Prof / Mervat Abdallah Hesham
2Hematopoiesis Development
3Sites of hematopoiesis
- First Trimester - Yolk Sac
- Second Trimester -Liver and Spleen
- Third Trimester - Central, Peripheral Skeleton
- Adulthood - Axial Skeleton , Vertebral Bodies
, Sternum Ribs Pelvis - Hematopoiesis may re-xpand into fetal sites in
times of severe demand, - e.g. thalassemia
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5- Anemia
- Decrease in Hgb.
- Decrease in rbc
- decrease in hct
- Blood loss
- Decreased production of red blood cells (Marrow
failure) - Increased destruction of red blood cells
- Hemolysis
- Distinguished by reticulocyte count
- Decreased in states of decreased production
- Increased in destruction of red blood cells
7Clinical picture of anemia
- Symptoms of anemia
- pallor, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, and
anorexia. - Jaundice and, occasionally, dark urine may be
present with significant hemolysis. - Failure to thrive indicates a long-
- standing condition
8- Physical signs
- tachycardia, tachypnea
- pallor, jaundice, edema, and signs of bleeding
- systolic ejection murmur
- signs of CHF (eg, tachycardia, gallop rhythm,
tachypnea, cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly). - Splenomegaly
- dysmorphic features and other congenital
9Different ways to classify anemias
- Size and hemoglobin content of rbc
- Mechanism of its production
10Classification according to mechanism
- 1- Blood loss acute and chronic
- 2- Excessive destruction of rbcs
- 3- Decreased production of rbcs
11decreased red cell production
- 1- Marrow failure
- Diamond-Blackfan anemia
- Aplastic crisis
- Aplastic anemia
- 2- Impaired erythropoietin production
- Anemia of chronic disease in renal
failure - Chronic inflammatory diseases
- Hypothyroidism
- Severe protein malnutrition
- 3- Defect in red cell maturation
- Nutritional anemia secondary to iron,
folate, or vitamin B-12 deficiency - Sideroblastic anemias
12increased red cell destruction (hemolysis)
- Intracellular causes
- 1-Red cell membrane defects (eg, hereditary
spherocytosis, elliptocytosis) - 2-Enzyme defects (eg, G-6-PD deficiency, pyruvate
kinase deficiency) - 3-Hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell , Thalassemias
) - Extracellular causes
- 1-Antibodies (autoimmune hemolytic anemia)
- 2-Infections, drugs, toxins
- 3-Thermal injury to red blood cells (with severe
burns) - 4-Mechanical injury (hemolytic-uremic syndrome,
cardiac valvular defects)
13Laboratory diagnosis of anemia
- CBC, reticulocyte count, and review of the
peripheral smear - Bilirubin level, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
(hemolytic anemia) - Direct antiglobulin or Coombs test (autoimmune
hemolytic anemia) - Hemoglobin electrophoresis (hemoglobinopathies)
- Red cell enzyme studies (eg, G-6-PD, pyruvate
kinase) - Osmotic fragility (spherocytosis)
- Iron, TIBC, ferritin (iron deficiency anemia)
14- Folate, vitamin B-12 (macrocytic/megaloblastic
anemia) - Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
- Viral titers (eg, Epstein-Barr virus,
cytomegalovirus) - BUN/creatinine levels to assess renal function
- Thyroxine (T4)/thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
to rule out hypothyroidism
15Treatment of anemia
- 1- Transfusion with packed RBCs (PRBC) is the
universal treatment - 2-Medications for specific forms of anemia (eg,
corticosteroids for autoimmune hemolytic anemia,
iron therapy for iron deficiency anemia). - 3-Recombinant erythropoietin (renal failure),
chemotherapy , prematurity ) -
16Hemolytic anemias
- Hemolytic anemia is a disorder in which the red
blood cells are destroyed faster than the bone
marrow can produce them.
17Clinical Features
- Pallor
- Jaundice
- Splenomegaly
- No bile in urine
- Pigment gall stones in chronic forms
- Crisis aplastic, hemolytic, vascular
- Ankle ulcers
18- Clinical Features of Sickle Cell Disease
19Clinical picture of thalassemia
20Laboratory Evaluation
- Features of RBC breakdown
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Increased Urine UBG Faecal
stercobilinogen. - Low or absent Haptoglobins
- Haemoglobinaemia, Haemoglobinuria,
Haemosiderinuria - Methhaemalbuminaemia
- Features of increased RBC Production
- Reticulocytosis
- Marrow erythroid hyperplasia bone
changes - Specific tests
- Morphology, Osmotic Fragility,coombs test
- Decreased RBC survival 51Cr labelling.
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis, enzyme
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23Treatment for hemolytic anemia
- blood transfusions
- corticosteroid medications
- surgical removal of the spleen
- immunosuppressive therapy
- Iron chelation therapy
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25- Structure Synthesis of Haemoglobin
- Hb in adult Hb A Hb F Hb A2
- Structure a2 ß 2 a2 ?2 a2d2
- Normal 96-98 0.5-0.8 .5-3.2
26Nutritional anemia
27Nutritional anemia
- Iron deficiency
- Vit. B12 and folate deficiencies
- Vitamin-deficiency (vit.A, vit. B group, vit.
C/scurvy, vit.E) - Mineral deficiencies other than iron (copper and
zinc) - Starvation (anorexia, war prisoners,
conscientious objector) - Kwashiorkor (protein deficiency)
- Alcoholism in adolescent
28Mechanism of Nutritional Anaemias
- Impaired dietary intake
- I intake or delivery to small intestine
- Maldigestion
- inability to digest macronutrients
- Malabsorption
- impaired nutrient transport across
intestinal mucosa - Impaired metabolism
- altered metabolism of energy and nutrients
- Nutrient excretion
- excessive loss of nutrients
- Increased requirements
29Iron Deficiency Anemia
30- Causes of Iron deficiency Anemia
- 1-Iron store depletion
- Inadequate intake-Rapid Growth- Blood donation
- 2-Abnormal Iron looses
- menses in childbearing age women, iron transfer
to the fetus during pregnancy, hookworm
infestation or intake of aspirin or other
anti-inflammatory drug
31- Infants at High Risk for Iron Deficiency
- Low birth weight
- Perinatal bleeding
- Low hemoglobin at birth
- High growth rate
- Low socioeconomic status
- Chronic hypoxia- high altitude
- Frequent infections
- Early cow milk /- solid food intake
- Frequent tea intake
- Low meat, Vit C intake
32Clinical Presentation
- Asymptomatic
- Pallor
- Irritability, exercise intolerance, fatigue, and
tachycardia - Koilonychia
- In severe Fe-deficient patients, fingernails
become brittle and ridged, and eventually
"spoon-shaped" or concave. - Tongue may atropy("glossitis")
33- Impaired neuromuscular response (total exercise
time and maximum workload are all affected
adversely). - Behavioral studies report irritable, disruptive,
have short-attention spans, and lack interest in
their surroundings.
34Laboratory investigations
- Low hematocrit and hemoglobin
- Small red blood cells
- Low serum ferritin
- Low serum iron level
- High iron binding capacity (TIBC) in the blood
- Blood in stool (visible or microscopic)
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37- Prevention of Iron Deficiency
- Improve Dietary intake of iron
- Breast feed to 1 yr (at least)
- Iron-fortified formula to 1 yr (if not BF)
- No solid foods before 6 mo
- No cow's milk or tea before 1 yr
38- 5- two months usually need to achieve normal Hb
and then 2 more months of therapy for
replenishing stores - 6-maintenance afterwards if indicated at 2mg/kg/d
- 7-IM and IV iron ( iron dextran) available but
rarely indicated - 8-Transfusion rarely needed and if so give
slowly and small amount with diuretic to avoid
added strain to heart
39Treatment of iron deficiency Anemia
- -encourage iron rich foods and vit C
- -start iron therapy at 4-6 mg/kg/d 3-using the
ferrous sulfate ( fer in sol) preferably ( up to
200mg/d max) or ferrous gluconate - -check retic count at 1 week and Hb at 2-3 weeks
( should be reaching midway level)
40Megaloblastic Anemia
41Causes of Megaloblastic Anemia
- Vitamin B12 Deficiency
- inadequate B12 intake
- malabsorption from the gut
- intestinal disease (fish tapeworms or
inflammation) - lack of intrinsic factor or its receptor
- transcobalamin II (TCII) deficiency
42- Folate Deficiency
- inadequate folate intake
- increased folate loss of need
- malabsorption from the gut
- defective intracellular metabolism (inherited
defects) - antimetabolites used in chemotherapy
43Clinical Data
- Some patients can have GI symptoms such as loss
of appetite, weight loss, nausea, and
constipation. - Patients may have a sore tongue and canker
sores. - Patients may have symptoms of anemia.
44- Early neurological symptoms include paresthesias
in the feet and fingers, poor gait, and memory
loss. - At later stages, patients can have severe
disturbances in gait, loss of position sense,
blindness due to optic atrophy, and psychiatric
disturbances. In some patients, neurological
impairment can occur without anemia.
45Laboratory diagnosis
- Complete blood count (shows anemia with large red
blood cells) - Bone marrow examination
- Serum B-12
- Schilling test (may identify poor absorption as
cause of vitamin B-12 deficiency) - Serum folate
46Treatment of Megaloblastic Anemias
- Due to folic acid deficiency
- --oral folate (5 mg per day for 4 months)
- Due to vitamin B12 deficiency
- --parenteral (by shot NOT in ingestion) vitamin
B12 (6 doses of 100 µg of vitamin B12 over a
period of 2-3 weeks - --pernicious anemia treatment is life-long
administration of vitamin B12
47Aplastic anemia
48- Defenition
- aplastic anemia is a failure of the bone marrow
to cells. Cells.properly form all types of
blood -
- Causes
- 70 of aplastic anemia cases are idiopathic, but
other known causes are - Hereditary
- Fanconi anemia
- Dyskeratosis congenital
- Schwachman-Diamond syndrome
- Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
49- Acquired
- 1-Direct stem cell destruction
- 2-Drugs (Chemotherapy-Chloramphenicol -
Sulfonamides - Phenytoin ) - 3-Toxic chemicals (Benzene Toluene
Insecticides) - 4-Infection (viral hepatitis)
- 5-Immune disorders
- 6-Collagen vascular diseases (Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus ) - 7-Radiation therapy
50Clinical features
- Anemia fatigue and pallor
- Thrombocytopenia unexplained or excessive
bleeding, easy bruising - Neutropenia fever, mucosal ulcerations,
bacterial infection
51Clinical features of Fanconi anemia
- - Short stature
- - Anomalies of the thumb and arm
- - skeletal abnormalities (hip abnormalities,
spinal malformations, scoliosis ) - - Abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract
,kidney and heart. - - Skin discoloration
- - Small head or eyes
- - Mental retardation
52Laboratory diagnosis
- 1- Complete blood count shows anemia, decreased
white blood cell count, decreased platelets , low
reticulocytic counts. - 2-Bone marrow biopsy shows few blood
- 3-Chromosome breakage and other tests for
fanconi anemia
- 1- Transfusions(red blood and platelet
transfusions). - 2- immunosuppressive drugs
- antilymphocyte globulin (ALG)
- cyclosporine
- G-CSF GM-CSF (stimulate white
blood cell production) - Androgens
- 3- Bone Marrow Transplantation
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56Microcytic hypochromic anemia
- 1-Iron deficiency
- 2- Thalassemia syndrome
- 3-Anemia of chronic infection and
inflammations - 4-Sideroblastic anemias
- 5-Lead poisoning
57Normocytic, Normochromic anemia
- i) Post-hemorrhage - early stage
- ii) Hemolytic anemia,
- iii) IDA - early stage,
- iv) Systemic diseases like endocrinal, renal and
hepatic diseases - v) Bone marrow disorders like hypoplastic
anemia, myeloinfiltration, dyserythropoiesis,
myelodysplasia and masked megaloblastosis. -
58Macrocytic anemia
- Non-megaloblastic anemia like
- Hemolytic anemia, Liver disorder,
obstructive jaundice , Post splenectomy, Bone
marrow disorders like hypoplastic anemia ,
dyserythropoietic anemia - Megaloblastic anemias like
- Folate deficiency, B12 deficiency, Congenital
disorders of DNA synthesis like Orotic aciduria
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