Title: Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour
Julie Lucas Joanna Mathioudakis Anne
McMullan Lee-Anne Thomas
- Overview of topic
- Culture
- the concepts, values and tangible items (such
as buildings and foods) that make up a particular
society (Dibb et al, 2001) - Subcultures
- Sub-divisions of culture according to geographic
regions or human characteristics, such as age or
ethnic background. (Dibb et al, 2001)
- Main themes
- Language
- Family
- Religion
- Education, literacy and Internet
- Aesthetics
- Material culture
- Urbanisation
- Rituals
- Exposure to different cultures
4 Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour
- Language
- Influences
- - How advertising is perceived ( Koslow, 1994)
- - How the brand is recalled (Schimitt, 1994)
- The correct use of the native language is a
great advantage for researching the markets
better (Swift, 1991)
5Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Religion
- The behaviour of those who are strongly committed
to religion is influenced by moral conscience - e.g. Malaysia
- Authoritarianism is closely linked to religion
6Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Education
- Education is closely linked to the value of
quality of life - Literacy
- In most developed nations, nearly all people
over the age of 17 have a basic level of literacy - Internet
- The Internet is more popular with weak
uncertainty avoidance societies
7Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Family
- The most powerful social group in any society
- Learn within the family
- - what to believe
- - how to behave
- - what needs are socially accepted
- Who is the decision-maker within the family?
8Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Family size and structure
- - Size of European families
- - Developing countries
- Why???
- How does this impact on consumer behaviour?
9Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Aesthetics
- Relates to a cultures beliefs concerning
- - greetings
- - body motions
- - colours
- - numbers
- - shapes/sizes/symbols
- Acceptance of a market
- Do consumers care if a brand is global?
10Consumer Types
11Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Materialism
- - To have
- - To be
- Self-image / status / success
12Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Technology
- - Manufactured goods versus hand made goods
- - Labour intensive versus mechanised
- - High technology versus low technology
13Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- The economic environment
- - financial
- - communication
- - transport
- Changing patterns in employment
14Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Cultural Factors include
- Religion, Language, Family, Education
- Other aspects of culture
- - Urbanisation
- - Ritualistic Behaviour
- - Effect of exposure to other cultures
15Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Urbanisation
- Why is the Industrial Revolution relevant?
- New Consumer experience
- - importance of identity
- - material goods
- - new values and lifestyles
16Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- And Today???
- - Anonymity of urban life
- - Important to give right impression
- - Creation of identity/personality
- Limitations
- - wealth
- - commuter culture
17Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Ritualistic Behaviour
- Rituals are symbolic actions performed by
consumers to create, affirm, evoke or revise
certain cultural meanings - (Peter et al., 1999)
18Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Exchange Rituals
- transfer cultural meanings to the receiver
- (Peter et al., 1999)
- e.g. Christmas, Birthdays, Name Days etc.
19Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour (cont.)
- Exposure To Different Cultures
- Travel, telecommunication capabilities,
immigration - Different ways of life, beliefs and perspectives
- e.g. Food
- - Specialist stores
- - Supermarkets
- - Restaurants
- How the impact of culture on consumer behaviour
can influence International Marketing - Why an understanding of this impact is vital