Title: Drugusing women and HIV Kasia MalinowskaSempruch kmalinowskasorosny'org
1Drug-using women and HIVKasia
Malinowska-Sempruch kmalinowska_at_sorosny.org
Photo Jacqueline Mia Foster
2- Data
- Women drug users
- Sexual health issues
- Pregnancy
- Sex work
- Drug-related services
- Policy recommendations
3Epidemics among injecting drug users are explosive
- Svetlagorsk 67 IDUs infected within one year of
first HIV case (Dehne and Kobyschka 2002). - St. Petersburg 0.3 HIV prevalence among IDUs in
1998, 19.3 by 2000 (Dehne and Kobyschka 2002). - Yili prefecture (Xianjiang, China) HIV infection
among IDUs 9 in January 1996. By August, 76 of
IDUs were infected - (UNAIDS/UNODCCP 2000).
- Chiang Rai, Thailand HIV prevalence among IDUs
increased from 1 in 1988 to 61 in 1989.
4HIV Epidemics mostly or almost entirely among
drug users, fSU
- Russia as many as 1.6 million HIV cases, 87
IDUs, fastest growing epidemic in the world
(UNAIDS 2006) - Ukraine estimated 410,000 HIV cases, 68 IDUs.
In Odessa and Simferopol, 58 of IDUs are HIV - (UNAIDS 2006)
- Lithuania 79 of HIV cases are among IDUs
- Moldova 74 of HIV cases are among IDUs
- Central Asia injecting drug use accounts for
70-90 of HIV infections - Kazakhstan 77 of HIV cases are among IDUs
- Kyrgyzstan 78 of HIV cases among IDUs
- Tajikistan 70 of HIV cases among IDUs
5HIV Epidemics mostly or almost entirely among
drug users -- Asia
- Largest number of HIV infections outside Africa
with potential for greatest growth - China 860,000 HIV cases, 44 IDUs (largest share
of HIV cases) (UNAIDS/WHO 2005) - Malaysia 75 of HIV cases among IDUs (Malaysian
Ministry of Health 2005) - Iran 62 of HIV cases are among IDUs (WHO 2004)
- Vietnam 52 of all HIV cases are among IDUs. HIV
cases double (to 260,000) between 2002-2005 - (UNAIDS 2006)
- 80 IDUs HIV in Manipur, India (UNODC 2006)
- In Indonesia, 80 of new HIV cases in last two
years via injection. Estimated 25 of prison
inmates are HIV - (UNAIDS 2006)
6Photo Jacqueline Mia Foster
7Women in drug-related data
- Data about women drug users is often incomplete.
- Women are underrepresented--at the largest harm
reduction program in Iran, only 2 to 5 of
clients are women, and in Krakow, Poland, 20 of
clients are women. In a study conducted across 13
cities in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and
Moldova, women who participate in needle exchange
programs and use harm reduction outreach services
only represent 10 to 20 of all attendees.
8Photo Hans Jürgen Burkard
9Generalized epidemics from drug using communities
- In addition to addressing drug-related needs of
drug users (needle exchange, substitution and
other drug treatment), addressing sexual health
issues holds a key to effective prevention
10Sexual health of drug users
- Survey in St. Petersburg one third of clients
reported multiple sexual partners in the last 30
days and 70 percent reported unprotected sexual
activity - (AIDS Education Prevention, 2002).
- A recent study in Tbilisi funded by the European
Commission and the South Caucuses Anti-Drug
program reports that while needle exchange
significantly improves HIV risk among clients,
there was no significant change in the level of
sexual risk behavior (2006).
11Pregnancy-related needs
- In 19962001, most HIV-infected infants in
Ukraine and the Russian Federation were born to
mothers who were either injecting drug users or
sexual partners of injecting drug users (Hamers
2003). - Low enrollment of drug users in pre-natal
services (50 not in care pre-delivery in
Poland). During a study in six obstetric clinics
in Poland, of those who identified themselves as
drug users during birth, 52 were HIV positive
and 23 stated that this was a planned pregnancy
(Niemiec, 2006). - Drug-using and HIV positive women are forcefully
counseled into abortion. In Kazakhstan, 395
pregnancies were recorded among HIV positive
women by June of this year, from which 236
children were born (Kazakhstan National Center
for AIDS, 2006). - Vertical transmission in Ukraine (2000-2004)
among women who acquired HIV through injecting
drug use was as high as it was in Western Europe
prior to introduction of perinatal antiretroviral
therapy (AIDS, 2006). - In China, pregnant women are excluded from
methadone programs.
12Sex worker outreach in Volgograd
13Sex work and drugs
- The link between sex work and drug use is strong
some women turn to drugs in order to help cope
with harsh conditions of being sex workers, while
others turn to sex work to support their drug
use. - 44 of sex workers in Moscow inject drugs
- (Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, 1998).
- In Tashkent, HIV prevalence of 10 was found
among female sex workers who were non-users and
increased to 58 for women who identified
themselves as drug users (UNAIDS/WHO, 2005).
14Photo Hans Jürgen Burkard
15Barriers to HIV and Drug Treatment for Women
- Stigma and consequences of using drug-related
services - Overwhelming presence of men at treatment
programs - Burdensome administrative procedures, ie state
registration, residency requirements - Very few drug treatment centers where women can
be admitted with their children, forcing a
separation that later may become permanent
16Syringe exchange in Astrakhan
17Other issues
- Drug use, being an illicit activity, makes
accessing health services difficult - Drug trafficking is a serious matter, especially
in Central Asian countries, and the number of
women incarcerated for it has grown dramatically - When drug using women report sexual violence, law
enforcement and judiciary bodies, are not
interested at best abusive and at worst
18For our consideration.
- Syringe exchange, substitution treatment and
other outreach services to drug users must become
a central part of a national response to drug
use, and special efforts should be made for these
programs to include drug-using women. - Effective drug treatment that respects the rights
of drug users and addresses their individual
needs, such as parenting, must be widely
available to all who request it. - Provisions must be made by service providers that
addressing drug users needs to fully incorporate
sexual health matters into their interventions,
with particular attention to the fact that a
significant number of drug users are selling
sexual services - Official registration of drug users must be
abolished, as it presents a severe obstacle to
seeking health services - Reasonable provisions must be made for those
unable to meet residency requirements, in order
for them to benefit from health care services,
including sexual health services.
19For our consideration. (2)
- Law enforcement must be properly instructed and
held accountable for any mistreatment of drug
users, including for sexual offences of women - National guidelines for drug-related services
must acknowledge that in order for services to
include women, they must recognize and make
provisions to address their needs - Sexual and reproductive health services must be
significantly strengthened and expanded to allow
stigma-free inclusion and participation of drug
users - Punitive drug policies and administrative
procedures for drug use and personal drug
possession must be brought in line with public
health goals - Epidemiological studies of drug use itself,
sexual behavior of drug users, special needs of
drug using women and HIV prevalence among
injecting drug users need to be supported to
ensure fuller understanding of the problem and
its scope