Title: Cold Chain
1Cold Chain
- In addition to the DVD, to provide practical
information about - Vaccine management
- Cold chain surveillance per level
- Temperature monitors for vaccines and cold chain
- Possible flexibility of the cold chain
- Vaccine Vial Monitor
- Open Vial Policy
- Setting up an immunisation session
- Safety policy
- Bundle policy
3Vaccines management (1)
- Vaccines should be managed the same way as drugs
(being able to trace vaccines) - Register in stock card (name and doses/vial)
- Register Batch numbers expiry dates
- Vaccines must be kept at the correct temperature
from manufacture until they are used - Other elements to check
- Some cannot be frozen
- Some are sensitive to light
- Some need to be reconstituted ? once
reconstituted, use within 6 hours
4Vaccines management (2)
5Vaccines management (3)
- ! Important !
- All vaccines lose potency gradually, even at
correct storage temperatures observe expiry
dates - Any loss of vaccine potency is irreversible
- Damage due to successive exposures to heat or
light is cumulative
6The cold chain (1)
- Vaccines must be kept at the correct temperature
from the time they are manufactured until they
are used - The cold chain consists of a series of storage
and transport links - Cold chain monitoring equipment is needed to keep
track of the temperature to which vaccines are
exposed during transportation and storage
7The cold chain (2)
8Monitoring vaccine T
- For international transport
- Temperature data loggers
- 3M cards
- Vaccine vial monitors
- 2 x
- For MSF storages
- Freeze tag
- Thermometers T chart x 2 day
- Stopwatch card
- Vaccine vial monitors
- For cold boxes / vaccines carriers
- Thermometers
- Vaccine vial monitors
9International transport
- Temperature data logger (Spy Temp). Non reusable.
- For transport carried out by MSF. Records
precise information on possible breaks in the
cold chain - Together with a 3M card. (temperature, moment
duration). - Records exposure lt2or gt 8
- Record length 10 days
- Record interval 15 min
- Instructions for use on the back of the device
103M Cards (1)
For international transport, storage
Date in Index Location
Date out Index
- 1/1/93 - Central Store 1/3/93
-- - 1/3/93 - Regional Store 1/4/93
113M Cards (2)
Date in Index Location
Date out Index
- 1/1/93 - Central Store 1/3/93 --
- 1/3/93 - Regional Store 1/4/93 --
- 2/4/93 A District Store
123M Cards (3)
Date in Index Location
Date out Index
- 1/1/93 - Central Store 1/3/93 --
- 1/3/93 - Regional Store 1/4/93 --
- 2/4/93 A District Store 2/5/93 A
- 4/5/93 BD Health Centre
133M Cards (4)
- Example in the ITC catalogue
- Measles, 10 doses Code O
- Meaning
- cold chain
- O if windows A, B, C, D are white ? OK
- if windows A, B, C and / or D blue ? Do not use
- Polio oral, 20 doses Code A
- A if windows A, B, C, D are white ? OK
- if windows A blue ? OK
- if windows B, C and / or D blue ? Do not use
14Freeze Tag
Freezing indicator Dont use the Freeze
Watch Now use only Freeze Tag
0C 1H
0C 1H
15MSF storage cold boxes,
Thermometers Examples in the ITC
catalogue THERMOMETER, ALCOHOL (Moëller 104614),
- 40º to 50º C Thermometer Mini-Maxi
(Moëller 102472), - 50 to 50 C This one is
to be used in MSF storage only, fragile
16Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM)
17Vaccine Vial Monitor (VVM)
- Chemical Time Temperature indicators
- Indicates over-exposure to Heat over Time
- Gradual and Irreversible colour change
18The VVM says USE the vaccine!
Inner square lighter than the outer circle
19The VVM says USE the vaccine!
Inner square lighter than the outer circle
20The VVM saysDO NOT USE the vaccine!
Inner square same as the outer circle
21The VVM saysDO NOT USE the vaccine!
Inner square darker than the outer circle
22Flexibility in cold chain
- Open Vial Policy Change in global EPI policy !
Vials of OPV, DPT, TT, dT, Hep B and Hib may be
used if the following conditions are respected
- Expiry date not passed
- Vaccines stored under appropriate cold chain
conditions - Vaccine vial septum has not been submerged in
water - Aseptic technique respected
- VVM, if attached, has not reached the discard
point - Opened vials can only be used for 4 weeks
- Opened vials cannot leave the health facility
23Open Vial Policy
But , if sterile procedures have not been fully
respected or there is a suspicion of
contamination, etc.
24Open Vial Policy
Opened vials of measles, meningitis, yellow fever
and BCG vaccines MUST be discarded at the end of
each immunization session
Reconstituted vaccine
25Setting up an immunisation session
- Before starting the immunisation session you need
to check if vaccines are safe for use - Name of the vaccine / solvent
- Expiry date
- Control VVM
- Control appearance of vaccine
- Labelling,
- Colour,
- Transparency of the preparation
26Possible confusion
27Solvent No solvent
- Always use the solvent dedicated for a specific
antigen - If no solvent
- Contact the HQ / the manufacturer to know how to
replace it - If no possibility to be supplied by the
manufacturer, solvent can be replaced by water
for injection or NaCl - Always read the instructions
- Respect the quantity to be add for dilutions
28Bundle Policy
- Auto-disable syringes, good quality vaccines and
safety boxes should be supplied as a bundle for
vaccination campaigns
29Safety Policy
- Auto disable syringe is the equipment of choice
for administering vaccines, both in routine
activities and in mass campaigns - Safety boxes (puncture-proof containers) for
collection and disposal of used syringes, auto
disable syringes and needles. - Mass campaign use 15 litres containers.
- Safe disposal and storage
- Training of health care workers in injection
safety - Empty vials to be kept apart, crushed and
disposed of properly
30Thank you
31(No Transcript)
32MSF Storage
For products that can not be frozen Dont
hesitate to stick it to the ice-lined fridge