Title: An International Wilderness Law and Policy Roundtable:
1An International Wilderness Law and Policy
Roundtable Lessons Learned and Expanding Global
Ocean Wilderness Breakout Session Report
2Morning Session
- Defining Wilderness in the Ocean Context
- Topics for Discussion
- What are the relevant wilderness values that
might be most important in preserving ocean
wilderness? - Can we develop, and if so what might be, a
working definition for ocean wilderness? -
- ? Are the precedents for applying definitions of
wilderness into new and challenging environments
applicable to ocean wilderness? -
3Findings of the Morning Session
- Consensus that US Wilderness Act, where
jurisdiction exists (ex. National Parks,
Refuges), is indeed relevant and can be directly
applied to management of marine wilderness. - Ocean wilderness is multidimensionalinvolves
active consideration of the areas above, on, and
below the sea surfaceareas might require
differing management approaches, but must all be
included - Outcomes more important than wordswhere
Wilderness Act jurisdiction does not currently
exist (ex. NMSP) can protect wilderness values
through zoning, without evoking the W wordas
has been done at GBRMPA.
4Draft Working Definition Marine Wilderness
Areas of the marine environment that are
untrammeled and generally undisturbed by human
activities and dedicated to the preservation of
ecological integrity, biological diversity, and
environmental health. An area of marine
wilderness may provide 1) opportunities
for quiet appreciation and enjoyment in such a
manner that will leave these areas unimpaired for
future generations as marine wilderness
2) continued opportunities for subsistence uses
and indigenous cultural practices.
5Marine Wilderness Values
Values of Wilderness and Marine Protected Areas
underlying the consensus definition
6Afternoon Session
The Role of Wilderness in Ecosystem-Based
Management of the Marine Environment Topics for
Discussion ? Does the term wilderness matter
in an ecosystem-based ocean management context?
? Does, and if so where does, ocean wilderness
fit into the existing MPA lexicon? ? What are
the challenges of operationalizing marine
7Afternoon Session Findings
- wilderness may be important as an element of
MPA networks within the context of regional
ecosystem-based management, but more thought
needs to be given to best fit - Inventory of and details regarding existing
designations is largely unavailable. MPA
Inventory being developed by the joint NOAA/DOI
National MPA Center should be collecting detailed
information regarding existing wilderness
designations in marine areas.
8The Devil is in the Details
As regards operationalizingbig issues seem to
be recreational fishing - should not be
permitted simply because of political
pressurecan be effectively managed with gear,
time and area access restrictions, and other
traditional recfish management measures.
motorized access - probably necessary, for
safety and practicality, but where vessel size,
draft, power, etc, can be limited it should, and
non-motorized areas should be considered where
appropriate. determining how disturbed an area
could be and still warrant wilderness designation
- having some sense of disturbance history and
recovery rates would be importantjust seeing
the extent of human disturbance might be
9Expanding our Linguistic Horizons
Hooning (Australian English) Def. - Acting in
an irresponsible manner, especially while
operating a vehicle (or vessel) (ex. erratic
and unpredictable operation of a jetski)