Title: Welcome to 1st Grade
1Welcome to 1st Grade!
- Mrs. Melissa Ballard
- Mrs. Darcy Burke
- Mrs. Amanda Holleyman
- Mrs. Marie Simons
- Mrs. Teresa Halliwill
2.Before We Begin.
- If you have specific questions for your childs
teacher, please speak with the teacher OR
schedule a parent-teacher conference. Our
planning time is daily from 1200-1245. - If you would like to speak with your teacher, the
easiest and most efficient way is through email - melissa_ballard_at_lagovista.txed.net
- Darcy_burke_at_lagovista.txed.net
- Amanda_holleyman_at_lagovista.txed.net
- Marie_simons_at_lagovista.txed.net
- teresa_halliwill_at_lagovista.txed.net
- You can also reach us by phone 267-8340.
Please leave a message in the office and we will
return your call ASAP!
- How do we decide what to teach? We follow the
TEKS from the Texas Education Agency. The TEKS
tell us what to teach in first grade and are very
specific. If you are interested in reading the
TEKS, please visit http//www.tea.state.tx.us/teks
/grade/First_Grade.pdf - LVISDs curriculum follows the CScope. CScope
tells us what TEKS to teach and when to teach
them. Although each teacher follows the same
curriculum guidelines, each one has a different
teaching style. Every child will receive the
same rigor and complexity with each unique
4First Grade Procedures
- Homework Folders
- Homework folders are sent home every day except
Friday. Please review your childs folder daily.
If your child is unable to complete an
assignment, please provide a written explanation
for it to be excused. We realize that
emergencies arise but be aware that
extracurricular activities are not excused.
Students who do not have a signed homework folder
will complete the assignments during recess.
5- Friday Folders
- Important Notices and/or student work are sent
home on Fridays. Unless indicated, these papers
are not to be returned. Folders are due every
Monday morning. Please take the time to look
through them. Please sign the Friday Folder so
that we know all papers were received.
6Guided Reading Books Reading Assessments are in
progress. Book in a Bags have been sent home
according to the tested level. These books will
come home on a daily basis. The books are placed
in zip-lock baggies for their protection. Please
make sure they are returned in that fashion. If
the books are lost or damaged the cost to replace
the book will range at 5.00 and up. Your child
will not be able to receive more books until all
books are paid for. Remember to read with your
child every night for no less than 10 minutes!
This time will increase throughout the school
7Tardies and Absences
- School begins at 745. If you arrive before
740, you need to drop your child off at the gym.
Children cannot come in the classroom before
740. - Children who are absent must bring a written note
stating the reason for the absence on the first
day of their return. For excused absences the
children are allowed an equivalnet amount of time
to make up their work. For example 1 absent
day-1 day to make up work, absent 2 days-2 days
to make up work.
81st Grade Classroom Rules
1. Sit correctly 2. One person speaks at a
time/Raise your hand 3. Complete all work/ Do
your best/If unsure ASK!!! 4. Keep hands and
feet to yourself 5. Be a friend
91st Grade Rewards/Consequences
Rewards Consequences Caught Being Good Pass
Loss of privilege Letter Home/Phone
call Home Letter Home/Phone Call
home Visit Principal Visit Principal Individua
l teachers may Behavior offer
incentives Sheet/contract
We promote problem solving in 1st grade!!
We encourage students to talk out their problems
and come to a peaceful resolution without
involving the teacher.
10Reading and Language Arts Curriculum
- Daily Reading Strategies A variety of
strategies, resources, and approaches will be
used to teach reading. On a daily basis,
children will use a variety of reading strategies
to become fluent readers. They will use - Picture clues to make appropriate responses
- Context Clues as a basis for predicting meaning
- Prior knowledge to predict the word
- Knowledge of sounds to identify unfamiliar words
- Self Correction strategies.
11Students will have opportunities to listen to
models of oral reading by the teacher, peers, and
others. In addition to activities from the
literature, students will actively participate in
shared and guided reading activities designed to
maximize mastery of language arts objectives.
Students will have opportunities to read daily in
self-directed reading of familiar texts at an
independent level. Daily, children will be
exposed to and review sight words and phonics
12Writing Strategies Students will have varied
experiences daily. On a regular basis, children
will have the opportunity to write in journals
and to share their writing with their peers. For
many of the writing activities, beginning writing
process skills will be taught. Students will be
expected to use these process skills throughout
the school year. Our goal is to encourage the
writer in each of the students and make them feel
confident in their work.
13Special Events/Volunteer Opportunities
We have many exciting things planned for this
year! Our field trips consist of a visit to
Sweet Berry Farms in Marble Falls (October) and a
tentatively planned visit to the Texas Memorial
Museum (April). Our parties will be a
Thanksgiving Feast, a winter party, our
Valentines Party, an Easter egg hunt, and our end
of year Hot Dog Lunch. Please contact your
childs teacher if you are interested in being a
Room Mom, Friday Folder Parent, Copy Parent, or
would just like to help out in some way. We love
14 Remember!
- It takes a partnership between the parents and
the teacher to help make students successful.
The first grade teachers are committed to the
success of all of the students. Please let us
know any concerns or questions you have. We are
here to help! - Its going to be a wonderful year!
- Go Vikings!!!