Title: Nontaxable Exchanges
1Chapter 15
- Nontaxable Exchanges
- Note Read all relevant examples
2Nontaxable Exchanges Summary
Elective or Mandatory
Exclusion of gain from sale
of personal residence
Deferral of gain or loss on
like-kind exchange
Defers gain on involuntary
a) Mandatory for direct
b) Elective for indirect
3Section 121 Exclusion of 250,000 (500,000
MFJ) of Gain on Sale of Personal Residence
- Purpose of Sec. 121
- To exclude 250,000 (500,000 MFJ) of gains on
sale of a personal residence - Eligibility
- TP must own and occupy home as principal
residence for at least 2 of 5 prior years. - The full exclusion is available only if TP has
not utilized exclusion in previous two years.
A partial exclusion is allowed if TP moves for
employment, health, or other unexpected
of months req. are met 24 months
Partial exc. Full exc. x
4Section 121 Example
- S (Single TP) sells her home and realizes a
125,000 gain. S, who is moving to a new state
to take a new job, has owned the home for only 9
S may exclude 93,750 of her realized gain.
250,000 x 9 months 24 months
5Section 121Special Rule for Depreciation
- If depreciation was recognized on home (home
office or rental for example) gains must be
recaptured up to amount of depreciation taken
before the Sec. 121 exclusions, as per Sec. 1245
depreciation recapture rules.
6Section 1031Like-Kind Exchanges - Boot
- Mandatory deferred gain or loss on exchange of
business/investment property - To qualify, property must be like-kind
- Real estate can be exchanged for real estate
- For personalty, property exchanged must be in
same General Asset Class or Product Class for
safe-harbor - Traditionally, personalty-for-personalty
qualifies - Section 1031 excludes inventories, stocks,
bonds, notes, interest in P/Ss
7Section 1031Like-Kind Exchanges with Boot
- When boot is received in a like-kind exchange
- Recognize as income lesser of boot received or
gain realized - No loss is recognized when boot is received
- Paying boot causes recognition of G or L if the
boot is not qualifying property - Boot - cash, nonqualifying property, not like
kind property
8Like-Kind Exchange of Mortgaged Property
- X-chg. of mortgaged property
- treat as x-chg involving boot -- TP who is
relieved of mortgage treated as having received
cash in amount of mortgage - if both properties x-chgd are mortgaged, treat
difference in mortgages as boot - Realized losses on Sec. 1031 exchanges are not
recognized - Basis of property received is adjusted by
- subtracting deferred gains
- adding deferred losses
- Exhibit 15-4
9Like-Kind Exchanges - Timing
- Timing
- simultaneous exchange required
- simultaneous IF
- Prop. to be recd in the exchange is identified
w/in 45 days after TP gives up his/her property
and - Incoming property is actually recd w/in 180 days
after TP transfers property out, or by the date
of the tax return (including extensions), which
ever is earlier
10Like-Kind Exchange Between Related Parties
- Deferral of G not allowed if a related person
(Sec. 267) contributes exchange property, when G
10,000 - Any gain that is deferred on exchange between
related persons is recognized if exchanged
property is sold within two years of the exchange
11Basis of Property Recd inSec. 1031 Exchange
Method 1 Adj. Basis of Property Given Up
- Less
- Boot recd
- Liabilities assumed by transferee (notes
receivable to transferor) - Liabilities encumbering property transferred out
- Plus
- Gain recognized
- Boot paid (cash or property)
- Liabilities assumed by TP
- Liabilities encumbering property recd
Equals Basis of property received
12Basis of Property Recd inSec. 1031 Exchange
Method 2 FMV of Like-kind Property Received
- Less Gain deferred
- Plus Realized loss deferred
- Equals Basis of property received
13Section 1033Involuntary Conversions
- General Rule If property (as a result of its
destruction in whole or in part, theft, seizure,
or requisition or condemnation or threat or
imminence thereof) is compulsorily or
involuntarily converted into property similar or
related in service or use to the property so
converted, no gain shall be recognized.
- Note
- Sec. 1033 defers gains only losses must be
recognized - No suddenness test required
- Generally, casualty losses are deductible under
Sec. 165. - Some casualty gains may be deferred under Sec.
1033. - Elective deferral of gain if indirect replacement
14Replacement Property forInvoluntary Conversions
Must be similar or related in service or use
Applies to
1. Like-kind test
Real prop. used in T/B or held for investment
which is condemned or seized
Realty for realty (same test as for Sec. 1031)
2. Taxpayer use test
Replacement prop. must be used by TP as rental
prop. regardless of lessees use
Rental properties(TP is owner-investor)
1. Character of service or use must be the
same and 2. physically the prop. must be similar
3. Functional use test
All other real and personal property
15Timely Replacement Involuntary Conversions
- General Rule Replacement must be made by the
last day of the second year after the year in
which the gain is realized.
EXAMPLE Machinery destroyed by flood on 1/10/00.
Calendar year TP has until 12/31/02 to replace.
- Exception For real property used in a trade or
business that is condemned, TP gets one
additional year to replace.
EXAMPLE Office building seized 1/10/00.
Calendar year TP has until 12/31/03 to replace.
- Beginning Dates for Replacement Period Date of
disposition of property, or Date of beginning of
threat, or imminence of threat of requisition or
16Involuntary Conversions Amount of Gain Deferred
Basis Adjustments
- Recognize only the excess of the gain realized
over the amount reinvested - Basis Adjustments
- Direct Conversion basis carries over (no gain
recognized) - Indirect Conversion New Basis Cost of
Replacement Property - Any Deferred Gain - If loss is recognized
- New Basis Cost of Replacement