Title: National Institute
1National Institute For Environmental
eScience (NIEeS) Stuart Ballard
- House keeping
- What is a grid and what is eScience?
- The NIEeS
3What is a grid?
- It is analogous to an electricity grid
- You dont care where your electricity is coming
from. - Same with a grid, you just plug in your appliance
and expect service on demand
4But what constitutes a grid?
- Sharing disparate, loosely coupled IT resources
across organizations and geographies - Resources can be computer cycles, storage
capacity, databases, applications, files, sensors
or scientific instruments - Resources dynamically provisioned to the user or
applications that need them - Resources held together in a software environment
(middleware) based upon open standards and
5The current situation for a scientist
6Scientist becomes an eScientist
7eScience toolbox
- Middleware tools to enable computing in a grid
environment, e.g. Globus toolkit and Condor - Portal technologies access to compute and data
resources via the web - Web services initiating processes via the web
- XML (eXtensible Markup Language) language to
document data (metadata) and processes - Security based on X.509 certificates
Partnership between
With objective to support development of eScience
programmes within the environmental science
9 Some examples of where eScience is being used
. . .
Earth system modelling
Earth observation
Modelling natural hazards
10Environmental eScience range
From global ...
to molecular
and from millennia to nanoseconds
11NIEeS Our role
The National Institute for Environmental eScience
was established to play a role in supporting the
development of the UK environmental eScience
programme NIEeS focuses on helping the
environmental scientist learn and potentially
implement eScience tools
12How we achieve our role
- We achieve our role through initiating and
supporting activities such as - workshops
- Training courses
- working group programmes
- Helping environmental scientists with eScience
related queries - supporting visitors
- demonstration projects
13Talks, training, practicals discussions
14Just some of the topics covered so far
Discrete element modelling, visualisation,
metadata, remote sensing, nuclear waste, data
formats, toxic elements, XML, desktop grids,
invasive species, Access Grid, Earth System
modelling, GIS, collaborative tools,
griddatabase integration
15Some recent training events
- Web services
- Condor
- XML marine and chemical languages
16International links
17And finally the NIEeS and you!
- We support
- Ideas for workshops, training events, showcase
events etc - Proposals for working groups and visitors
- Collaborations leading to demonstrator and pilot
projects - Longer-term collaborations
- But we are not a grant-giving agency!