Title: Modelling sand transport and coastal morphology
1Modelling sand transport and coastal morphology
- Jebbe van der Werf1, Jan Ribberink1 and Tom
ODonoghue2 - 1University of Twente and 2Aberdeen University,
Scotland - SANTOSS project funded by UKs EPSRC
(GR/T28089/01) and Dutch research organisation
STW (TCB.6586)
- Important to understand and to be able to predict
future changes coastal and seabed morphology - Morphological models require accurate practical
sand transport model - Existing models give inaccurate prediction
wave-induced sand transport
3Existing transport models
- Quasi-steadiness
- Asymmetric wave ? (onshore)
- e.g. Bailard (1981), Ribberink (1998), Van Rijn
(1993, 2000, 2004)
4Wave-induced sand transport
100 laboratory exps non-breaking waves D50
0.13 0.87 mm T 5.0 12.5 s
5Wave-induced sand transport
quasi-steady models work fine for number of cases
but fail in case of...
6Wave-induced sand transport
- quasi-steady models work fine for number of cases
but fail in case of... - phase lag effects
7Wave-induced sand transport
- quasi-steady models work fine for number of cases
but fail in case of... - phase lag effects
- acceleration effects
8Wave-induced sand transport
- quasi-steady models work fine for number of cases
but fail in case of... - phase lag effects
- acceleration effects
- surface wave effects
9SANTOSS project (2005-2008)
- Establish new practical model for sand transport
induced by non-breaking waves and currents - incorporate phase lag effects based on existing
knowledge and data (reported here) - incorporate acceleration and surface wave effects
- full-scale surface wave experiments (delta flume,
GWK) - full-scale sawtooth oscillatory flows exps
(AOFT, LOWT) - process-based model research
10New transport model
- Semi-unsteady
- Potential transport in crest and trough direction
- Distribution potential transports over half
cycles depending on phase lag parameters
11Phase lag effects
- Concentration lacks behind velocity since
particle entrainment and settling takes time - Phase lag parameter
12New transport model
- Computation net transport vector
13Data used for model calibration
136 oft experiments mainly wave-dominated collinea
r currents D50 0.13 0.46 mm T 4 12 s R
uc / (uc ut) ? 0.7
14Calibration results
?s 3.7 ?r 0.83 m 3.9 (n 1.5) (Pcr
1.0) 66 within factor 2 91 within factor 5 94
within factor 10
15Application new transport model
- Implementation in morphological models
(Unibest-TC, Delft-3D) - Application to practical scenarios with good
measurements of morphological change - study effects transport processes
- compare with currently-implemented transport
16LIP experiments
- bar migration due to on- and offshore transport
components - when is which component important?
17GWK experiments
- Existing models give inaccurate prediction
wave-induced sand transport - New general practical sand transport model based
on large data set from oft experiments - Main improvement description wave-related
transport, particularly phase lag effects - Future work
- incorporate acceleration and surface wave effects
- application to morphological scenarios