
- Define your web related goals
- Clearly identify what you expect visitors to
doThis will help the design direction
8The Web Planning Process
- Account for where all content will come from
ahead of time (biggest project killer) - Reference other sites to gain insight
- Document everything with designer (scope)
- Clearly identify and analyze everything you can
about your target visitor
9The Web Planning Process
- Brainstorm potential visitor movement they may
desire to make once on your site - Jot down your proposed site map
- Ensures smooth page flow
- Clarifies best navigation
- Identify landing pages, then sub pages
10The Web Planning Process
- List features/functions/forms for the site
- Decide up front if you will want to optimize the
site for search engines
11Web Success Key 2
- Keep a user centered mindset.
12Keep a User-Centered Mindset
Old site
New site
13Web Success Key 2Keep a User Centered Mindset
- Ask yourself - is what I am adding to the site
helping or hurting the user experience? - Recognize that websites are self service tools
- Avoid making the visitor figure your site out
- Always step back and think about your targeted
audience and how they think - Align content and navigation to their mindsets
14Usability Will Determine Your Success
- It is often overlooked in the design process
- Effective usability is difficult to achieve
- Space limitations
- Content and graphics to merge together
- Limited font options
- Color issues, monitor and browser issues, etc.
- Avoid overdoing what we want in the site vs.
what the visitor wants
15User Friendly Web Tips
- Have clean and easy to follow navigation
- Align your site structure with user expectations
- Avoid distracting the visitors direction
- Make sure your contact info is visible
- Visitor should always know where they are
- Test usability with peers or hire test users
- Try to keep key pages within 3 clicks
16Visitor Frustration Will Run Deeper than Just
Your Site
- A challenging or unorganized site reflects poorly
on your organization - Close your eyes and think about your emotions
when you struggled to get something on a site! - Your site should make the visitor feel okay
17Have Clean Navigation
- Keep it simple, straightforward, intuitive
- Best main navigations are clearly left, right or
top - Check your ability to travel back to where you
came from using only page navigation - Menu names (links) should be specific,
descriptive and relative to the topic - Make sure nav is visible from any page
- Avoid distracting sounds on links
- Icons should be easy to understand
18Align Sites Structure With User Expectations
- Think about where your visitor would expect
certain information - Realize that you have background knowledge of
what you intended the navigation to be. - The visitor has to figure out your intentions
- Think in terms of what the user wants before
considering what you want in the site
19Avoid Distracting the Visitors Direction
- Keep links that leave your site off early pages
- Keep fringe information off the home page
- Make it clear where the core information is
20Make Sure Contact Info is Visible
- Can you remember being frustrated by this?
- Try and keep the path to finding contact info
accessible throughout the site
21Visitor Should Always Know Where They Are
- Try and use titles on pages when possible
- Have the navigation hi-light location status
22Test, Test, Test, and Test More
- Use your peers or hire local people to test it
- Predetermine what you want to achieve (purchase,
find key info, getting sign ups, etc) - Sit with them - watch eye and mouse moves
- Have the tester verbalize what they see as they
go, and their vision of move options - Command honest feedback listen
23Keep Key Pages Within 3 Clicks
- If it takes more than 4 pages to purchase on
ecommerce rethink your paths - Fewer page clicks improves your conversion rates
and makes visitors happy
24Web Success Key 3
25Web Success Key 3Clean, Crisp
- The goal is to balance form and function
- Visitors scan pages looking for an anchor
- Go with the flow! Most visitors eyes flow
- immediate glance to top left
- then center
- then left or the top looking for navigation
- Conversion related content is best from center to
slightly right on the page
26Clean, Crisp Graphics/Content/Layout
- Choose web-safe colors
- Printing colors do not translate same on web
- RGB vs. CMYK
- All monitors are not created equally
- Use color to effectively manage visibility of
27Clean, Crisp Graphics/Content/Layout
- Break content and text into easy to follow
sections or blocks - Create a clear hierarchy or path in the way
information is positioned on the pages - Create contrast with color and text
28Clean, Crisp Graphics/Content/Layout
- Write clear and concise copy
- Use quality images
- Design page resolution to least common
denominator (800 x 600 screen resolution)
29Website Sample
30Web Success Key 4
- Use a Search-Engine Friendly Approach.
31Web Success Key 4Use Search Engine Friendly
- Amazingly, many sites are designed without search
engine considerations - It saves money to create an SEO friendly site up
front compared to converting a site - Even if SEO and web marketing are not in current
budget, it pays to at least make the site SEO
ready from the get go!
32Web Success Key 4Use Search Engine Friendly
33How Do Search Engines Work?
34How Do Search Engines Work?
- Wow, I cant believe I found a place just down
the road! - It happened long before your search
- It starts with url submission or link activity
- Then come the spiders to check it out
- Whats with these robots
- And the..the algorithms keep score!
35Want an SE Friendly Site?
- Avoid using frames hard for SEs to index
- Minimize or compress graphic file sizes
- Search engines dislike slow loading sites
- Stay more in html and text - less in graphics
- SEs like to read text and evade graphics
- Be sure your html coding is W3C compliant
36Want an SE Friendly Site?
View Source Encoding sample
37Want an SE Friendly Site?
- Carefully research keywords and phrases
- Actively update and change your content
- SEs love site updates and new content
- Make good use of keywords in top of page
- SEs begin at top and seek quick relevancy
38Want an SE Friendly Site?
- Optimize your sites title and meta tags
- Place key words in titles and tags
- Meta tags keyword and description tags.
- Each page should have its own title
- Makes it easier for SEs to index pages
- Create a back-end SE friendly site map helps
SEs index your pages and content
39Want an SE Friendly Site?
- Place keywords in your graphics alt tags
- Make sure your navigation is html-not graphic
- SEs dont recognize flash
- If used, just make sure most of site is html
40Web Marketing Solutions
41Web Marketing Solutions
- Linking Activity
- Internet Advertising
- Affiliate Marketing
- Blogging
- Viral Marketing
- Email Marketing
42Linking Activity
- What is linking?
- Why does linking matter?
- How do I find good links
- Tools like linkpopularity.com by Google
- Do a search on your key words looking for
complementary sites (non-competitive sites) - Create a link request email message or call
- Best link to sites with high PR and link pop.
43Linking Activity
44Internet Advertising
- Paid placements
- Pay per click advertising you only pay for
click throughs - Creates increased exposure on SEs
- Research best words
- You see these on the right side usually
- Web optimization creates the center pg ranks.
This is free but requires expertise. - Can take at least six months to make progress
45Internet Advertising
Sponsored adsfor the Search on Yoga Toes
46Internet Advertising
- Check out googleanalytics.com to get traffic
potential, keyword statistics, open an acct. - Paid advertising (PPC, etc,), is a great way to
generate quick activity you can get results in
47Affiliate Marketing
- Great for people who do e-commerce
- Think of it as building a big referral network
- Compensate affiliates a variety of ways
- Click through
- Leads
- Sales
- Build affiliates through software or approach it
the same way you do linking strategies
48Make Blogs Work For You!
- Rapidly growing strategy
- Two ways to use them
- Create multiple blogs for independent linkage
- Participate in industry specific external blogs
- How to approach this strategy
- Keyword searches looking for good blogs
- Participate in only relevant blogs
- Provide valuable info, and refer to your site
49Viral Marketing
- Good examples Tell a friend/refer a friend
- Helps build email contacts and avoids spam
- Use on your site or in email campaigns or in
articles/white papers you place on web
50Email Marketing
- Tips
- Do in html minimize graphic use
- Create links back to your site
- Offer value or education
- Follow ethical practices to avoid getting
blacklisted - Maximize viral marketing
- Consider using an auto responder in your site
51Email Marketing