Title: Living by the Nudge
1Living by the Nudge
- Romans 81-17
- Galatians 516-26
- The presence, power, and personal leadership of
the Holy Spirit within our lives must be
prioritized and pervasive!
3Theme VerseGalatians 525
- Since this is the kind of life we have chosen,
the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we
do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a
sentiment in our hearts, but work out its
implications in every detail of our lives. - The Message
4The ChallengeLiving for God in Rome
5Two Great Challenges Christians Struggled With
in Rome
6Two Great Challenges Christians Struggled With
- The Law Legalism Trying to please God by
being good enough (those from a Jewish
background) - The Flesh The sinful nature The self-scene
(those from a pagan background)
7Paul refers to this as living
- Kata Sarka
- According to the flesh
8The Sad Results of Living Kata Sarka
- Hostility to God (87)
- Does not submit to God (87)
- Unable to please God (88)
- Leads to death (86, 13)
- Leads to slavery (815)
9Paul tells us that Christ provided a better way
for us to live
- Kata Pneuma
- According to the Spirit
10The better way to live Kata Pneuma
- The results?
- No condemnation! (81)
- Freedom! (82)
- Righteousness! (83-4)
- Life! (86, 13)
- Peace! (86)
- An Inner witness Gods child! (814-15)
- Heirs with Christ! (817a)
- Ultimately sharing in Gods glory! (817b)
11Pauls Claim?
- Christians from all backgrounds can live
righteously and victoriously in their Rome
through the dynamic and direction of the Holy
Spirit in their lives!
12We want
Our way - Self
A list of rules
13- God provides an inner dynamic
- The Holy Spirit!
14How Does This WorkIn our Rome?
- We face two choices, two possible orientations to
how we will live our lives every day! - Kata sarka Living according to the flesh
what the old self, under the control of sin wants
to do. - Kata pneuma Living according to the Holy
Spirit What Gods Spirit at work within us
would lead us to do.
15We often have a mistaken view of the Holy Spirit
- We tend to think of Him as a rather latent,
passive influence deep within us that must be
excited or aroused
16This is a mistaken view!
- The Holy Spirit is instead a very active, dynamic
person at work within a believers life all of
the time!
17What is The Nudge?
- The sweet, sensitive and significant impressions
of the Holy Spirit within the Christians life,
guiding him/her to act, speak, behave and serve
in keeping with the redemptive purposes and - will of God.
18Learning to Live by The Nudge
- The secret of the victorious and effective
Christian life is to live all of life sensitive
to and responsive to what the Holy Spirit is
19Within our lives!
20Among Gods people when we are gathered together!
21Out in the world our Rome!
22God wants a group of people whose total
orientation to life is the Holy Spirit!
23Learning to Live byThe Nudge
- Recognize the Holy Spirits presence in your
life. - Be aware that the Holy Spirit is at work all
around you. - Get rid of your need to be noticed.
- Start each day with a prayer asking God to use
you. - Be sensitive to the Spirits nudge.
24Learning to Live byThe Nudge
- Step out in faith obedience as the Holy Spirit
nudges you. - Depend on the Holy Spirits power.
- Simply seek to be a blessing.
- Reflect on your experiences and their effect
learn from them. - Ask God to continue to lead you and use you again.
25Living by the Nudge
- Do you want to live this way?