Title: APCC2001 Call for Papers
1Call for Participation
Opening the 21st Century by Info-communication
Technologies The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on
Communications 17-20 Sep. 2001, Tokyo,
Japan http//www.ieice.org/apcc2001/ e-mail
The Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications
(APCC) provides a forum for greater regional
interaction and dissemination of information on
the latest developments in the rapidly expanding
field of communications. The major objective of
APCC is to provide researchers and engineers in
the Asia-Pacific region with an opportunity to
discuss topics related to advanced
telecommunication technologies and services and
to open the door to the world. It will focus on
the major advances in telecommunications, both
happening now and to come in the foreseeable
future. APCC2001 will be held in Tokyo, Japan
from 17-20 Sep. 2001 at the University of
Electro-Communications and is scheduled in
conjunction with the IEICE semiannual technical
conference which will be held at the same venue
from 18-21 Sep. 2001. APCC2001 will also offer
technical visits including to IMT-2000 at the
Yokosuka Research Park (YRP), BS digital
broadcasting, ITS, and broadband services over
HIKARI (optical) networks. You are invited to
participate in the conference and do not miss the
following invaluable advantages - APCC2001
registration fee includes the IEICE Conference
registration. - Non-members can join the
Communications Society of IEICE, free of charge
for admission fee and the first annual fee,
with APCC2001 registration.
Sponsored by The Communications Society of the
Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineers (IEICE-CS)
- Technically Co-Sponsored by
- The IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc)
- The Korean Institute of Communication Sciences
(Version 2.0, 1 July 2001)
2- Topics
- Areas of interest include, but are not limited
to, - ATM technologies
- Access and home networks
- Active and programmable networks
- Advanced video communications
- Antennas and propagation
- Broadcasting technologies
- Codings and modulations
- Communications software
- Communications theory
- Computer communications
- High-density and ad-hoc networks
- High-speed and high quality internet
- Human interfaces
- IP over WDM
- Information security
- Intelligent network
- Intelligent transport systems
- Internet applications and technologies
- LAN and MAN technologies
- MPLS and multi-protocol networks
- Millimeter-wave technologies
- Mobile communications
- Multimedia communications
- Network middleware
- Network operations and management
- Network security
- Optical communications
- Personal communications
- Photonic network technologies
- Quality assurance management
- Satellite and space communications
- Signal processing and communications
- electronics
- Switching and routing technologies
- Teletraffic management and control
- Virtual private networking
- Wireless internet
- Wireless systems and technologies
Program 17 Sep. 2001 Tutorals Keynote Address by
Dr. Toshiharu Aoki (President, NTT Data
Corporation) 18 Sep. 2001 Keynote Address by Dr.
J. Roberto B. de Marca (President, IEEE
Communications Society) 19 Sep. 2001 Panel
Discussion jointly organized with
IEICE-CS (Global Collaboration towards the
Advanced Information Society) 20 Sep.
2001 Technical Visits
APCC Steering Committee Chair T. Miki,
Univ. of Electro-Communications Vice-Chair
Z. Niu, Tshinghua Univ. C.H. Yim,
ETRI Secretariat H. Ohta, NTT Members
B.M. Ali, Univ. Putra Malaysia T. Aoyama,
Univ. of Tokyo K. Chung, CURTIN Univ. of
Tech. D.N. Cooper, CSIRO A.J. Gibbs, NEC
Australia C.C. Ko, National Univ. of
Singapore B.G. Lee, Seoul National Univ.
L.S. Lee, National Taiwan Univ. S. Lee, Korea
Telecom H. Miyahara, Osaka Univ. N. Ohta,
Sony D.P. Taylor, Univ. of Canterbury P.
Zhang, BUPT Advisory Group Z. Deng, China
Inst. of Communications J.L. Hullett, CURTIN
Univ. of Tech. J.K. Kim, KAIST M.L. Liou,
Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. Tech. H. Tominaga,
Waseda Univ. General Chair T. Miki, Univ. of
Electro-Communications Technical Program
Committee Chair T. Aoyama, Univ. of
Tokyo Vice-Chair J.T. Lin, Beijing Univ. of
Post and Telecom- munications D.K.
Sung, KAIST Suhono Harso Supangkat, Bandung
Institute of Technology Secretariat
K. Koyanagi, NTT M. Takemoto, NTT Organizing
Committee Chair Y. Inoue, NTT
Data Vice-Chair K. Endo, Fujitsu N.
Nakajima, Univ. of Electro-Communications M.
Shikada, NEC Secretariat T. Chiba, NTT
N. Endo, Miyagi National College of Technology
Registration (JPY Japanese Yen) Discounted
registration due through 10 July 2001 Members
of IEICE or its sister societies such as IEEE and
KICS Early Registration (through 10 July 2001)
- Full Registration Ticket () 38,000 JPY
- One Day Ticket 15,000 JPY - Technical
Visit Ticket 4,000 JPY - Banquet Ticket
7,000 JPY Regular/On-site Registration (after 10
July 2001) - Full Registration Ticket ()
48,000 JPY - One Day Ticket 18,000 JPY
- Technical Visit Ticket 6,000 JPY -
Banquet Ticket 10,000 JPY including
three One Day Tickets, a Technical Visit Ticket,
and a Banquet Ticket Non-Members Early
Registration (through 10 July 2001) - Full
Registration Ticket () 48,000 JPY - One
Day Ticket 18,000 JPY - Technical Visit
Ticket 6,000 JPY - Banquet Ticket 10,000
JPY Regular/On-site Registration (after 10 July
2001) - Full Registration Ticket ()
58,000 JPY - One Day Ticket 21,000 JPY
- Technical Visit Ticket 6,000 JPY -
Banquet Ticket 10,000 JPY including
three One Day Tickets, a Technical Visit Ticket,
and a Banquet Ticket Students Always -
Full Registration Ticket () 18,000 JPY -
One Day Ticket 10,000 JPY - Technical Visit
Ticket 4,000 JPY - Banquet Ticket
5,000 JPY including three One Day
Tickets, a Technical Visit Ticket, and a Banquet
Ticket For further information visit at
http//www.ieice.org/apcc2001/ N.B. Tutorial fee
is included in Full Registration Ticket or One
Day Ticket for 17 Sep.