Title: APEx conference
1European CommissionDG Energy and Transport
APEx conference Main issues in the new EU
Directive 2003/54 and EU Regulation
1228/2003 Leipzig 11.10.2004
Cristobal Burgos AlonsoDirectorate for
Conventional energiesCristobal.Burgos-Alonso_at_cec.
- Path to liberalisation
- Electricity directive
- Regulation on cross-border trade of electricity
- Market design
3Path to liberalisation
- Single Market Treaty 1985
- White Paper on Energy Policy 1995
- Electricity (1996) and Gas (1998) Directives
- Lisbon summit 2000
- Amendment proposal 2001
- Political agreement at Council 2002
- Package adopted June 2003
- Implementation by 1 July 2004
4The package
- Directive 2003/54 electricity
- Directive 2003/55 gas
- Regulation 1228/03 electricity
- Most provisions effective from July 2004
5Directive 2003/54/EC
- Opening to all non-household customers July 2004
- Full market opening July 2007
- Legal unbundling of transmission by July 2004,
distribution by July 2007 - Regulated Third Party Access
- Universal service obligation
- Duty to monitor security of supply
6Regulation 2003/1228/EC
- Basic principles for
- transmission charges (entry\exit)
- congestion management (market based and
non-discriminatory) - inter TSO compensation (actual flows, standard
costing method) - Comitology procedure to adopt detailed guidelines
7Fundamental issues
- Cross border exchanges
- Interconnection and market concentration
- Security of supply and volatile prices
- Need to deliver environmental objectives
8Regional energy markets in the EU
Moderately concentrated Highly concentrated Very
highly concentrated
9Status of congestion management
Source ETSO
10Status of congestion management in Europe
- On 25 most congested interconnectors
- 12 interconnectors are managed with market-based
methods - 13 with non-market based methods
- 14 interconnectors have a joint method agreed
between the TSOs/regulators concerned - In 11 cases
- 50-50 split of the capacity or
- capacity has to be obtained from both TSOs or
- allocation is unilateral
11Progress in LiberalisationImplementation
1 BE(f) francophone Belgium (Brussels and
Wallonia), BE(n) Flanders
12Infrastructure package
- Second communication on European infrastructure
- Directive on security of electricity supply
- Directive on energy services
- Revision of the Trans-European Energy Networks
Guidelines to include accession countries - Regulation on access to gas networks
13Conclusions and Way Forward
- EU has created the world biggest electricity
market - Implementation of the legal framework and the
practical application of the rules are not yet
completed - In 2005 EU will produce a report on the
functioning of the internal market for
electricity and gas - After that it will be assessed what further
measures are needed
14Thanks for your attention
- Please visit our website
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/energy/electricity/index