Title: Living Hardware to Solve the Hamiltonian Path Problem
1Living Hardware to Solve the Hamiltonian Path
Professors Dr. Malcolm Campbell and Dr. Laurie
Students Oyinade Adefuye, Will DeLoache, Jim
Dickson, Andrew Martens, Amber Shoecraft, and
Mike Waters
2The Hamiltonian Path Problem
3Computational Complexity
- Millennium Problem
- PNP?
- Brute Force required
Does a Hamiltonian Path exist in this graph?
4Why Should We Use Bacteria?
Adleman LM (1994). Science 266 (11) 1021-1024.
5Flipping DNA with Hin/hixC
6Using Hin/hixC to Solve the HPP
7Using Hin/hixC to Solve the HPP
hixC Sites
8Using Hin/hixC to Solve the HPP
9Using Hin/hixC to Solve the HPP
10Using Hin/hixC to Solve the HPP
Solved Hamiltonian Path
11What Genes Can Be Split?
GFP before hixC insertion
12What Genes Can Be Split?
GFP displaying hixC insertion point
13Gene Splitter Software
- Generates 4 Primers (optimized for
melting temperature). - 2. Biobrick ends are added to primers.
- 3. Frameshift is eliminated.
1. Gene Sequence 2. Where do you want
your hixC site? 3. Pick an extra base to avoid
a frameshift
14Gene-Splitter Output
Note Oligos are optimized for melting
15Use GFP to Split RFP
Green Fluorescent Protein
Red Fluorescent Protein
16Can We Detect A Solution?
17True Positives
Elements in the shaded region can be arranged in
any order.
Number of True Positives (Edges-Nodes1)! 2
18False Positives
Extra Edge
19False Positives
PCR Fragment Length
PCR Fragment Length
20Detection of True Positives
Total of Positives
of Nodes / of Edges
of True Positives Total of Positives
of Nodes / of Edges
21How Many Plasmids Do We Need?
k actual number of occurrences ? expected
number of occurrences
? m plasmids solved permutations of edges
permutations of edges
Cumulative Poisson Distribution
P( of solutions k) 1 -
22Starting Arrangement
4 Nodes 3 Edges
Probability of HPP Solution
Number of Flips
23Where Are We Now?
24First Bacterial Computer
Starting Arrangement
25First Bacterial Computer
Starting Arrangement
Solved Arrangement
26Future Directions
Split additional genes
Make more complex graphs
Solve other problems such as the Traveling
Salesperson Problem
27Living Hardware to Solve the Hamiltonian Path
Collaborators at MWSU
Dr. Todd Eckdahl, Dr. Jeff Poet, Jordan
Baumgardner,Tom Crowley, Lane H. Heard, Nickolaus
Morton, Michelle Ritter, Jessica Treece, Matthew
Unzicker, Amanda Valencia
Additional Thanks Karen Acker, Davidson
College 07
Support Davidson College
The Duke Endowment HHMI
NSF Genome
Consortium for Active Teaching
James G. Martin Genomics Program
28Extra Slides
29Traveling Salesperson Problem
- The nature of our construct requires a stable
transcription mechanism that can read through
multiple genes in vivo - Initiation Complex vs. Elongation Complex
- Formal manipulation of gene expression (through
promoter sequence and availability of accessory
proteins) is out of the picture
Solution T7 bacteriophage RNA polymerase
- Highly processive single subunit viral
polymerase which maintains processivity in vivo
and in vitro
31Path at 3 nodes / 3 edges HP- 1 12 23
32Path at 4 nodes / 6 edges HP-1 12 24 43
33Path 5 nodes / 8 edges HP -1 12 25 54 43
34Path 6 nodes / 10 edgesHP-1 12 25 56 64 43
35Path 7 nodes / 12 edgesHP-1 12 25 56 67 74 43
36More Gene-Splitter Output
37Promoter Tester
- Tested promoter-promoter tester-pSBIA7 on varying
concentration plates
- Used Promoter Tester-pSB1A7 and Promoter
Tester-pSB1A2 without promoters as control - Further evidence that pSB1A7 isnt completely
38Promoters Tested
- Selected strong promoters that were also
repressible from biobrick registry - ompC porin (BBa_R0082)
- Lambda phage(BBa_R0051)
- pLac (BBa_R0010)
- Hybrid pLac (BBa_R0011)
- None of the promoters glowed red
- Rus (BBa_J3902) and CMV (BBa_J52034) not the
parts that are listed in the registry
39Splitting Kanamycin Nucleotidyltransferase
- Determined hixC site insertion at AA 125 in each
monomer subunit - -AA 190 is involved in catalysis
- -AA 195 and 208 are involved in Mg2 binding
- -Mutant Enzymes 190, 205, 210 all showed changes
in mg2 binding from the WT - -Substitution of AA 210 (conserved) reduced
enzyme activity - -AA 166 serves to catalyze reactions involving
ATP - -AA 44 is involved in ATP binding
- -AA 60 is involved in orientation of AA 44 and
ATP binding - -We did not consider any Amino Acids near the N
or C terminus - -Substitution of AA 190 caused 650-fold decrease
in enzyme activity - -We did not consider any residues near ß-sheets
or ?-helices close to the active site because
hydrogen bonding plays an active role in
substrate stabilization and the polarity of our
hix site could disrupt the secondary structure
and therefore the hydrogen bonding ability of
40Plasmid Insulation
- Insulated plasmid was designed to block
read-through transcription - Read-through transcription without a promoter
- Tested a promoter-tester construct
- Plated on different concentrations of Kan, Tet,
and Kan-Tet plates - Growth in pSB1A7 was stunted
- No plate exhibited cell growth in uninsulated
plasmid and cell death in the insulated plasmid
41Tetracycline Resistance Protein
- Did not split
- Transmembrane protein
- Structure hasnt been crystallized
- determined by computer modeling
- Vital residues for resistance are in
transmemebrane domains (efflux function) - HixC inserted a periplasmic domains AA 37/38 and
AA 299/300 - Cytoplasmic domains allow for interaction with N
and C terminus
42Splitting Cre Recombinase
43What Genes Can Be Split?
GFP before hixC insertion
GFP displaying hixC insertion point
44Gene Splitter Software