Title: After the WarChapter 27
1After the War-Chapter 27
GI Bill
18 to 30 97 of women getting married!
2Civil Rights 1948 de-segregation of the armed
Jackie Robinson
31948 Election
4The Start of the Cold War
USSR-National Security Act
George Marshall-Marshall Plan
5Berlin Airlift 1948
1 plane every 2 minutes!
6Korean War
- 1949 China officially Communist
- Korea split after WWII
- North Communist
- South Democratic
- North Attacks South 1950
- US push back
- 300,000 Chinese counter
300,000 Chinese Attack
7Old border established 1953 cease fire
Eventually 25,000 Americans Killed 100,000 Injured
850,000 South Korean 1.5 Million North Korean
Chinese Killed
8Second Red Scare
Joseph McCarthy
9Election of 1952
Truman Does Not Run Again
Dwight Ike Eisenhower-Republican
Vice President Richard Nixon
10Military Strategy
CIA-intervention in Iran and Guatemala
11More Cold War
Milton Berle
Ed Sullivan
1946 17,000 TVs in America
1950 20,000 Bought A Day
13Leave it To Beaver, Father Knows Best
Game Shows-64,000 Question, Twenty One
14Young Generation
Elvis Presley
James Dean
Jack Kerouac
15(No Transcript)
16This law of 1883 tried to end Government
Corruption and the Spoils System????? ???????????
17- What is the Peoples Party Commonly Known
18- What the hell was Gold Mountain???????????????????
19What did Admiral Dewey Dew in Manila
Harbor????????????????????????????????? It did
not involve 7up!!!!!!!!!
20What was the new deal
21What was the significance of ARTICLE 10 in
Reference to the League Of Nations
22Describe the Yellow Press
23Name 3 countries that we fought in World War
ONE 1 Easy 2 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 3 I
want my mommy