Title: Ion Heating by Alfven Waves and Reconnection in NSTX
1Ion Heating by Alfven Waves and Reconnection in
- Laboratory Astrophysics
- Invited session of April APS meeting,
- Dallas, Texas
2Two laboratory examples of ion heating relevant
to space plasma physics
- First example has no evidence of thermal ion
heating, but mechanism is understood. - Second example we have clear evidence of heating
and at least two potential mechanisms.
3Channeling of fast ion energy through waves to
thermal ions
- Energy flow "restricted" at two points in
channel. - First point restricts total flow into channel,
- Second point restricts flow to ions
- Wave saturates at point where drive and damping
energy flows are equal.
4Broad constraints on power to wave, based on wave
drive physics
- Only full-energy ions (lt70)
- Only flatten to half-energy (lt25)
- Only perpendicular energy (lt50)?
- Bump-on-tail only near axis (50).
- Net, lt5 of beam power?
5Power flow from waves to thermal ions
- The CAE can be Landau damped or stochastic
interactions with the ions can also provide
dampingDrake, McChesney, Bailey, Sanders, Chen,
Gates,. - An estimate of the heating power can be made from
the total energy in the wave and the damping
(growth) rate, - Pheat Ewave gdamp
- (4x10-4 MW) N ltB2(G)gtvol V/Vplasma g
(104/s) - For 1 MW of heating, Brms(all modes) 50 G
- ltdB2gt1/2modes/B ltdn2gt1/2modes/n 1-1.5
6Difficult to push ion heating power to
significant level.
- For 1MW, need 20 modes with average amplitude of
5 G and damping rate 5 times observed, or - or 20 modes with amplitude of 1.5 G and g/w 15.
7Ion heating during magnetic reconnection events
- Long history in tokamaks, rfp's, etc.
- Often, some kind of wave heating has been
invoked, but - Helander proposed "run-away" ion heating just
from electric field.
8Helanders Ion Acceleration Model
9IRE-Induced Ion Acceleration in Ohmic Plasmas
10IRE-Induced Ion Acceleration in Ohmic Plasmas
Deuterium and hydrogen thermal ions are
accelerated by an IRE event in an Ohmic plasma.
11High frequency waves sometimes seen at IRE's
- Often not seen.
- Not correlated with ion heating.
- Toroidaly mode number n0?
- Frequency seems too low to be responsible for ion