Title: GRACEHydrology Workshop, Irvine, CA
1GRACE-Hydrology Workshop, Irvine, CA
- Characterizing Signals and Errors in GRACE
- Time-variable Gravity Solutions
- Paul F. Thompson
- Dept. of ASE/EM, University of Texas at Austin
- GRACE team at UT-CSR
- March 22, 2004
2What does a GRACE gravity solution represent?
- time variable background models
- solid earth tide
- ocean tide
- rotational deformation
- non-tidal atmosphereocean (AOD)
Static geopotential
updates to static and time variable GEO
- Errors that impact estimated GEO during data
processing - instrument measurement noise
- parameterization
- aliasing of short-period variability
- spacecraft events
- and so on
- Impact on interpretation due to average unmodeled
GEO - continental hydrology
- solid earth tide
- ocean tide
- rotational deformation
3What does a GRACE gravity solution represent?
- Primary product from GRACE is a monthly gravity
- Update found that minimizes residuals of
(observed-predicted) measurements
4What does a GRACE gravity solution represent?
- Where, the nominal model contains a static and
time-variable geopotential
- Update consists of more than unmodeled
continental hydrology
- Difference between two GRACE solutions for time A
and time B, assuming Gstatic is unchanged
5Annual Variability 600 km smoothing radius
GRACE - cosine
GRACE - sine
NCEP hydro - cosine
NCEP hydro - sine
62003 Variability, 600 km smoothing radius
NCEP hydrology
7GRACE and NCEP continental hydrology
- Annual cycles comparable in amplitude
- Some correlation between GRACE and hydrology up
to degree 30 (600 km wavelengths) - Some months agree very well, some not at
allhighlights difference in phase between GRACE
and NCEP hydro - Deviations from annual are comparable to annual
signal for some monthsnon-sinusoidal - Preliminary comparison with other hydrology
models show better agreement (e.g., GLDAS)
8GRACE Variability About Average - 2003
March, 2003
April, 2003
May, 2003
July, 2003
9Background Model Variability
10Calibrated error estimates
Example 1
Example 2
Example 4
Example 3
11Short-period aliasing and the AOD model
Aliasing error due to unmodeled atmosphere
Perturbation in time-variable gravity solutions
due to AOD model--August to November, 2002
Thompson, et al., 2000 2003 2004
12Mass variability compared to GRACE errors
- Analyzed 14 monthly solutions - 4 in 2002, 10
in 2003 - GRACE gravity solution variability
- Strong annual cycle of 8 mm amplitude
- NCEP hydrology shows reasonable agreement in
amplitude, but disagreement in phase. Other
models show better agreement - Interpretation of time-variable gravity results
- 600 km smoothing radius is reasonable with 2003
solutions - Averaging needs to account for definition of
monthly - Regional scale variability is evident (e.g., the
two basins bordered by Amazon river) - Aliasing/de-aliasing most significant for the
highest degrees, particularly the sectorials - Further work required to isolate unmodeled mass
variability (e.g., hydrology, ocean, atmosphere)
in the presence of the processing related errors
(e.g., instrument noise, temporal aliasing)