Title: Acces to drinking water in the rural areas
1Acces to drinking waterin the rural areas
- The role of youth and civil society
Youth Water Network GREEN Belgium Zena
Hadjivasiliou Hanne Jacobs Spiros Chatzis
Jo Van Cauwenberge
2Morocco at the end of 2004
6.400.000 people lack access to safe drinking
- No satisfaction of basic needs
- Water related diseases
- Hygiene problems
- No acces to education and development
Young people lack opportunities and move to
cities and abroad
3General overview
Partnership with ONEP National Water Company of
Water Ambassadors Youth Congress
Pilot project in 3 villages
4GREEN Belgium
- Belgian NGO
- Working on sustainable development, water issues,
education and public participation - Active on both local and international
GREEN Belgium is helping to tackle the global
water problem by supporting initiatives in
developing countries by taking part in
international water conferences and debates.
5GREENs partnership with ONEP
- ONEP Office National de lEau Potable the
National Water Company of Morocco
- To achieve the chaired vision of Water as a
human right - Work together on development, especially in rural
areas - Bilateral and international exchanges in the
fields of communication, education and public
6GREENs partnership with ONEP
- ONEP Office National de lEau Potable the
National Water Company of Morocco
- Conference for the Moroccan water sector on
Water, a human right with Prof. Riccardo
Petrella - Development of pilot projects in 3 rural villages
with Rotary clubs from Morocco, Belgium and
France - First Water Ambassadors Youth Congress in Rabat
7The Youth Water Network
- About 100 youngsters,mainly Europeans
- Working together on water issues
- Active on both international and local level
- Everyone can join the network via the
Our mission is to increase youth
participationin order to achieve sustainable
water management through the processes of
democracy, education and solidarity
8Water Ambassadors Youth Congress
- Rabat, Morocco
- 17-24 September 2005
- More than 80 youngsters
- Aged 15 till 20
- 12 European countries
- Morocco
9Water Ambassadors Youth Congress
- Workshops to raise awareness of the impact that a
lack of water has on life conditions, education
and the development level - A day living in a rural village (douar) to
experience the water supply problems
10Water Ambassadors Youth Congress
- All youngsters got training for their future
role as Water Ambassadors - The youngsters went home with a mission
organising local actions for the benefit of the
village they visited
11Water Ambassadors Project
- A public water fountain will be placed in her
village - Got the very firstYouth Water Network-Scholarship
12Water Ambassadors Project
- Shes going back to school,
- after years of carrying water all day long.
13Water Ambassadors Project
- Majda wanted to be a real Water Ambassador by
telling you about her experiences today, but she
couldnt join us due to visa problems.
14Water Ambassadors Project
- Many other boys and girls are in the same
situation as she was. - Everywhere in the world, at this very moment.
15Free the water-carriers!
- We started already.
- Also you can do it, its your mission now!
- Feel free to contact us for more information.
Youth Water Network GREEN Belgium Zena
Hadjivasiliou Hanne Jacobs Spiros Chatzis
Jo Van Cauwenberge