Title: A Case Study in PIDX Implementation
1Extending the Electronic Supply Chain Suppliers
are Buyers, Too!
A Case Study in PIDX Implementation
Paul O'Shaughnessy ChevronTexaco
Dan Tostado Stone Bond Technologies
2005 Spring PIDX Membership Meeting April 19, 2005
2Areas to Cover
- Vetco Gray Project
- Why? What? How?
- Stone Bond Solution
- Technology, configuration, workflow process
- ChevronTexaco
- Inbound workflow process, eProcurement initiative
- Benefits Conclusions
- Vetco Gray
- EDI manual invoicing no XML
- Stone Bond
- eCommerce solution removes PIDX adoption barriers
- ChevronTexaco
- adopts PIDX standards
- eProcurement initiative
4Vetco GrayProject Justification
- Pressure from ChevronTexaco to submit PIDX
compliant invoices - Seeking reduced DSO benefit from faster invoice
payment - Reduce resource time per invoice
- Early detection of invoices with errors
- Leverage benefits over EDI
- Attachments included
- Independence from ABB infrastructure
5Vetco GrayKey Solution Criteria
- PIDX capabilities
- Highly secure
- Rapid implementation
- Low TCO
- Company knowledge resources
6Vetco GrayOptions Considered
- Direct Model
- Manual input via web form
- Build solution from scratch
- Buy packaged yet configurable solution
- Indirect Model
- Value Added Network (VAN)
7And the Winner is
- Enterprise Enabler packaged specifically for
eCommerce and PIDX EE-B2B - Why?
- Flexibility, reusability, expandability
- Fast and easy to implement
- Out of the box support for PIDX
- Send side
- Receive side
- Buy packaged yet configurable solution
8Vetco GrayOutbound eInvoicing
Financial System
Stone Bond AppComm
Secure Internet
RNIF 2.0
ChevronTexaco Stone Bond Vetco Gray
ChevronTexaco Internal Systems
9Inside the Black Box
- Schedule or event based data extraction
- Uses definitions in the source template
- Powerful transformation engine
- Defined by the data map
- Unit conversions, derived values, logic, etc.
- Destination template defines data structure to be
sent - Point and click RosettaNet packaging
- Business process design
10Black Box Diagram
11ChevronTexacoInbound Process
Financial System
Stone Bond AppComm
Secure Internet
RNIF 2.0
ChevronTexaco Stone Bond Vetco Gray
Tibco Business Connect
Tibco Integration Manager
12ChevronTexacoeProcurement Initiative
CVX Business Unit
BU Target List
Supplier Engagement
PIDX Candidates
Supplier Integration
PIDX Suppliers
13ChevronTexacoBuyer Side Benefits
- Standardized invoice format
- Attachments accompany invoice
- Quicker review for approval
- More likely to realize early pay discounts
- Price validation
- Reduced admin time
- Single vendor ID vs. multiple user credentials
- Happy supplier Happy ChevronTexaco
14Vetco GraySupplier Side Benefits
- Faster invoice payment
- Early detection of invoices with errors
- Efficient direct connect
- Automated matching of attachments to invoice
- Low maintenance black box
- No extra fees
15Vetco GrayImplementation Challenges
- Optional fields in PIDX definition
- Implementations speak different PIDX dialects
- Data requested ? Data stored
- Tax by line item vs. total
- EDI or manual mentality
- Attachments now scanned and included with invoice
16Vetco GrayCurrent Status
- Vetco Gray PIDX system operating smoothly
- Successfully sending invoices to ChevronTexaco
since August 2004 - No problems encountered related to EE-B2B
- Expansion Plan
- Vetco Gray extended EE-B2B license to support
buyer side PIDX transactions
- PIDX adoption real and increasing
- Challenges can be overcome
- Proven PIDX solution available
- Affordable easy to implement
- High reliability and security
- Direct connection between the sender and receiver
- Scalable to any size company
- Supplier are buyers, too!
Stone Bond helped us to avoid the high costs and
slow implementation of other solutions while it
tightly adapted EE-B2B to Vetco Grays specific
requirements, and to those of our business
partner. The system was so easy to setup that we
will begin using it to automate the invoicing
from our own suppliers. Paul Krueger, CIO for
Vetco Gray