Carol Kirk Laboratory Network Coordinator Wisconsi
n State Laboratory of Hygiene April 2008
2In the Beginning..
- Focused entirely on emergency response
- Developed and distributed statewide laboratory
response plan - Assessed laboratory capabilities
- Developed statewide laboratory messaging system
- Provided audioconference training sessions
- Conducted first regional meetings
- Conducted first on-site laboratory visits
3As We Progressed..
- Needs were identified that impact emergency
response, but were not limited to emergency
response, e.g., - Training and education
- Communication
- Access to information resources
- We have established the framework for emergency
laboratory response - Need to maintain and update capabilities
- Need to ensure capabilities are not lost due to
staff turnover, funding decreases, etc. - We can now turn to additional needs that also
impact emergency response - We need to establish a shared view of the
laboratory network and its role
5Who Changed the Name?
- The name change was agreed on by the Wisconsin
State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) and the
Wisconsin Clinical Laboratory Technical Advisory
Group (LabTAG) during our October, 2007 meeting.
6Why Change the Name?
7Why Change the Name?
- The name change was intended to make it clear
that the Wisconsin Laboratory Network - Was composed of clinical laboratories
- Deals with more than emergency response issues
- But ..
8- Emergency laboratory preparedness and response is
still part of the purpose of the - Wisconsin Clinical Laboratory Network.
9Purpose of the Wisconsin Clinical Laboratory
Network (WCLN)
The purpose of the Wisconsin Clinical Laboratory
Network (WCLN) is to provide communications and
support to clinical laboratories. The WCLN will
ensure a timely and effective response to
clinical laboratory and public health needs,
including emergency preparedness, disease
surveillance, laboratory diagnostics, training
and education, and communications.
10Expectations of WCLN Member Laboratories
- WCLN member laboratories will
- Share communications with colleagues and clients
within and beyond their institutions - Support registration of representative staff
members on the Wisconsin Health Alert Network
(HAN) - Maintain current points of contact for laboratory
network communications - Actively participate in WLRN regional meetings,
teleconferences, workshops, and other activities
11Expectations of WCLN Member Laboratories
- WCLN member laboratories will
- Participate in laboratory-based surveillance
(e.g., reporting data, providing isolates) - Provide feedback and actively communicate needs
(e.g., training needs) to laboratory network
representatives - Respond to the needs of other WCLN members (share
resources, technical, etc.)
12Expectations of the Wisconsin State Laboratory
of Hygiene
- The Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene will
- Coordinate laboratory network activities
- Provide or identify resources (written materials,
shipping manuals, workshops, etc.) to clinical
laboratories (depending on availability of
funding) - Provide the communications mechanism for the
Laboratory Messaging System - Encourage HAN registration of laboratory network
members - Identify and respond to the needs of laboratory
network members (depending on availability of
funding) - Verify laboratory member contact information and
HAN registrations annually
13What Else?
- We also defined LabTAG further
- Purpose (see your folder)
- Protocol to define its membership
- Move to tiered membership of 3-year terms
- Take applications and nominations for replacement
members - Ensures that the group does not become
exclusionary or stagnant - Expectations of members and WSLH
14What Does This Mean?
- The Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH)
will maintain the 24/7 emergency contact
capability - WSLH will maintain laboratory messaging system
- WSLH will update Wisconsin Emergency Response
Guide for Clinical Laboratories as needed
15What Does This Mean?
- It was time to begin establishing some guidelines
for the network and network participants
(including the WSLH) and make everyones role
clear. - We recognize that the network will continue to
evolve as laboratory (and public health needs)
16What Can We Expect in the Future?
- Opportunities for more involvement in network
planning and activities - More coordinated planning for the long-term,
e.g., training and education needs - More outreach to partners to respond to
identified needs
17You have a role in this network and its future.