Title: Major plant families in the
1Major plant families in the flora of southern
2Asteraceae (sunflower family) Lasthenia
californica (gold fields)
Species 20,000 globally, 880 in CA
3Poaceae (grass family) Bromus diandrus
Species 10,000 globally, 435 in CA
4Fabaceae (bean family) Lupinus succulentus
Species 18,000 globally, 390 in CA
5Former Scrophulariaceae (snapdragon family), now
broken up into 1) Plantaginaceae Penstemon
(scarlet bugler)
Species 3000 globally, 300 in CA
62) Orobanchaceae Castilleja exserta (owls
Many parasitic species
7Polygonaceae (buckwheat family) Eriogonum
Species 1100 globally, 220 in CA
8Brassicaceae (mustard family) Streptanthus
Species 3000 globally, 260 in CA
9Polemoniaceae (phlox family) Gilia
angelensis (chaparral gilia)
Species 320 globally, 176 in CA
10Cyperaceae (sedge family) Cyperus eragrostis
Species 3600 globally, 110 in CA
11Onagraceae (evening primrose family) Clarkia spp.
Species 650 globally, 147 in CA
12Hydrophyllaceae (waterleaf family) Phacelia
Species 300 globally, 139 in CA
13Lamiaceae (mint family) Salvia leucophylla
Species 5500 globally, 119 in CA
14Boraginaceae (borage family) Cryptantha sp.
Species 2000 globally, 160 in CA
15Rosaceae (rose family) Prunus ilicifolia (holly-l
eaved cherry)
Species 3000 globally, 155 in CA
16Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot family) Atriplex
hymenelytra (desert holly)
Krascheninnikovia lanata (winterfat)
Species 1300 globally, 97 in CA
17Apiaceae (carrot or parsley family)
Daucus carota wild carrot
Conium maculatum poison hemlock
Species 3000 globally, 150 in CA