Title: Toyota
- Glen Halter
- Jesse Chando
- Matt Longo
- Tiffany Swoffard
2ToyotaThe Birth of the Prius
3Toyota Overview
- History of the Toyota Production System
- Toyota methodology and business impacts
- What is a hybrid
- Prius, efficient energy impacts and implications
- Alternatives to hybrids
- Toyota hybrid competition
4History of the Toyota Production System
- Principles born in America
- Henry Ford
- W. Edwards Deming
- Joseph Juran
- Birth of Toyota Automatic loom maker
- Cars in 30s
- World War II
5Heart of the Toyota Production System
- Relentless pursuit of eliminating waste (Muda)
7 primary classifications - Defects
- Overproduction
- Transportation
- Waiting
- Inventory
- Motion
- Processing itself
6Value Stream Mapping One of the Tools
- Who is the customer?
- What is the current state? Go to the workplace
(gemba) and see for yourself. - What resources are being consumed in each step
(space, movement, time, etc.). - What steps are really value added? - Does the
customer need these steps? - Make the map and summarize the resources being
used. - Envision the future state.
- Examine alternatives a propose an action plan.
- Are you in alignment with the customer?
7Toyota Business Impacts
- Internal to Toyota
- Continuous Improvement (kaizen)
- Innovation Social, environment, economy, RD
- Treatment of suppliers
- Management system copied by manufacturers and now
service industry - Kaizen consciousness must be on the mindset of
all employees Nampachi Hayashi (Toyota) - An improvement not perfectly done today is better
than the perfect solution done late (ASQ) - The biggest problem is thinking you are okay
Susumu Uchikawa (Kanto)
8What is a hybrid?
- Gas Engine
- Electric motor
- Prius
9Impacts Implications
- Tax and other incentives
- Federal
- State
- Corporate
- Customer discounts and perks
10Impacts Implications contd
- Safety
- Voltage issues
- Aspects of Prius
11Impacts Implications contd
- Oil Dependency
- CAFÉ standards
- National Security
12Impacts Implications contd
- Business
- General Electric initiative
- Increase investment to 1.5 billion by 2010
- Johnson Controls
- Lithium ion battery
- Apollo Alliance
- 300 billion investment over 10 years
- 3 million new jobs
13Impacts Implications contd
- Equator Principles
- Semi-conductor industry
- Fairchild Semi-conductor International (FCS)
- Infineon Technologies (IFX)
- ON Semi-conductor Corp. (ONNN)
14Impacts Implications contd
- Environment -
- Global Warming
- Glacier melting
- Glacier National Park
- Greenland
- Hybrid battery a threat?
15Impacts Implications contd
16Impacts Implications contd
- What if scenario - 1 year driving Prius vs. 25
mpg conventional vehicle - Assumptions/facts
- 12,000 miles driven in a year
- 3 per gallon of gasoline
- 40 gallons of oil per barrel
- 20 lbs. of CO2 emitted per gallon of gasoline
- 200 million cars on the road in the U.S.
17Impacts Implications contd
- Results of 1 Prius vs. 1 conventional car
- Upwards of 800 in fuel costs saved
- 261 gallons of fuel conserved
- What if 25 million (12.5) of those cars were
hybrids - 6.5 billion gallons of fuel conserved
- 19.6 billion in fuel costs saved
- 163 million barrels of oil conserved
- 65 million tons of CO2 not emitted
18Impacts Implications contd
19Alternative Fuel Vehicles
- Flex-Fuel
- Bi-Fuel
- Electric
- Fuel Cell
- Diesel
- Honda
- - Insight
- -Civic
- -Accord
- Hyundai
- Nissan
- - Conditional
- Zap
- Second largest producer of automobiles in The
United States - Development of a business model envied by both
manufacturers and service industries - Fortune Magazine 9th most admired company in
America (first non-US company to do so)