Title: Service Excellence Business Perspective
1Service Excellence - Business Perspective
2The Service Delivery Goal ?
- World Class Processes
- Best in Quality Score
- Customer Satisfaction
Process What the company did?
Satisfaction How did the customer feel?
Behavior How did the customer behave?
- Satisfaction is a means, not an end itself.
- Best behavior Repeat purchase, Recommend
4CSAT VS Mkt. Share
5CSAT VS Mkt. Share
6Converting CSAT to Profits
- Customer Satisfaction
- Customer Intended behavior
- Customer actual behavior
7Service Components
- A. Service / Product Experience Core Value
Delivered by the product / service - Eg Food in a restaurant
- Outcome of Doctors prescribed medicines
- B. Contact Experience Experience delivered
- at every contact
- Eg. Dining experience
- Doctors bedside behavior
Core product experience is primary without which
contact experience can be ineffective.
8Typical Measures
- Service Level indicates how fast the call was
answered - Average handling time how long the call
answered - Abandoned calls no of calls lost while waiting
in Q. - Quality of Interaction
- Calls answered by an agent
- ROI / Revenue per call
None of them focus on the Core Customer issue
9Quality Score Vs CSAT
If the Measurement tool is not tuned to customer
needs it will not reflect true satisfaction.
10Quality Score Vs CSAT
11New Measurements
- Root Cause for the calls Reasons / Stimuli
- First Contact Resolution Quick resolution
Contacts that originated in a month repeated
in a 7 day period across all channels ________
________________________________ Total contacts
received in a month
FCR can't be internal measure alone
14Service-Profit Chain
Excellent Financial Performance
Strong Customer Loyalty
High Perceived Value
Superior Service Quality
Adapted from Heskett, et al.,Putting the
Service-Profit Chain to Work, Harvard
Business Review, March-April 1994, p.166.