Preoperative skin preparation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preoperative skin preparation


... surgery on the extrimities, the shave preparation usually extends from one joint ... disadvantages that the patient's anesthesia time is prolonged , optimum useof ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Preoperative skin preparation

Preoperative skin preparation
  • Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi
  • An Najah National University
  • Faculty of Nursing

Preoperative Skin PreparationNursing
  • The preoperative skin preparation of a surgical
    patient is the first step in the prevention of
    wound infection
  • The nurse should explain the purpose and method
    of the procedure
  • Every effort should be made to allay any fears
    the patient may express and to answer questions
    in a reassuring manner
  • During the procedure the nurse should observe the
    patients general condition, particularly the
    condition of the skin under treatment
  • Any contraindication to the procedure should be
  • Provide the comfort, safety and privacy of the
  • Good alignment of the patiemts body should be
    maintained and special supports for positioning
    shoild be used as indicated

Initial preparation of operative area
  • In the immediate preoperative period, the skin of
    the involved part of the body is prepared by
    special cleansing
  • Hair should be removed from the operative site
    only as necessary
  • Three alternatives for hair removal are clipping,
    use of depilatory and wet shaving
  • Studies show that the wound infection rate is
    considerably higher for patients who are shaved
    preoperatively than for patients who have no
    preoperative shave preparation or a small amount
    of hair clipped or for patients on whom a
    depilatory is used
  • If a shave is ordered by the surgeon, the patient
    should be shaved immediately before surgery,
    preferably in a holding area within the surgical
    suite that afford privacy and is equipped with
    good lighting facilities

Initial preparation of operative area
  • The amount of time between the preoperative shave
    and the operation has a direct effect on the
    wound infection rate
  • In shaving the site, great care should be taken
    to avoid scratching, nicking or cutting the skin
    because cutaneous bacteria will proliferate in
    these areas and increase the chances of infection
  • Specific orders for the skin preparation are
    written by the surgeon
  • A manual with diagrams and instructions
    concerning the preoperative skin shave is useful
    for the guidance and information of the personnel
    to whom the task is delegated
  • The extent of area to be shaved is determined by
    the site of the incision and the nature of the

Initial preparation of operative area
  • Shaving the face and neck of children or female
    patients is rarely necessary
  • The eyebrows are not shaved unless specifically
    ordered by the physician
  • The head and neck are not generally prone to
    wound infection because of the generous blood
    supply to this area
  • For cosmetic and psychological reasons,
    preparation for head and neck surgery may be done
    in the operating room after the induction of

Initial preparation of operative area
  • For the orthopedic surgery on the extrimities,
    the shave preparation usually extends from one
    joint above to one joint below the area of
  • If a pneumatic tourniquetwill be used during
    surgery, the entire extremity may be prepared to
    facilitate proper draping technique
  • Preparation and draping of the entire extrimity
    also permit manipulation of the limb during
  • Greate care should be exercised in the
    preparation for surgery on bones because wound
    infection resulting from improper cleansing may
    cause a stubborn condition leading to crippling,
    disfigurement and permanent dysfunction
  • The skin may be difficult to clean if it has been
    affected by casts, splints or brces that
    interfere with normal skin care or cause skin

Initial preparation of operative area
  • Daily soaking may help to clean badly soiled feet
    in preparation for surgery justas daily washing
    is advisable in preparation for general elective
  • Patients with traumatic injuries that may be
    excessively painful such as fracture, burns and
    soft tissue lacerations may require anesthesia
    for skin preparation
  • Traumatic wound usually require copious
    irrigationto flush out foreign matter
  • In cleansing the injured area, the surriounding
    skin is first carefully washed with an
    antimicrobial detergent
  • The open wound is irrigated with an isotonic
    solution and the area is treated with an
    antimicrobial solution

Initial preparation of operative area
  • If a patient must e shaved in the operating room,
    a clippings and epithelium removed by the razor
  • Skin preparation in the operating room has the
    disadvantages that the patients anesthesia time
    is prolonged , optimum useof the operating room
    is infringed on, loose hair remaining on the
    surrounding linen may get into the wound and
    water used to wash the skin can result in sterile
    drapes becoming wet

Procedure for preoperative shave
  • Individual supplies are used for each patient
  • Disposable preparation trays and razors can help
    ensure a safe personal technique
  • The use of disposable gloves is a safeguard for
    the pat and for the worker
  • Blankett and support for the patients position,
    necessary lighting and handwashing facilities
    Basic essential for shaving the site of incision
    are vailable
  • Basic equipment includes gloves, basins for warm
    water and soap , a disposable razor, sponges for
    washing, and towels or water proof for daping

Procedure for preoperative shave
  • Solvent solution may required to remove adhesives
    ir nail polsh
  • Volatile liquais such as alcohol and aceton
    should be strictly regulated because of the
    danger of fire or burns
  • Antimicrobial soap or detergent should be applied
    to the skin areas using sponges moistened with
  • A lather is created by using circular motion and
    light friction
  • Beggining with the proposal site of incision and
    working towardthe periphery of the area
  • The principle is progression from cleansed areato
    unclensed one
  • Sponges are discarded as they become soiled and
    the process is contined with fresh sponges
  • Application of lather to skin hair for several
    minuetes before shaving enables the keratin of
    the hair to absoeb three to four times its weight
    in water
  • The water absorbtion makes the hair softer and
    easier to shave

Procedure for preoperative shave
  • A disposable razor with a sharp blade is used to
    shave off lathered hair
  • Holding the soft areas and loose skin taut
    (pulled or drawn tight) with the free hand rises
    the hair and permits easier access to the area
  • A clean shaved can be obtained without injury to
    the skin by gently stroking in the direction of
    hair growth
  • Nicks and cuts resulting from the shave should be
    reported as incidents, and the surgeon should be
  • The surgeon may be ordered a 5-minutes scrub of
    the prepared area with an antimicrobial soapor
    detergent after it has been shaved
  • If so the shaved area is scrubed and rinsed
    carefully and the skin is blotted dry to prevent
    chapping (To cause (the skin) to roughen, redden,
    or crack) and irritation

Final skin disinfection of operative area
  • After the patient has been positioned on the
    operating room bed, final skin cleansing and
    disinfection are performed
  • If the patient has not shower with an
    antimicrobial detergent or soap immediately
    before leaving for the operating room
  • The operative area may be prepared with an
    antimicrobial scrub solution
  • While this is being carried out, the shave can be
    inspected and touched up or extended as needed
  • Skin cleansing is followed by preparing with an
    antimicrobial solution

Prodeure for final skin preparing
  • Supplies arrange on a separate sterile prepping
    (Informal Preparation) table
  • The items should include stainless steel cups for
    the cleansing agent and the selected
    antimicrrobial agent, sterile sponges and sponge
    holding forceps
  • Cotton tipped applicator are needed to clean the
    umbilicus thouroughly and a scrub brush may be
    required fornaiös
  • Final skin disinfection may be done by the
    circulatin nurse or the surgeon
  • The skin scrub begins at the line of the proposed
    incision and proceeds to the periphery of the
  • The antimicrobial agent is applied by sponges
    held in sponge holding forceps or in the gloved

Prodeure for final skin preparing
  • The gloved hand method requires that the glove be
    sterile at the beggining of the skin scrub and
    that the surface of the patients skin not be
    permitted to come into contact with the gloved
  • The sponges used in scrubbing are duscarded as
    they become soiled and fresh one are taken
  • A soiled sponge is never brought back over a
    scrubbed surface
  • The lather is wiped off with dry, sterile sponges
  • Depending upon the surgeons preference, an
    antimicrobial tincture, or paint may be carefully
    applied, avoiding any pooling beneath pat
  • All wet draped should be removed from the patient
    area after the skin scrub is complete

Prodeure for final skin preparing
  • Sponges used to cleanse or disinfect a wound,
    sinus, ulcer, intestinal stoma, the vagina, or
    the anus are applied once to that area
    immediately discarded
  • After prepping of the area, intestinal fistulas
    are generally walled off, using one of the
    plastic transparent adhesive drapes
  • Open wounds and body orifices are potentially
    contaminated areas and as such are prepped after
    the peripheral intact skin is cleansed
  • The surgical principle is always to scrub the
    cleanest area first

Surgical scrub General consideration
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