Title: ESRC Investments Conference
1ESRC Investments Conference How to Engage with
Business ESRC Knowledge Transfer 12.00pm
to 1.15pm Tuesday 17th November 2009
2Format of session
- Introduction
- Liz Thomas, Communications Manager, Centre for
Business Relationships, Accountability,
Sustainability and Society (BRASS) - Prof. Tim Coles, Capacity Building Cluster in
Sport, Leisure and Tourism, University of Exeter - Workshop session
- Film clip Entrepreneurs in residence
3Knowledge Exchange and Impact
4Knowledge Exchange and Impact
- Knowledge exchange and impact generation firm
Government priority for the future - Knowledge exchange can have significant economic
and societal impact i.e. environment, public
health and quality of life - Encourage high levels of engagement between
academia and key priority sectors (public,
private and third sectors) - Translation and application of research into
innovation and policy - Need to increase knowledge exchange and
collaboration to get research into policy and
practice - Make an impact
5Benefits of Knowledge Exchange
- Academic Perspective
- Gain an understanding of the needs and
priorities of potential research users - Inform academic research
- Increase the prospects of academic research
being applied and generating a wider impact - Apply evidence-based knowledge and expertise to
important policies - Research User Perspective
- Research-informed evidence to develop and review
policy and practice - Access to innovative ideas and expertise
- Add value and enhance organisational creativity,
performance and productivity through
collaborations and partnerships - Gain access to collaborative funding
6Generating impact relationships
- Key factors identified for generating impact
include - Established relationships and networks with user
communities - Where appropriate, the involvement of
intermediaries and knowledge broker as
translators, amplifiers, network providers, etc - Good infrastructure and management support
7Generating impact co-production
- Involving users at all stages of the research
- Well-planned user-engagement and knowledge
exchange strategies - Co-production of knowledge scope for
generating higher impact - Portfolios of research activity that build
reputations with research users
8Knowledge Exchange and Impact Generation
Capacity Building Clusters Business and Third
Placement Fellowship Business Public and Third
Sector Schemes
Business Engagement Opportunities
CASE Studentships
Follow-on Funding
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Student Internships
Additional Opportunities and Resources
Social Science Workplace Experience Programme
Collaborative Research
Seminar and Workshops
Publications and Electronic Resources
Knowledge Transfer Training and Development
9Knowledge Exchange Mechanisms Opportunities
- Seminars Workshops
- Public Policy
- Third Sector Business
- Knowledge People Exchange
- Some ESRC-run others part of national schemes
run by government or other bodies - Knowledge Transfer Training and Development
- Range of opportunities across academic lifecycle
10How we can help
- Knowledge Brokering
- Conduit between researchers and research users
- Knowledge transfer schemes
- Engagement seminars and training workshops during
the year
- Networking
- Well established networks and working
relationships with businesses, public sector and
third sector organisations and academic
11Thank you
For further information Visit ESRC Knowledge
Transfer Guide www.esrcsocietytoday.ac.uk/ESRCInf
oCentre/Support/knowledge_transfer ESRC
Knowledge Transfer Opportunities
Fiona Armstrong (Head of Knowledge
Transfer, ESRC) fiona.armstrong_at_esrc.ac.uk
12How to Engage with Business Workshop
Session Having heard the presentations and case
studies and drawing on your own experience, what
are the key issues you need to consider when
engaging with business? You have 20 minutes to
discuss the key issues and present them in the
form of a map to the other groups. You will have
2 minutes to present your map which can be in any
format you think is best for communicating to
others e.g. mind map, table, rich picture,
diagram etc.