Title: Malcolm Sutherland
1property coordinationUtilizing
- Malcolm Sutherland
- Deputy Head Government Estate Rationalisation
- ePIMS workshop 11 May 2009
2GET team structure
Mike Burt Director, GET
HPP Policy umbrella
Relocation Programme
Estate Rationalisation
3- There are two main aspects to the work that we
undertake - Estate Rationalisation
- Market Activity Advice
- In both cases we engage with depts to provide
support, advice and guidance to enable depts to
achieve an improved outcome
4Estate Rationalisation (1)
Over recent years depts have delivered
significant space reductions It is anticipated
that reductions will continue a snapshot of
this trend is captured in the SOFTE report
Sq m
2000 2005
5Estate Rationalisation (2)
- London and South East reductions
- Committed to 4 million sq ft
6Estate Rationalisation (3)ER schemes are
generated in a variety of ways
- Business change requirements
- MoG changes
- Cost reduction drivers (dept)
- Relocations (Lyons)
- Property controls (Greater South East)
- New initiatives
- These drivers may translate into a demand or
release vacant space
7Estate Rationalisation (4)The GER clearing house
- GER will be notified of demands and vacants by
Depts as early as possible in the process - GER also retain a record of vacant space and
requirements from depts where it is not
appropriate for these to be broadcast (tentative,
sensitive, not cleared, HR issues etc) - e-PIMS data must be kept up to date and accurate
- will return to this theme
8Estate Rationalisation (5)Estate Rationalisation
- GER to assist in identifying suitable options
from knowledge of current future vacant space
(recorded or not) - GER to help to refine list of options (DCF,
EXOCAT, Exchequer perspective) - GER to assist depts in reaching agreement on
9Estate Rationalisation (6) sample scheme
10Victoria House, WC1
11Wellcome Wolfson Building,SW7
12Estate Rationalisation (7) DAO 5/05 cases
13Harmsworth House, EC4
14Millbank Tower, SW1
15Market Activity Advice (1)
- The Cost Metric in SOFTE better than private
sector - off prime
- fit for purpose
- vfm space no frills etc
- Good work by depts and agents to drive down on
rents at review - supported by GER
- exploiting covenant strength wherever possible
16Market Activity Advice (2)
- - Coordination Diary (forward look)
- Risk categorisation
- Events arranged into schemes
- Liaison between departments
- Liaison between respective consultants
- GER team overview
- GET work closely with CESP
- RETROFIT Programme data re characterisations
and costs of buildings is required to inform
decisions - Ruth Brutnall next presentation
- National Audit Office Reports
- Public Accounts Committee
- Parliamentary Questions
- Freedom of Information Act Enquiries
- Management Information (generally)
- e-PIMS data must be kept up to date and accurate
19Contact us
- Helping Government deliver best value from its
spending - Malcolm.sutherland_at_ogc.gsi.go.uk
- 020 7271 2787
- Service Desk 0845 000 4999E ServiceDesk_at_ogc.gsi
.gov.ukW www.ogc.gov.uk