Title: Tobacoo Control in China
1Tobacoo Control in China
- Xiao Ma, MD. MPHProfessor Dean
- School of Public Health
- Sichuan University
2Tobacco Epidemic
- In the 20th century, the tobacco epidemic killed
100 million people worldwide. - Currently, 5.4 million deaths every year
- Unless urgent action is taken
- By 2030, there will be more than 8 million deaths
every year - By 2030, more than 80 of tobacco deaths will be
in developing countries - During the 21st century, it could kill one
--WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008
3Tobacco Use and Health
--WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008
4Distribution of Tobacco Users
--WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008
5Tobacco Consumption in China
--WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008
6Tobacco Use in China
- China has 300 million current smokers
- Current smoking rate in male and female is 57.4
and 2.6 respectively, which is lower than that
in 1996 - Current smoking rate in urban and rural area is
25 and 33 respectively - Smoking rate in the age of 15-19 male and 15-24
female is increasing
--Data from Gonghuan Yang, Epidemic of Active and
Passive Smoking in China, 2002
7Tobacco Use in China
- Average cigarette consumption per day are 14.8
sticks - Average expense on cigarette per day is 2.73 RMB
- Quiting rate is 11.5, but 74 of smokers have
not considered quitting - Attitude on smoking free in public places
approval (53.71), neutral (37.77), and
disapproval (15.94) - Attitude on ban on cigarette advs approval (45)
--Data from Gonghuan Yang, Epidemic of Active and
Passive Smoking in China, 2002
8Our Previous Research
- Smoking rate in medical college freshmen was
11.3, 22.7 in male and 0.8 in female - The time of initiating smoking among smokers
45.5 before high school, 33.7 during high
school and 20.9 after college - Among smokers, 19.8 prepared to quit smoking,
53.4 contemplated stoping but not prepared and
30.4 has no intention to quit - Among non-smokers, 10.4 said they might be
smoking in the future, 30.4 had no idea and
59.2 said they would not be smoking in the future
Xiao Ma, Reseach on Smoking Intervention in
College students
9Our Previous Research
Xiao Ma, Reseach on Smoking Intervention in
College students
10Protection Motivation Theory
11Logistic Analysis of Smoking Intention and
Variables in PMT
Xiao Ma, Reseach on Smoking Intervention in
College students
12Tobacco Control in China
- Monitor tobacco use
- Policy level smoke-free law, warnning about the
dangers of smoking, advertising, promotion and
sponsorship bans, raising tobacco taxes, and so
on - Nationwide health education
- Provide supports for quiting, such as nicotine
replacement therapy, consultant and quitline
13Problems needed to be addressed
- Establishment of effective monitor system
- Development and Implementation of tobacco control
policies - Development of effective health education tools
- Development of anti-smoking advertising
- Access to acquiring information
- Access to getting supports
- Training and capacity building
- Development of effective evaluation tools to
evaluate intervention impacts
14Thank you !