Title: Increasing Student Transition and Success:
1Increasing Student Transition and Success
2What is Cal-PASS?
- Creates regional partnerships
- Links primary, secondary and post-secondary
institutions on a regional basis - Tracks students from one segment to the next
- Includes over 2,500 K-12 schools, community
colleges, and universities throughout California
3Cal-PASS History
- Began in 1998
- Responded to a local need
- Expanded regionally
- Received Statewide funding
- Continues to expand
- Now a presence in 31 counties
- Over 120 millions records
4(No Transcript)
5Cal-PASS Principles
- Collaboration
- Discovery
- Curriculum Continuity and Alignment
- Innovation
- Evaluation
- Expansion
6Cal-PASS Benefits
- Increase communication among systems
- Inform and document the K-16 pipeline
- Improve articulation and student preparation
- Empower faculty with data
- Facilitate student learning
- Assess the effectiveness of interventions
7Who is Supporting Cal-PASS?
- Funding
- California Legislature
- Carnegie
- California Community College System Office
- Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District
- Girard Foundation
- Hewlett Foundation
- Johnson Foundation
- In Process
- Gilbert
- Partnerships
- Carnegie Foundation -- SPECC
- Irvine Foundation -- SSPIRE
8Cal-PASS Endorsements
- Former Senator Alpert
- Senator Scott
- Assembly Member Liu
- The Ed Trust- West
- Master Planning Alliance
- California State University Chancellors
Office -
9Other Collaborative or Data Integration Ventures
- Community College System MIS
- CSU Data Warehouse Project
- Transcript Evaluation Service (TES)
- National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)
10What Kinds of Data are Collected?
- Anonymous student identifiers (personal
information is removed or encrypted) - Student file
- Demographic information
- Course file
- Course enrollments and grades
- Student test file
- STAR and California High School Exit Exam score
- Award file
- Diplomas, degrees, certificates
- Optional files
- Information collected on interventions
11Data Submission
- Initial submission of 5 years of data
- Subsequent annual submission due November 1
- Community College data extracted from the System
Office MIS - Cal-PASS extract in K12 Student Information
Systems - Eagle Aeries, SASI, Powerschool, Maximus
- others in process
- Working with CSUs Peoplesoft Data Warehouse
project to create extract
12Data Security
- Locally run program encrypts and validates data
prior to transmission - Servers in secure data center with firewall and
controlled access - Security document available at www.calpass.org
13The Agreements
- Confidentiality -FERPA
- Security
- Encrypted SSNs
- Password protection
- Published info will not have the potential to
identify individuals
14Access to the Data
- Web accessible data system
- Submit Cal-PASS files
- Download selected data
- Queryable data mart (username and password
protected) - Password protected
- Permissions based on MOU
- Varying level of access (summary data v. unitary
15How to Join
- Packet available at www.calpass.org and includes
- Letter of intent on District/Institution
letterhead - MOU
- Contact form designating the Program and IT
contacts - Share list cover
- Share list(s) for each county in which you have
partner institutions
16Cal-PASS Research
- Action Research Paradigm
- Faculty, administrators, and local researchers
are active participants - Iterative process to refine analysis
- Common questions become standard reports or web
based queries produced by Cal-PASS staff - Locally unique questions handled by local
researchers with assistance from Cal-PASS staff
17Making Cal-PASS Work The Faculty Councils
- English
- Mathematics
- Counseling
- Tech Prep
- Science
18Relation between last math passed at Alpha High
School and first math attempted at Beta College
Red attempted class in college lower than that
already passed in high school Gold attempted
class in college equal to that already passed in
high school Green attempted class in college
higher than that already passed in high school
19Math Activities
- Cal-PASS research demonstrated that students are
repeating Algebra at very high rates - Focused on Algebra 1 ( Beginning) and Algebra II
(Intermediate) - Includes K-8, HS, CC
- Reviewed standards
- Identify common strands in Algebra curriculum
- Deconstructed curriculum identifying best
20Relationship between the last English class
passed at Alpha High School and the first English
classed attempted at Beta College
Gold average level of first college English
attempted Green above the average with at least
10 of the students Red below the average with
at least 10 of the students
21English Activities
- Cal-PASS research demonstrated that students were
not progressing at expected rates and experienced
a high percentage of remediation as they
transitioned - Middle School, HS, CC, and Univ.
- Developed common curriculum areas
- Staff development training
- Adopted a High School
- Integrating with current CSU expertise
22Community College to University Transition
- Tracked 1998-1999 Alpha County area CC students
- Students earned at least 12 units at CC before
transfer to University
23Percent of Community College transfer cohort
earning Alpha State degree by Community College
GPA and time
N1,829 students from 3 local CCs. 44 of
cohort earned degree in 6 years. Each GPA
category contains an approximately equal number
of students.
24(No Transcript)
25Example How does Cal-PASS Support Partner
Organizations?AVID Performance Indicators
- Cal-PASS and AVID are jointly developing standard
set of performance indicators for schools to
utilize in program review
26AVID Performance Indicators from Alpha High School
27Tech Prep Council Activities
- HS and GCCCD
- Changed procedures
- Electronic AR transfer and upload
- Web Site developed
- Work with teacher
28How to Contact Us
- Brad Phillips, Executive Director
- bphillips_at_calpass.org, (619) 252-8503
- Michelle Kalina, Associate Director
- mkalina_at_calpass.org, (916) 759-2486
- Mary Kay Patton, Database Administrator
- mkpatton_at_calpass.org, (916) 995-3183
- Shelly Valdez, Intersegmental Coordinator
- svaldez_at_calpass.org, (619) 219-9855
- Terrence Willett, Director of Research
- twillett_at_calpass.org, (831) 277-2690